The sky, deep and clear
Remind me of Your mind.
This great tree, having born much fruit
Remind me of Your life.
The water flowing through the land
The stream of benefit You brought.
My thoughts always return to You.
From the habit of so many lives
At Your feet. And Your eyes
Enchant me, as always, seen in memory.
I will always know You, and You me.
Only space between us. Only time.
Still I drink from Your deep well.
Nourished by Your great kindness.
And await the blessing of Your holy face.
Await the sound of Your holy steps.
The wonder of Your precious voice.
Oh, Beloved, Great Warrior, King of Light.
Return to me, to all who yearn for You!
Though You bless us still- return!
You are the beat of my heart, my joy!
You, my strength, my Guide, my source-
Led by example, I will benefit beings.
Following You, I will practice.
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