The following is an account as told by an eye witness to the event:
Offering prostrations and praise to the Wisdom Dakini, may your life be long, and may all your aspirations for the benefit of beings be fulfilled!
This simple, but miraculous event occurred this very evening in the home of Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.
While Jetsunma was sitting in her kitchen, a stink bug began flying around the room. The weather was warmer today, so the stink bugs, once again, became active.
Jetsunma and her attendants watched the bug fly, waiting for it to land so it could be relocated outside. The bug kept flying in circles over the kitchen table where Jetsunma was sitting, and would not land.
Jetsunma looked up, also watching it fly, saying, “OM MANI PEDME HUNG!”. As Jetsunma spoke the mantra, the bug suddenly dropped out of the air, landing on her glasses. Jetsunma noted it was on her glasses, and said “OM MANI PEDME HUNG” again, at which time the bug dropped from her glasses to the floor under her foot. Jetsunma had lifted her foot and the bug was not harmed.
An attendant picked up the stink bug, and before taking it outside Jetsunma offered it one more blessing, “OM MANI PEDMA HUNG” and blew a blessing over it.
Filled with faith, this witness offered to share the story so others may know miracles happen every day around Jetsunma. This tiny creature fell at the feet of a Wisdom Dakini, as if to receive the blessing she offered. There is no doubt that in some future life, when this blessing ripens, this little being will become a Buddha