You Can Start a War … Can You Stop It?

We are having some upsets in my house … But it’s all impermanent.

I have found if one stays totally centered, not letting confusion, sadness, or anger etc run the show it clears it out. Even if others insist on fighting, hurting, etc it is far better to ignore than to engage. I like to think of Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche seated on a throne above the crown of my head, blessing and protecting. And he appears as the Primordial Dharmakaya Guru Rinpoche, perfectly stable.

I also have always, since childhood, had a place in my heart I call my calm center. If I remain there, the undisturbed uncontrived state is like a soothing balm for a weary heart. When I was a child I practically lived there when there was trouble at home. And I’m still here!

It is always difficult to know why certain personality types prefer rage, hurtful behavior, vulgarity, etc as it brings no comfort or benefit and actually makes the mind more and more inflamed with bad qualities. In every religion or path it is taught that human kindness and respect are the right method. It is healthy for mind and body, and keeps us in a more joyful and reverent place; with right thought and right activity. So there really is no other choice if one is serious on the path. At some point one must take their activity and intention to task! And learn to look within to put our own house in order. Try to think of others first, be kind and giving, and happiness will follow.

Remember: you have the power to create war and conflict. Anyone does. The real issue is do you have the power to stop?

©Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

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