Have You Accomplished?

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

It always boggles my mind when some people spend their time putting others down, even if they themselves have accomplished so little. Getting a job, contributing, etc. Could it be these folks are wounded people who basically live off others like vampires?

Before one calls themselved Buddha they should do their own practice and pay their own bills, root out their own poisons. To claim perfection while being cruel and harassing others shows who you really are. And it is not an enlightened being. You don’t get there by wearing pants!

Silly Rabbits! Tricks are for kids.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo All Rights Reserved

Rest and Retreat

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Good afternoon/evening twitterverse! Sending love and prayers that all are well. I’ve had a good day. It is really peaceful and lovely here.

All is well, and I’m enjoying retreat. Can’t argue with “R+R” – rest and retreat. I’m feeling creative and inspired as I have more down time.

I myself haven’t been “live” on twitter much, it’s about healing and retreat right now. I have been thinking of teachings to have my Ani send, and I hope you are enjoying what’s been rolling down the pike. You are the inspiration for our unearthing older photos, archival teaching and other great stuff to share. I’m enjoying the memories and hope you do too.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo All Rights Reserved

Wish Fulfilling Jewels

A slideshow and montage of the internal and external images of Kunzang Palyul Cholings many stupas. Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo has invited several stupa building lamas to build and consecrate stupas on the properties of KPC. The music featured is also the work of Jetsunma. This is a student produced collection offered for the long life and strong health of Jetsunma, all pure lamas and all those who watch this video. May all beings achieve freedom from delusion and suffering!

With Compassion, All is Possible

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hello to all from my safe and secret place. It is lovely here and I an doing very well. So many of my friends and students are praying for my well being so kindly, and I am so very grateful for this. I don’t know what I’d do without you and my family. I know who my friends are.

If there is any sense to come from this crazy situation it is this. I’m loved. Never quite knew that, or even could. Thank you, I am humbled and transformed by you. And I pray for the chance to pay it forward again and again. Every life, every time. I love you.

And finally, I can accept  your love as well. If there is some situation in your life where you have no choice other than to accept love, take it and pay it forward.

Without that there is no world worth being in. And with compassion, all is possible.


© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo All Rights Reserved

Gonpo Ma-Ning (Mahakala)

The following is from the Profound Oral Transmission Lineage of Nam Cho Mind Treasure:

Hung: Glorious Mahakala, black in color,

Wearing a black silk cloak and appearing awesomely powerful,

With one face and two hands, the right hand holds

A spear with a flag and the left hand a lasso made of hearts.

Around his waist is the golden belt supporting an inserted bing (Mahakala’s staff)

On his feat he wears blue boots.

Standing upon a lotus and sun seat,

To his right is Sog Dud, black in color.

Riding a black horse and holding a bow and arrow fully drawn.

To his left is Pal Bar, red in color,

Holding a sword and a bag of sickness.

They are surrounded by the eight classes of gods and spirits of phenomenal existence.

Come to this place and partake of this offering torma of samaya substances.

Through your miraculous activities accomplish whatever is requested.


The Challenge of a Compassionate Life

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

This is not a time of celebration for me or mine. But it is a time of faith and prayer.
Since my stalker has been released he has resumed hate campaign against me. I’m sorry, beloveds, I may have to go further undercover. Please stay with me in case I can return. I continue to be law abiding and still rely on compassion.

So far it hasn’t done any good. Justice Titus still has not understood the case for protecting women’s rights. I feel women’s rights groups should step up and speak out against such injustice, because it will very soon affect us all as well.

So I pray there will be some activists to speak out about this. Occupy DC, OWS, Women’s Rights, I’ve helped you. Help me now, women need you. And we are exactly half of the world. We matter. Especially when we work to make this world better for us all.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Merit and the Blessings of Lineage

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Here amongst friends, my Palyul family in peace, I smell delicious cooking, my hosts are so kind! Even before dinner I feel full with love.

Having always fed and housed wildlife, homeless, poor, taken in the sick and infirm, I think there must be a karmic connection with these events in my life. But what I know for sure is the strength and blessing of Palyul. I’ve always been loyal to my Lineage and they to me.
Yep, that is merit and karma in a nutshell. You earn it, and you pay it forward, with joy!

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo All Rights Reserved

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