Choosing Your Guide

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Buddhism doesn’t need you, you need Buddhism. Lama doesn’t need you, you need Lama. There are many more students than teachers.

To climb Mt. Everest one needs a Sherpa (guide) to show the way. A map or book is useless. You can only trust a guide who has gone before.

If you have a dental cavity, you need a professional dentist: trained, credentials from school, with many patients and experience, not a mechanic with pliers.

If you are hungry and don’t know how to cook a book helps. But an educated cook will show you how to use it. It will be edible!

OK, so you have a blown tire, and all the tools. Jack, lug wrench, etc- but no one has ever taught you how. You still aren’t going anywhere.

Is your TV broke? Don’t leave it to a plumber to fix. The plumber may electrocute himself and your TV will look like shit.

If a child needs to blow his nose it won’t be the tissue that teaches. It will be the parent.

How many ways can I say this?

If you are getting fit, walking works. But the real deal is weights, resistance, warm up cool down, flexibility and you need to train with an accomplished trainer. (Clue – check their bodies). A couch potato simply won’t do.

Whatever your goal, make sure you don’t choose a slacker with an ego. Choose a teacher with a track record and credentials.

Spiritually, choose a Lineage and stay strong. Don’t dabble. Or quibble. For truth don’t choose a liar or cheat. Learn from their past and from your own mistakes. Gather merit, love yourself enough to do this right!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved



How to Handle the Negative

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I read a report that people naturally negative, hateful, and generally have no regard for others, often attract others of like mind. Then the haters begin to hate each other. Petty war ensues, and the groups split, hate grows. Eventually these folks, in sociopathic resonance feed each other’s hate, then all take turns hating and insulting each other. Once in a while someone wakes up and escapes it. Most not. And it is a shame.

Sure we all have some negativity and moody days. The proper practitioner will clean it up and move on. Maybe perform good works and balance the scales again. Others spiral down so quickly it is mind-boggling.

I saw a woman who outwardly seems all saintly who, when called on some crazy gobbledygook teaching went hateful, rabid, incredibly insulting. Never disagree with someone like that. The fangs and talons emerge: suddenly your beating heart is consumed. Chewed up and spit out. Kinda hard on a tender heart. Hard to watch. But bearable if you consider the source and totally ignore them.

You can learn to get by. I do. When someone tells me what’s going on with gossips or disrespect or hate…I just say, “Honey, talk to the hand. Or take it to the judge.” Either way. kindness is the way!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


The Meaning of Lineage Empowerment: Full Length Video Teaching

The following is a full length video teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:


Empowerment comes directly from the stainless compassion of Guru Rinpoche himself. Allow yourself to be changed and ripened by this gift of compassion.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

A Strong and Precious Refuge

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

My visit with His Eminence Mugsang Rinpoche is over now. I feel such love for him. We talked about KPC and long range plans and programs.

I’ve dedicated my intention to accomplishing Empowerments, hopefully in English. I hope to become most proficient in Palyul ritual and Sadhana and look forward to the excellent Lamas and tutors lined up. KPC will grow strong and be a precious refuge for all beings.

Now His Eminence Mugsang Rinpoche goes back to California and His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche is in India. Monlam is soon. They are Pure Throneholders, EH MA HO! So Precious!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Understanding Offerings

The following is a full length video teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo offered at Kunzang Palyul Choling:


Taught on Lha Bab Duchen in 1989, this teaching explains how the practice of offering helps purify our desire and grasping. It also, if done purely, can move us toward the state of pure enlightenment.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

What is Buddhahood?

The following is a full length video teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo offered at Kunzang Palyul Choling:


In the path of Dharma, we are guided to the ultimate state of Budhahood. Along the way, we pacify poisons, develop compassion, and gradually ascend the bhumis as Bodhisattvas, cultimating in supreme Buddhahood. Jetsunma explores what that looks like along the way.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Transform Neurosis Into True Guru Yoga: Full Length Video Teaching

The following is a full length video teaching from Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo offered at Kunzang Palyul Choling:


How does this relationship with a Guru work? Do you give over l thought? Of course not. Jetsunma explores how our habits get in the way of an honest relationship. Then she helps us see how to change that so we are moving toward enlightenment.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Every Time

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo: 

It is really not healthy to get so upset constantly. Not for body and not for mind. If one has some practice or Dharma teaching, these can easily be overcome in one’s meditation. 

The trick is to actually apply what one knows, rather than react like a child in a snowball game. I feel a good sign of adulthood is to cope well, and take responsibility for one’s actions. To assume one has a part in the drama. In fact, our dramas always begin and end with our own habitual tendencies. One cannot blame the environment, it is all within. Every bit of phenomena’s display actually occurs within. 

For instance the FBI lost the case in which I am victim. So what. I’ll keep me and mine safe, somehow. I’ll deal. It is samsara, and we must bear it. So I deal, no? And what (or who) doesn’t kill me will make me strong. 

Anyone who has born a heavy burdon will attest to that. You grow up. You bear it. And you become strong. This is an opportunity for me I must accept. I will. My heart is big and my shoulders very strong. I’ll just do what it takes. Every time.


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