The following post was submitted by Ani Yeshi Dolma, a student of Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:
We never know how profoundly we touch the lives of so many. Kunzang Palyul Choling (KPC) has many opportunities for people (and animals!) to connect with something spiritual deep within themselves. Seekers from all walks come to KPC whether it’s for meditation, seeing the Stupas, walking the trails in the Peace Park, using the energy powers of the crystals, or simply to sit and have tea among a group of folks focused on compassion and peace in our world. Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, Spiritual Director and founder of KPC purposely created a space with a 24 hour prayer vigil that still exists today for more than 27 years dedicated to bringing about the end of suffering.
One of the many activities at KPC involves the Stupa and Peace Park, home to more than 15 stupas, prayer wheels, gardens and crystals along windy and beautiful trails that connect each of the gardens in a metaphysical formation inspiring healing energy. All of this located in Montgomery County, Maryland minutes from the Potomac River.
On June 2nd of this year, Kat Johnson came out to the Stupa and Peace Park after many years of being away. She had visited KPC several years ago, prior to the winter storms of the last five or six years. Kat was devastated to see the condition of the park knowing how beautiful and pristine it had once been. On her visit in early June, she brought several friends along, meeting one of Jetsunma’s ordained, Ani Dolma, who was working on repairing one of the stupas in the park. They talked for several minutes, and Ani Dolma explained how the storms over the last several years had been really hard on the Peace Park, bringing down a lot of trees, blocking many of the trails, and vegetation overgrowth. It was hard to even see the entrance to the park. Heavy snows had been hard on the stupas as well. In short, the Stupa and Peace Park had become victim to the harshness of mother-nature, and while efforts had been made to reclaim trails, more people were needed in order to really bring back the pristine element of the park.

Kat promised Ani Dolma she wanted to come back with more people and help rebuild the park as she had remembered it, and what it had done for her. They exchanged contact information, and a friendship was formed. On June 30th, Kat and several of her friends came out, all members of the Mid-Atlantic Hiking Group, and helped reclaim what is endearingly referred to as the Green Garden. The trail had been completely taken over by vegetation, and it had become difficult to find the garden much less get to it. After six hours of digging, pulling, chopping and hauling the Green Garden was resurrected with a clear trail, and the garden was unearthed from mounds of vegetation. Approximately 20 feet of the trail leading to the garden had eroded and it was difficult to get down into the garden safely. Kat’s crew worked with Ani Dolma and a new trail, complete with steps was erected, all made from downed trees.

The color gardens correspond to five directions (North, South, East, West and Central), and the five purifications of the five poisons. The Green Garden is associated with the direction of North, and corresponds to All-Accomplishing wisdom, purifying the poison of jealousy. Each of the five color gardens has prayer flags, prayer wheels, a crystal and small stupa. The land itself, approximately 65 acres was over-farmed and was recovering well when harsh winters set us back.

Kat and her friends had such a great day in June; she decided to contact a friend of hers, who is a primary manager and coordinator for the Mid-Atlantic Hiking Group, Kellie Carlisle. Kellie is a certified wildlife hike leader, and first aid trained. She was inspired by Kat’s commentary of the stupa and peace park, and together the two of them have organized a group of 70 – 100 volunteers who are scheduled to come out to KPC on August 5th, and help clear trails, push back vegetation, and help revive the stupa and peace park. Ani Dolma will be on site, and is organizing a large BBQ for the evening, to show KPC’s appreciation to these two ladies, and all those who are coming out to help re-establish the KPC stupa and peace park. Stupa repairs will also be ongoing over the weekend, and throughout the remainder of the year.
We are grateful to Kat and Kellie, and their dedication to the KPC Stupa and Peace Park!