The following is a video of comments made by Ven. Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche during his visit to Kunzang Palyul Choling. You can tune into a live webcast of his teaching this evening here:
A sacred space for everyone
The following is a video of comments made by Ven. Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche during his visit to Kunzang Palyul Choling. You can tune into a live webcast of his teaching this evening here:
The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:
Eyes gaze, mind clear, nothing is seen.
He is beautiful, the Guru.
In the space between molecules non existent he appears,
I feel Him.
His regal stance, His tenderness, the gentle King of all Dharma,
The second one comes in image – again to my heart,
Oh Beloved, your face
Is the nectar I crave and cannot forget, the blessing I crave and hold.
If I cannot see you everywhere I will not see at all.
Yours are the eyes I gaze into, the sea in which I swim,
Never abandon any of your followers!
I offer body speach and mind
To touch the honey, sweetness only possessed by you.
I am yours life after life,
You who are the silence and ecstasy,
I follow you always, my heart..
Cosmic Lover, I am yours.
I will follow you and practice.
Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo. All rights reserved
The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo called “Antidoting the Mantra of Samsara”
According to the Buddha’s teachings, that goal isn’t very far away. It doesn’t even have to be created. One doesn’t create enlightenment you see. Enlightenment cannot be created. The natural state cannot be brought closer or created or uncreated. It simply is not within the realm of that kind of activity. What must happen is we must purify or apply the antidote to certain conditioned responses that we are chronically and continually engaging in in order to develop a kind of spaciousness within our perception or our view, a kind of spaciousness within our mind by which we can truly awaken to the primordial wisdom nature. So what has to be done is very deep.
Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo. All rights reserved
The following post was contributed by Ani Kunzang Drolma:
Recognizing the Miraculous
Designed by the Buddha himself, Stupas are a display of enlightened mind in the world. Because of this they provide an opportunity for all beings to receive blessings by making offerings, circumambulating and taking care of them. These blessings occur whether we understand the nature of a Stupa or not; the seed of Buddahood or enlightened mind exists in all sentient beings and can be ripened by these blessings. It is like a call and response on an invisible, subtle level that can happen spontaneously without the process of ordinary, rational, thinking. A person who is not a Buddhist, perhaps not having any faith, may feel compelled to prostrate to a Stupa without comprehending why and may even be surprised at their own actions. This is the miraculous nature of Bodhicitta, the compassionate wisdom nature of enlightened mind. In whatever shape or form it exists in the world – as a Stupa or as an enlightened pure Teacher – it constantly communicates with each of us, with that very same nature that exists within.
Recently at the Migyur Dorje Stupa in MD, which is currently being cleaned and repaired, a turtle walked up to the Stupa and laid a clutch of eggs right in front. Normally a turtle would not go to an open public space to lay her eggs, but this turtle was responding to the presence of the extraordinary, the Stupa, and making an offering. This occurred while Jetsunma was engaged in prayer in her home on the Temple land. At about the same time the stillness of the air was transformed by a rising wind, as if the elements too were acknowledging the presence of the sacred.
Some days later, cleaning and other upkeep was being undertaken at Jetsunma’s Long Life Stupa. A circular rainbow appeared around the Stupa, which could be seen from every angle. Those present knew they were witnessing the miraculous, and responded with devotion and joy.
In his extraordinary and lyrical book, “Magic Dance, The Display of the Self-Nature of the Five Wisdom Dakinis”, HE Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, who sadly recently passed from this world, speaks about miracles in the chapter on Personal and General Phenomena. Contemplating it helps unravel the confusion about miracles and the presence of enlightened mind in our world.
He says, “Until we become enlightened, personal and general phenomena communicate with each other. Because of this communication it is possible for the personal spiritual qualities of enlightened beings to become conspicuous through their history and to remain like echoes in the general spiritual system even though the source of their pure self-visible phenomena is invisible to us until enlightenment. For individuals as well as for groups, when the contributing circumstance, the sublime history of enlightened beings, joins with the root circumstance, our secrete essence enlightenment seed, the seed can awaken and grow. By the joining of these two circumstances, our spiritual qualities increase.
When we remember great sublime beings such as Milarepa, Jesus, Buddha Shakyamuni, and Padmasambhava, we think they performed miracles intentionally. Of course, it is good to feel this way because by trying to connect with their pure secret essence we accumulate merit. But the perception of this intention is only our general group phenomena agreement. Actually these miracles only appeared when sublime beings used the pure undivided secret essence of the elements, which exists from the beginning, in order to make truth conspicuous……The gross and subtle elements are always connected to their secret essence. People who saw Jesus walking on the water had a good karmic link with him, because with their gross and subtle elements’ phenomena, they could connect to the pure secret essence of what they perceived as a miracle.”
Pure enlightened mind is ever-present, whether we recognize it with our ordinary minds or not. As Rinpoche says, “the primordial secret essence of the elements, which is never divided, always vast, inseparable pervading everywhere.” Miracles occur when, through the kindness of a pure Teacher, we glimpse the blessings of the primordial secret essence and know it to be extraordinary. This encourages us to increase our faith and devotion towards that which is truly holy. As we acknowledge and pay homage to the extraordinary nature of this essence in the form it has appeared in our lives – through our Teacher or Stupa or sacred statue – we move towards a state of recognition and the awakened state of enlightened mind, or Bodhicitta.
There is a beautiful prayer we say, to invoke the qualities of Bodhicitta:
“May all beings know happiness and the causes of happiness,
May they be free from suffering and the causes of suffering,
May they never be separated from the sacred happiness which is sorrowless,
And free from the knots of hope and fear may they believe in the equanimity of all that lives”
Recognizing miraculous events reminds us that we are never separate from that sacred happiness. It is through our devotion and the immeasurable kindness of our Teacher that such opportunities arise. It is helpful to contemplate and rejoice in this so that we can better discriminate that which is sacred, and deepen in our recognition.
The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:
As you know KPC held a fabulous Web-A-Thon in Sedona for the Palyul Stupa and it was a great success, we have money for the Stupa land. And we’re still going. Sedona wants the Stupa kept as well and has helped us a lot. The value of the Stupa is becoming familiar to all. Really, something so precious yet exotic in this land is something special! Like a wish fulfilling gem it heals all.
When a Stupa is present the power is enormous and benefits all who do pilgrimage there. Please do visit!
Also we are steadily working on the Migyur Dorje Stupa to do cosmetic repair. We hope you will also do pilgrimage here. They are powerful and enormous!
On temple grounds we also have an Enlightenment Stupa for all to make progress on our path. Blessings for all.
Bring the sick, the needy and they will be blessed. Just get here! Even my doggie Rickey is getting better! There was no hope and here he is!
Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo. All rights reserved
We received the following in an email from the Caretakers of the Sedona Stupa and wanted to share the great news:
People coming forth
Last night was perfectly exemplified up by a woman we had never met before. She showed up in the morning to help hang the art. She was part of a team of four people who came to help. In a record-breaking 2 hours these pros hung 60 plus pieces of art—beautifully. The space looked stunning!
Then this gal comes back to the art auction, stays to the end, buys some art and says: “Thank you for taking such good care of our Stupa.” Turns out she visits the Stupa frequently and depends on it as a spiritual resource. This has become typical… people owning the Stupa!
We have shifted the conversation here from a financial problem the Buddhists are having to the Amitabha Stupa as a Sedona treasure that must be saved and we all want it to stay intact and available.
So here is how the evening came together and who made it happen:
The owner of Rene Restaurant in Tlaquepaque, Deborah Leatherwood, sponsored all the delicious food and wine, stayed through the event and loved it. Thank you Sam for introducing us to her 3 months ago!
Owner of Tlaquepaque gave us the ballroom free. Thank you Wendy Lippman!
65 artists, many well-known and many emerging artists donated every piece. And happily. Some even called up when they heard about the event and asked if they could still donate!
Linen company donated. There was a lot of linen! Wine distributers donated all the wine. Tara sang on the adjacent terrace and wowed people.
We had close to 100 people show up on a Sunday night, paying $30 and having a great time bidding on the art. It was a terrific community gathering.
Mayor Rob Adams and his wife were there. His wife Christie said that they don’t go out all that much unless it’s an event related to city business… but they wanted to support us and the Stupa.
Please, please get inspired to help make the webathon a huge success. Many of you have been to the Amitabah Stupa! You know how magnificent and powerful it is.
Jetsunma is extraordinary how she has so skillfully given us these hugely merit-generating projects. Last night every person who came made a connection to the Dharma. Their karmic fabric changed forever, their trajectory towards awakening now lined up.
That’s what’s going on and that’s the news for Sedona!
Let’s rock the webathon!! E Ma Ho and may all beings make a connection to the Amitabha Stupa.
The Sedona Amitabha Stupa and Peace Park caretakers
The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:
We don’t know what karmic causes make our current results. How difficult! Think, then, in full equations, apply general cures. Please be strong enough to accept responsibility for hurt you’ve caused and make restitution. It is weakness that prevents it.
Again, please join us in repairing the Stupas for all the benefit they bring! It is a rich experience to take advantage of, KPC and the Palyul Stupas!
And we need gardeners and help clearing land. Any offering helps.
Please bring canned goods and food you haven’t used. A day ago a nice lady came by and wiped us out to feed old folks. So we must set limits and ask that the actual people come in. The Temple itself is nourishing. Please be fair, and do share with all.
Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo All rights reserved.
The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:
I’m pleased to say we have dry and canned goods at KPC for locals that need it. All can take for their families and selves and give what they can. You need not go hungry or eat fast food. We do have dry beans etc with recipies on the bag. It’s not hard, I wish we could give more but law goes against spoilable foods. Ideas anyone? You needn’t be Buddhist, just hungry. Ordained first s best. Their ability to make money is limited. Come’n’ get it!
Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo All rights reserved.
The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:
Beautiful flowers are going in at the Stupa and other places. Hurrah, I love it!
I’m finding some strategy to move forward after being stalked for four years. Instead of feeling constant pain I’m diving into KPC and Palyul. Work. The trick is to move forward no matter what. No time to fear or react. If we are accomplishing we are happy. Even practice is better if one is useful and making a difference in the world. I need that wind in my sails! I can’t do dead calm. The Stupa work saves us all.
We are learning even more about Stupas. For instance, once fully consecrated, it is considered perfect, up and running. One must never open the holy Stupa again. All flaws are then cosmetic and if deeply damaged it may be wrapped or “boxed” and is still completely potent.
I saw that same thing in Nepal; a fragrant syrup would come out sometimes. That was considered a miraculous sign. It smells like pie. We have that, it usually runs twice a year. Amazing. So we re-pair and it runs again. This occurs in our Peace Park, it is not sour, but Pure and sweet. I pray you will make pilgrimage and /or come and help! For the sake of the planet and all sentient beings (that is all f us, actually).
We’d love to see you at the Palyul Stupas, and will soon sponsor an animal/pet blessing, With treats and love.
Come soon, anytime. See you then.
Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo All rights reserved.
The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:
I made it to the Stupa today, difficult for me, and was happy to see repair continues. Joy to my heart! Weeding and gardening too. Gratitude.
It’s hard to express how important the Stupa is. So many blessings, opportunity to gather merit, a righteous life.
We need clearing too. All invited to come help, please, help is needed. We are aging fast here, and some are too old to do outdoor labor. But there are buyers needed to gather supplies, painters, mowers, etc. Who wants to change their life doing good works? It works when you work it.
I went to the aviary too. Such joy watching macaws and other wild beauties fly! Riggs gives them a good life. We always need help there too.
Now my back feels pretty sore.
I kinda hoped I’d see workers there to thank them. Maybe next time. Maybe I’ll bring pizza and fruit and nuts next time. I always bring offerings. And happily.
I love you all but especially those who help others. Don’t forget the Occupy folks and the homeless. The system is hurting us all.
Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo. All rights reserved