This evening Jetsunma tweeted the following:
“Goodnight sweethearts, sweet dreams. Rumors of my demise on twitter are greatly fabricated as are rumors of my own blog being on its way down.”
The “staff” here at Tibetan Buddhist Altar (TBA) wanted to reassure our audience that readership is up, growing by 10% last month with over 6,500 visits in January alone. Jetsunma is teaching nearly every day live, in real time, on twitter, and we post those teachings here on TBA the same day. We are also working to edit more than 20 years of archived teachings, and offering teachings from other Lineage Lamas. There are “new” teachings offered here daily!
We are grateful for the support of all our readers, and for all the comments and questions. It is Jetsunma’s wish that this blog become a virtual Dharma community where people around the world can be provided with the resources they need, whether they wish to practice Buddhism or are simply seeking practical advice on how to live a happier, more fulfilling life.
Jetsunma is available to all, openly, on twitter, almost every day. She offers her insights, guidance and sense of humor, as well as engages in friendly discussions with people from all walks of life. On January 9th Jetsunma had 3,863 followers, and today she has 4,552, and continues to seek connections with new friends around the world.
Those who do follow her on twitter may be aware that she, like many public figures, also encounters some opposition, but we wanted to share these “stats” to let readers know, as she tweeted, reports of her demise are indeed fabricated.
She took this opportunity to share the following advice:
“This is an opportunity to learn to focus on this point in the time and space grid. I totally recommend living in the particular “probability” your body is floating in. Rest well, wake up shining! Love to you all!”
It is our sincere wish that all these efforts bring some benefit to those that come to share these blessings.