I truly feel it is arrogant to change the Dharma to make up your own, or to say “this is what he meant.” The worst is “the Buddha never taught”.
So where does Buddhism come from? Ask those arhats that held his teachings perfectly in their minds. Shariputra, Ananda, etc then wrote the Buddhas teaching for all. Ananda had a particularly clear mind for perfect recall. His mind was pure, undefiled by ordinary existence.
As with Guru Padmasambava, also called the second emanation of Buddha, the teachings were preserved perfectly. Guru Padmasambava brought a host of peerless translators also realized and with excellent training to do the job. Tantras from India, Pali Cannon, and what was useful from Bon, Tibetan Shaman, was considered as well.
Then at the times Guru Padmasambava was with Yeshe Tsogyel and Mandarava both, Tantric Treasures were hidden for future times. They were hidden in a mystical way so that it was certain that the right Terton (revealer) would appear at the exact right time. Guru Padmasambava was able to predict the rebirth of every Terton, where they would be found. Some revelations were hidden in the sky, some hidden in water, some in rock, others in mountains, and some were passed to the Terton of the future directly in a vision!
Terton Migure Dorje was one such Terton. He died very young. Yet as a child he saw Guru Rinpoche dancing in the sky while giving the entire Nam Cho Terma Cycle which we now practice in Palyul. Among the heart students of Terton Migure Dorje were my predecessor, Genyenma Ahkon Lhamo and Palyul’s first Throneholder the great Vidyadhara Kunzang Sherab. All revelations from Nam Cho have been strictly passed down in Palyul from Guru to disciple in a Stainless unbroken chain, so no blessings were lost.
It is from the Nam Cho Cycle from Terton Migure Dorje that I will train to confer. If my predecessor was heart student of Terton Rinpoche, and my earlier predecessor was the Consort of Guru Padmasambava, then with training I feel it would be a gift if I could make that circle of blessing complete. I intend to do so, for the sake of sentient beings!
Oddly, my personal practice happens to be the Chime Tsok Dik which is the Tantra from the glorious accomplishment of Immortality, the rainbow body. That was Mandarava and Guru Padmasambava’s intimate practice. It was later revealed by His Holiness Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, who Himself practiced With his Consort (SangYum.) But it connects directly to the venerable practice of Guru Padmasambava and Lacham Mandarava! EMAHO! Oddly, decades ago I dreamed that I flew through the eyes of a baby Dudjom Rinpoche, and through His eyes I saw the cosmos, and space. It was there I knew I’d find freedom!
Lastly, my great gift was to receive the Empowerment for the practice two times from Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche who got it from His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche five times and from His Eminence Venerable Gyaltrul Rinpoche two times. See how it works, this karma, this cause and result? It all comes back home. Perfectly!
© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo