The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:
I had a wonderful audience with His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche. He indicated he wanted to continue the relationship Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche and I had. His instruction was to make KPC strong as it and the New York retreat center are Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s seats in USA. I made the commitment to do so. Further, he asked that I rest often and take care so I will live long for Palyul and all sentient beings. We had a few laughs about how Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche and I have the same love for helping animals, and both love parrots and dogs as I remember. His Holiness Penor Rinpoche loved the Garuda Aviary and the parrots.
I hope to have the opportunity to invite all here to KPC during the times when retreat center is closed. The idea is to help provide the objects of support and refuge for monks, nuns, and all practitioners who lose their steam during the rest of the year. KPC will work to do that. We are not wealthy and cannot (yet) offer support financially. Thinking to put up “yurts” for continuing retreat. We have, already a secure place for Tsa-Lung. Who wants to help? We need land cleared, yurts, financial support, help with everything-the folks, Bikshus and Bikshunis who do it all now are tired, can use relief. We have 27 fully empowered stupas. Five altars, including the sand Mandala made by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche during the Rinchen Terzod as well as a 24/7 around the clock prayer vigil for the benefit of all beings. I hope to benefit those who find it difficult to carry on without a spiritual home all year long. Come. Feast. Stay, or come and go. Palyul has a home all year for all.
It’s raining now, but I can see
That soon the sun will be with me.
It’s pouring now, but I can tell
That soon the bliss will come, as well.
That kiss of sunlight, a warming spell
Reminds me that when darkness fell
It seemed I’d lost you for a while
But then the gift- your blessing smile.
I knew that it would take some time
That soon the glory that is your Mind
Will come again, and in a while
You will come as a precious child.
Oh, lead me swiftly to that day
When I can close my eyes and pray
When I will know in that secret way
He has come! He is here! The great display!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Jetsunma provided the following advice for today in her tweets:
Good morning and happy Lha Bab Duchen! May your day be filled with prayers, virtue, and good fellowship. May all beings benefit!
Recite Om Mani Padme Hung for animals. Om Ah Hung Benzar Guru Pema Siddhi Hung is good to recite too. Om Vajrasattva Hung to purify.
This is an excellant day to set free creatures meant to be eaten or killed, like bait fish and worms. And for animal rescue.
Today is good for virtous and kindly activities. But do not bring any harm to others, esp today. Everything counts 10 million times.
And dedicate your efforts to the end of suffering for all sentient beings! And pray for those you know are suffering now.
Today is also perfect to remember HH Penor Rinpoche‘ many gifts to us! How amazing His life and accomplishments. We long to see Him again.
We also must pray to HH Karma Kuchen, and be mindful of his kindness. This young Throneholder has accepted a huge burden gladly. E MA HO!
He and the Heart Sons will kindly guide us and we are grateful. HHPR will surely return, and we are grateful and at peace. Dharma prevails!
For those who are in the office or otherwise unable to liberate creatures personally today, you can still generate the merit of saving lives by supporting one of these Rescue Programs:
For all those who can’t make it to a real Stupa today, we wanted to offer you the opportunity for a “virtual circumambulation.”
How to use a stupa
Aspirations with a stupa
“When you circumambulate a stupa , say fervent prayers in your heart and mind that you will be able to benefit beings and end their suffering and that in all future lifetimes you will be reborn in a form in which you can benefit beings so that they might achieve enlightenment and be free of suffering. “ Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo
Benefits of Visiting Stupas
Since stupas represent the Buddha, they are objects of refuge and pilgrimage.Traditionally, pilgrims prostrate, circumambulate and make offerings at Stupas for short-term goals such as longevity, prosperity, health and the success of an undertaking as well as for the ultimate goal of enlightenment.They are also used to make potent prayers for the sake of others in the world so that they may be free of suffering.
Walk clockwise around a stupa
Circumambulation is a very powerful practice, and the very root of practice is to circumambulate with strong devotion with an undistracted mind.”There are extensive teachings on the benefits of walking clockwise around a stupa , for example:“Circumambulating a stupa will have this result:you will be as pure as snow; you will be good, radiant, and wise; and you will lead a happy life.” Buddha Shakyamuni
How to use a stupa
Aspirations with a stupa
“When you circumambulate a stupa , say fervent prayers in your heart and mind that you will be able to benefit beings and end their suffering and that in all future lifetimes you will be reborn in a form in which you can benefit beings so that they might achieve enlightenment and be free of suffering. “ Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo
Benefits of Visiting Stupas
Since stupas represent the Buddha, they are objects of refuge and pilgrimage. Traditionally, pilgrims prostrate, circumambulate and make offerings at Stupas for short-term goals such as longevity, prosperity, health and the success of an undertaking as well as for the ultimate goal of enlightenment. They are also used to make potent prayers for the sake of others in the world so that they may be free of suffering.
Walk clockwise around a stupa
Circumambulation is a very powerful practice, and the very root of practice is to circumambulate with strong devotion with an undistracted mind.” There are extensive teachings on the benefits of walking clockwise around a stupa , for example: “Circumambulating a stupa will have this result: you will be as pure as sow:; you will be good, radiant, and wise; and you will lead a happy life” Buddha ShakyamuniHow to use a stupa
Aspirations with a stupa
“When you circumambulate a stupa , say fervent prayers in your heart and mind that you will be able to benefit beings and end their suffering and that in all future lifetimes you will be reborn in a form in which you can benefit beings so that they might achieve enlightenment and be free of suffering. “ Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo
Benefits of Visiting Stupas
Since stupas represent the Buddha, they are objects of refuge and pilgrimage. Traditionally, pilgrims prostrate, circumambulate and make offerings at Stupas for short-term goals such as longevity, prosperity, health and the success of an undertaking as well as for the ultimate goal of enlightenment. They are also used to make potent prayers for the sake of others in the world so that they may be free of suffering.
Walk clockwise around a stupa
Circumambulation is a very powerful practice, and the very root of practice is to circumambulate with strong devotion with an undistracted mind.” There are extensive teachings on the benefits of walking clockwise around a stupa , for example: “Circumambulating a stupa will have this result: you will be as pure as sow:; you will be good, radiant, and wise; and you will lead a happy life” Buddha Shakyamuni
His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche is coming to the Washington D.C. area tomorrow, October 12th. His Holiness is the 5th Karma Kuchen Rinpoche, recognized by His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche and Penor Rinpoche and enthroned as the 12th Throneholder of the Palyul Lineage. You can read more about this Precious Master here.
To see the schedule for his visit to Washington D.C. please click here.
To see the schedule for his world tour you can visit here.
MiraclesThere are accounts of many miracles that took place around the event of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s parinirvana (final release from suffering of someone who has achieved complete awakening). Here is an account of one of those miracles.
Flower Butter Lamps
The monks at Byalakuppe Monastery prepared butter lamps for the 49th day ceremonies after His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s parinirvana. The monks poured about 1000 butter lamps. Of those, 50 were set aside to be placed inside the Zangdokpelri. All of the butter lamps were left overnight to set. Once set, a butterlamp has a flat surface, but when the monks returned the following morning, they foundseven that looked like lotus flowers. Here are some images taken by Paljor, an eyewitness, with his cellphone:
7 Miraculous butterlamps--butter set in the form of lotuses