It seems really hard to believe this year is nearly over. Is impermanence moving faster these days? Must be. My pack and I are aging.
It is so strange. Of course we all know about impermanence intellectually but “getting it” is different. We see ourselves and others changing, but somehow remain convinced we and all else remain stable. Once my mother looked in the mirror and said “how did this happen to me?”
It is unfortunate that we have been protected from the reality of death. It is real, and part of life. Lord Buddha taught about the three human sufferings – old age, sickness and death. I’m at two out of three-LOL! No one escapes these things – which is why I keep harping on preparation for death.
What you do with your life should always go with an eye on our next rebirth. Great Lamas often leave amazing signs as to how to find their next incarnation. When His Holiness the Dalai Lama muses that he might be female next time LISTEN to him, he is a Living Buddha, Himself preparing.
Given this, it behooves us ordinary folk to make a MIGHTY effort. Before death, a Vajrayana Practioner should recite a BUM, or a MILLION recitations of Buddha Amitaba’s mantra OM AH MI DEWA HRI. I have aspired to recite the Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche. I am bumping up on my million.
His Eminence Gyaltrul Rinpoche told me way back; when I got past 300,000 recitations I should come for the most profound essence of the prayer and Guru Yoga. I did.
The teaching was not long, but Rinpoche leaned in close and deeply with his eyes and told me absolute VIEW. What IS and is empty – the Guru’s face. To me it was a teaching not of words alone. It was a subtle but POWERFUL teaching by indication. But I “got” it and was satisfied.
That night he put me in HIS bed, and HE slept in the top altar room. I felt held by Guru Rinpoche once more. I know I never walk alone. Such a gift!
Different schools of Buddhism in Vajrayana have different emphasis and sometimes method. All are good. Some say one should emphasize accumulating the three Roots of accomplishment. The three roots are Lama, Yiddam, and Dakini.
In some methods it’s step by step. His Holiness Kyabje Penor Rinpoche taught like that, step by step. He said if one dives into Dzogchen without preliminaries it is like throwing a seed on stone. The mind is too hard and the precious seed cannot grow.
It is, if one has practiced well and deeply, TOTALLY evident when a pretender speaks intellectually about Dzogchen from a superficial understanding. It is the experience that is the juice inside the hard shell of the coconut. No intellectual teachings or understanding will suffice. So when Lamas give Dzogchen to new students or those of lesser qualities it is harmful. Those students may think they know but they do NOT know.
In the movie “AVATAR” the Mother Shaman says “It is hard to fill a cup that is already full”. And so it is with Dharma. To practice Dharma well and properly, to prepare for rebirth, one must empty the cup of EGO. Especially pride, and then it is possible to drink the Nectar; and be fully satisfied, ready to go to Amitaba’s pureland; or Padmasambava’s Copper Mountain; this is according to Qualities and Accomplishment, and FAITH. I would not recommend entering the Bardo without the Shield of Faith.