A New Wind

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo originally tweeted on April 21, 2011:

For the last two to three days I’ve felt a change in the wind. As some of you know I have taken time off to heal. In these last days I realize I have not worked so hard at it. But I’ve been reading about people who have had similar challenges and have broken through into better balance. And they seem happy and engaged. The stories of how their lives are remind me so much of my own, and their beginnings seem to be like mine. I feel very inspired by these courageous Tribal people, yet I also feel guilty, and disappointed in myself. I see that I have been waiting for something, someone to heal and re-inspire me, unconsciously. For this I am ashamed, for I myself have allowed my mind to fall into a disempowered state. The last three to four years have been devastating and I’ve let myself down by letting them take my confidence, courage, hope. I see that I have begun to feel that I cannot help others, have no strength to do so. I have allowed fear to rule my life. And I’ve been keeping this to myself, just waiting for the cure. How ridiculous! There is healing all around. But I did not reach for it, I just let others decide if I was worth anything or not. For some reason my mind is like a mirror, I absorb what others tell/show me about myself. When with my Lineage and teacher I feel good. But around gossip and hurt, negativity, being put down constantly by ordinary view – it just knocks me to the ground.

I have, as you know, also been greatly concerned with the condition of our Earth Mother, and the rampant poisoning of her precious body. So I call out night and day for her relief from suffering, and for all her children. But have not done one thing to help myself. Therefore I’ve let not only myself, but all creation down. I am deeply ashamed. I am working now to see what can be done for me.

Since my guru Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche found and recognized me, and well before, I saw how much people were suffering, mostly spiritually. So even as a teenager I tried to help others. And others were drawn naturally to come to me. After the recognition I understood why and took off with my feet already running. That was, sadly late in life, I was a mother, etc, so I could not just run off to India, although I did go to be taught, and many teachers have come to teach me Buddha Dharma. I never learned how to nurture myself. So when others knock me down I have a hard time getting back up. Maybe because of my ugly childhood, but I only blame myself.

I worry about others, and must help in my intended way. I am seeing that we are connected to Earth and it matters very much that we take care of ourselves and each other. We think the Japanese radiation is ruining Earth or maybe pollution, so many things are happening. But here is the truth: we live in and on the Earth, our Mother and the Earth also lives within us! As do the Sun, Moon, Stars, all elements! We live within each other, and are one human family. So how can Japan’s problems happen? War? Pollution? Because we feel separate from it all and each other. We even become separated from our own minds and hearts. A shame we were taught badly by teachers with nothing but ordinary view, but we have. Thus we must seek connection, wisdom and truth. I’m going to use what I have been given, and seek more. I must lead myself out of this sorrow, and keep on learning and growing. Oh, true, I’ve built the Temple, a bunch of powerful Stupas, taught a lot. But I’m not dead yet, so I cannot let fear rule. It is compassion, responsibility, connection I must go to, to pacify this hard time. How? I don’t know yet. But there is a change in the wind, I feel it, hear it, smell it and feel I can trust it. Come with me, we all need to learn, search, pray, and love. Because a new wind is coming. And I feel it. Kye HO!



Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Keeping the Earth Sacred

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Today is hot and so humid! Barnsville is in the DC area. Get used to sweat, friends. It rained all spring and now we sweat it back. Tomorrow a severe heatwave. I wanna go with my pack to the beach. Or a lake. I really like cool weather (even cold) best. I’ll have fun as the planet warms. May have to head north. Alaska? A cold refuge. Freezer?

All funny talk except that the planet is warming. And soon we’ll all sweat. The wild critters suffer most when “Mama-Earth” shifts. The wild ones have ancient habits coded in their DNA. That is hard to change. Humans have changed so fast we cannot catch our collective breath. We don’t even feel so connected to the earth anymore.

I love nature. More than I can say. I wish I could live in space. Wind. Water. Fire. And in the land of Tara. Too bad this is Barnesville. Of course, the Land of Tara is a Pureland. And cool places will sustain us longer. And we must take care of the wild creatures. We must do much better by the land, water, air, and fire places and keep them sacred. Maybe then, we will live. Do all you can, beloveds…


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Come Together – The Great Mother Needs Us!

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Good evening all. Many feel this is our last day on earth. Anyone packed yet? Once in Sedona Arizona a large group packed essentials and stood waiting in a grocery store parking all night with their leader. Oopsey! No pick up. Now the end of the world is tomorrow. The rapture! At last some action! Were the teabaggers “in the know?” Hmmm. See this is what happens when you leave the heavy spiritual lifting to regular people, ordinary in their spiritual view? Always listen to the elders. They are the only ones capable of understanding and interpreting ancient mystical teachings from ancient times. If you follow the “pretenders” you will get the wrong info every time. Even Christian pastors follow the Bible like a recipe book because they have no ancient ways to guide them, to interpret. I as many feel the Bible (read it three times) is metaphor. We then miss out on the beauty and wisdom. In Buddhism we have one life practitioners who say outright they are enlightened. Just follow their (insane) ways and drop the care and kindness. Then we won’t care if we are dead or alive, so long as they have power over our minds.

Elders of any long rooted Lineage know what the bottom line is. They live it. In Buddhism we go to the “Elder” Tulkus who do know from lifetimes of practice and learning plus teaching. And the blessings of their “Elders” in an unbroken line. The Hopi elders know. The Mayans know. The northwestern Tribal elders know. Indigenous people know, as they watch and care for the earth. Who tells you truth? Those that have wisdom or those that read? Rapture will not come tomorrow. Unless you are high. No, the earth suffers and dies bit by bit.

Those who try to have power through opinion do not know. And they convey that nobody needs to do anything to help. Cop out! It isn’t over. It is time to get off our lazy deluded butts and help. Get political. Pick up the damn garbage. Quit dumping sewage into our water. Get into Japan’s face and make them trade their pride for earth’s safety. Stop whaling, feed your ego to the hungry (they need. You don’t.)

America is fat mostly because we are gluttons who do not help sentient beings. Selfish. Gotta have all the bacon. Too bad, you don’t need it and half the world is hungry.

So- how do we wake ourselves up? Prepare for difficult times. Learn how to grow food. Learn to pray. And how to make offerings. Learn how to learn. Learn how to shelter. And please, most of all come together, stay away from divisive people. All faiths must join together to save, not destroy Mother Earth. The Great Mother needs us to wake up!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Stay Real

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hello all- I’ve been sick all day yesterday and today, that’s why I haven’t been on. Been rough, but I hope there is some good purpose. I always pray and ask that this illness result in health for all and Mother Earth. That this imbalance will provide balance for all. I hope so. Time is short, and we just don’t know.

Just ate the first food today. Tasted good, hope it stays that way! Still little energy. OK, done whining for now. OM MANI PEDME HUNG! I also think some solitude, a trip, some change would help. Shake the sillies out. Work out the bugs outta the system…. Right now, however I am needed here, stuff to do, projects going on. Later, and sooner than later would be fine.

Seems like many Speakers, Lamas, Gurus, Earth protectors, Shaman, etc are having difficult times, because we work to protect Mother Earth. And here is a hard cycle. We, Bodhisattvas, all must do all we can, including supporting the strength of each other, and all beings.

What is sad, is that even in these times when we so need each other- false dark minded “teachers” do not help with compassion. Yet they speak of accomplishment while spewing hate, gossip, arrogance, toward all. That is accomplishment? Buddhists are Sangha family.

If anything causes suffering it is innocents watching “teachers” wallow in mud and shit. This is what causes the downfall of Buddhism, USA. For our own purity we must avoid such types. They only lead to more downfall. As we are all taught, stay clear of samaya breakers. Stay real. If we cannot keep our vows and guard our purity, everyone gets hurt. We all suffer as we see. Japan lies and the world is at risk. For all. We must be less selfish, more ethical. More loving, less hateful. More spiritual, less material.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Happy Mother’s Day: Offering Prayers of Love and Healing

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Happy Mother’s day to all motherly sentient beings! Here in Barnesville it is a beautiful day for Moms to enjoy, and I’m also praying for Mother Earth, in my mind I wrap silken brocade around Her and hold Her deeply in my heart in love and healing. I wish I could gift Her with a planetary awakening to Her nature and Her preciousness! Perhaps the time is coming. Keep praying!

So Happy Mother’s Day to all!


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Live From the Heart

The following is extracted from a twitter conversation between Jetsunma and a young student:

Student: Precious Teacher, what do you think of micronationalism? http://tinyurl.com/3jhywnb

Jetsunma: To be completely honest, sounds like a bunch of white guys pushing things and their boundaries around again. And breaking stuff like reefs and shoals, wrong. We need more caretakers, not buyers of Earth.

Student: It’s a hobby of mine and one that I try to operate by using the dharma, and a political stand for the poor and environment.

Jetsunma: How so?

Student: I try to be compassionate to all there, and help all the people I know from it, especially those who have problems in their lives.

Jetsunma: You could do that anyway…do you have lots of resources? Do people already live there? If so and you would only “help” them if you are President or King it is an ego trip and you have no right to put others in your personal domain. That would be a baby dictator on a huge ego trip. Do your subjects pay taxes? Do you? This seems silly. Maybe build a virtual world you can control. Had to be honest.

Student: No, it’s nearly just me and another once in a while. No taxes, no money is spent and virtual worlds cost money to own – money I don’t have or can use.

Jetsunma: As long as you don’t inflate your ego or hurt anyone (you can’t buy a video game?) Then let your time be better spent. Plant a tree.

Student: I can’t buy the ones used to build virtual worlds, I’m 16. And, that sounds like a good project for us to do, yes. Thank you, Jetsunma, Precious Teacher.

Jetsunma: Didn’t realize you were a teen. OK I get it. You are feeling around for your world. OK. Better to cleanse and re-plant the world. Feed birds. Just help! You sound smart, look around and see what needs doing. Plant, pick up trash, pray for the earth. Help homeless animals, find no kill centers. Collect blankets and tarps for homeless. Cans of food for hungry. You have a good heart, you can do so much good if you don’t do “la-la land.” Get out of your head, live from the heart! Be a community angel. You know, a few nails and a hammer just might fix your neighbor’s fence. USA government does not take proper care of her people. You can help!

Student: Thank you, I will do exactly that! All that which you have said, I will work to do.

Jetsunma: Hugs and big smiles!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

The Red Road: Living in Harmony With the Earth

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hello to all! Have any of you noticed I talk about the movie Avatar sometimes? I’ve watched it in director’s cut (wow!) Prolly 15 times. This movie, about the planet and people of a fictional (?) Planet named Pandora. The people are “indigenous humanoids” called the “Na’vi” and are truly breathtaking in their appearance and their ways. Their planet is lush and green. Their water is pristine. Their culture is noble.

Their goddess is Eywa, “Great Mother.” They make ceremony to become non-dual with her at maturity. They depend on Her for all and since the planet is virginal and healthy She delivers. Our Earth must have been that healthy before we began living out of harmony with her. Hurting torturing and raping Her. Our Earth is quite ill. We hurt our Mother and her children mindlessly. How do we expect the Earth to provide?

The Na’vi people have a beautiful prayer at the time of hunting, and a human death. I can’t say it perfectly but it is like this, for hunt – I cry every time I hear it. “I see you, my brother and I thank you for your life. Now your body will feed and become part of the Na’vi. Your spirit will return to and be one with Eywa. Ah HO. During the feast the animal is cherished, and known. How achingly beautiful, please try to see this movie and take it to heart. It shows us what we do as disconnected humans and where we went off.

Hopi teach there are two paths, basically. One is the “White Path,” where we left and do not know our Mother. We build machines to chew her up. We rip her flesh. Then there is the “Red Path” which never leaves the “way of connection.” The people live in harmony with Mother Earth’s way. We do not dominate her, we listen to her wisdom and live in harmony. It may be too late, as She has been poisoned. We would have to grow up and evolve out of the “I’m number one” idea into “we are life and this is our only planet” idea. We’d have to “see” each other truly. When the Na’vi meet each other they say with a gesture of touching head and heart and saying “I see you.” And it means really see – who and what you are.

I’d give my life if only we could be natural again. Respect and love again. Heal our Mother. I’d give it in a “New York” minute. I am currently trying to restore steep land, clear cut. It is already registered as sanctuary, and I want to give the wild beings their space back. Restore the natural land to food and shelter. This is my deep prayer:


Mother Goddess Earth, holy mother Tara, grant the blessing that I may have help and strength to provide for your babies, and grant blessings that I may give this little broken place back to you, whole and healed. KYE HO!

Hear this cry and accept these tears from a Dakini who is your daughter, your servant and your lover. May you recover, and may those who see “The Way” join hands as one people. Let us pay it forward. Eh Ma Ho!


PS. Once I was led to Hopi land and found prophesy rock. Behind it climbing down, I saw a place of offerings. I made an offering, then found a perfect green valley, so lush in the desert. I saw light beings there. Working the Earth. Water. I never found it again, though I looked.

When I met with Hopi Elders, Grandfather David was still alive. I told the Grandfathers and Mothers what I’d found. Grandfather David said only people of pure intention could ever find these places. He then said “you are welcome to go to any place in Hopi land you wish.” Then a beautiful Grandmother jumped up and rattled as she spoke to me. “You must never abandon the Red Road!” With deep eyes and blazing heart. I see you, my Mother!

May I never disappoint you, and all beings!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Embracing the Living Mother Earth

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I really want to watch this uberemergency in Japan. I have to know, and truly feel we should pay attention! It is our planet, our Mother. We must hold her in our collective arms and hearts so she can heal. This is possible only if we all work together. Our Earth- her winds are our breath, her water our blood, her ground our skin, her mountains and rocks our bones – she is heart of our hearts, flesh of our flesh, the Mother, our protectoress, now she cries out for help and we must not let her come to harm. We are inseparable from her, she from us.

Human kind must learn this lesson at last- you simply cannot shit where you eat. Hear her call! Wake up! There is so little time.

Prayers recommended for Japan and the Earth:



Care for Your Mother Earth

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I hope we can all continue to pray for our planet, sorely needed. Earth is not just the dirt we walk, extract and build on. It lives, and is the only home we and other species have. To beat your Mother senseless and then expect her to get up and you’re your dinner- how would that work? Especially as it keeps happening. Eventually the Mother dies, or becomes too sick to function. We cannot allow that; the result is unthinkable. Love and pray for Earth. And go green!


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

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