From a series of tweets:
So many Spiritual teachers today are deeply invested in being a teacher solely out of ego, are only giving and loving when adored.
How sad, like the blind leading the blind over a cliff. If a teacher puts someone down because the person will not follow- watch out.
There you have a demon in disguise, and locked into defending their own ego. What has such a teacher to offer? Nothing. Ego.
Yet we see this all the time. If a teacher has doubts about those that do not automatically fall under their spell they R as dust.
In fact, if a teacher is not completely impartial, where is their realization? Should I have less loving concern for one who will not follow?
That kind of teacher can be bought and paid for and are of absolutely no use. They sell Dharma for power + approval, are addicts themselves.
Wisdom and compassion cannot be bought, faked, created, rented, copied. Only when ego is destroyed is there progress.
Wisdom and compassion are naturally occurring when ego is pacified. Ego is a contrivance, and must be dismantled brick by brick.
Therefore if a teacher is flattering and pumping your ego up, they are buying it, and you. Like a slave you are sold into bondage.
As the ego is puffed up larger and larger, neurosis, fear, hatred greed and ignorance rise up and overcome. Spirit sickens, dies.
If some “teacher” is buying you with praise and flattery, it will certainly be taken back when you do not agree completely.
Likewise, if a teacher will reflect bad qualities back so they may be purified, is willing to go toe to toe, can then still LOVE,
You can comfortably and with confidence call that one GURU. If they have credentials and compassion, you are truly home.
If you were my own babe at breast, I would not tell you differently, and would always offer the milk of Bodhicitta!