Astrology for 3/1/2023

3/1/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Promise

With Venus and Jupiter almost exactly conjunct, and shining even brighter when paired together in the heavens, you can feel more optimistic about humanity and the world today in spite of all the challenges and suffering. To seek beneficial change for yourself and all beings requires setting an intention to be of benefit. Venus and Jupiter embody beneficial change shining a light in even the darkest of places. The Sun and Moon are both in water signs encouraging us to connect with our hearts rather than our head.

You can say that space is totally empty but what space is really like leaves words behind.~Tilopa

Astrology for 2/28/2023

2/28/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Blessings in unexpected places

There’s an interesting conjunction between Venus and Jupiter, and the asteroids Vesta and Chiron right now. Jupiter and Venus alone are the two planets most likely to bring forward merit and therefore some good fortune. With both planets in Aries, there is a direct experience of both receiving benefit and learning how to deliver benefit to others. The nearby asteroids add a nuanced energy that delivers both healing from a past event, and a certain degree of self-reliance that can set you free.

I don’t think people can start too early to understand that we’re all very interconnected and our suffering is shared by so many others.~Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

The Moon is void of course between 8.07pm and 9.40pm today so take a rain check during this time. Don’t sign contracts or start anything new.

Astrology 2/27/2023

2/27/2023 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Energy to spare

With the Moon conjunct Mars today you have more energy today – and enthusiasm – but avoid pushing your way through people or situations. You are more prone to be reactive while this transit occurs. Today, a strong past memory surfaces that can provide a point of healing for you. With the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Gemini you can go with the flow more in dealing with challenges. In other words you can move around situations rather than facing situations head on.

We need many tools in our meditation toolbox to skilfully manoeuvre the sometimes treacherous waters of life.~Erik Jensen

Astrology for 2/26/2023

2/26/2023 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Shallow but Deep

The Moon enters chatty, sometimes superficial Gemini in the middle of the day. Yet it is trining Pluto at this time which indicates a desire for depth. The next few days is generally a time to be lighthearted and even pull pranks, but especially in the middle of the day, our emotions are more intense than usual. We should deal with our feelings, but avoid obsessiveness. The part of fortune indicates a sudden, beneficial change in our lives in the mid morning.

Shove me in the shallow waters before I get too deep. ~ Edie Brickell

The Moon is void of course from 9:44 am until 10:49 am EST. Do not make any big decisions at this time.

Astrology for 2/25/2023

2/25/2023 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Impulsive

Peaking at mid morning, the Moon unites with Uranus. This gives us impetus to act rashly and for our moods to change rapidly. Can we step back and not do anything that we will regret later? This is not the time to work on any project that requires patience. But in the evening our emotions will stabilize. All the planets, the Sun and Moon are within about 150 degrees of the 360 degrees possible. The focal point of this energy concentration is Venus in Aries and Neptune in Pisces. Practice love and compassion courageously now.

Hate is easy… Love takes courage. ~ Unknown

Astrology for 2/24/2023

2/24/2023 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Nurturing

The astroid Ceres is in a powerful position, exactly opposite Venus, and at the apex of a yod with the Sun and the Moon. There is some stress between romance and nurturing for the next 3 days. Do we have enough compassion? The harmony especially in the middle of the day between the Sun and Moon means that we have inner peace. We are able to balance the needs of ourselves and others, and accomplish our goals with less stress than usual.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. ~ H H the Dalai Lama

The Moon is void of course today from 2:23 am until 3:30 am EST. Do not make any major decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 2/23/2024

2/23/2024 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: The arc of the Moon

The new Moon gives you more energy and optimism and enables you to re-commit to your goals and set intentions. The Moon, now in its waxing crescent phase, enables you to work on the necessary steps to realize your goals. Today the Moon is close to the asteroid Juno highlighting close partnerships and intimate relationships. Wherever Juno is placed the challenge is to rejoice in the good fortune of those closest to you and cherish them without clinging.

Without trying to create or to stop anything, -just let go and relax. That is meditation. There is no clearer explanation.~Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche

Astrology for 2/22/2023

2/22/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo and Jampal

Theme: Being Direct

With the Moon, Jupiter and Venus in Aries there is freedom in being direct and transparent. Your communication style is more focused. Aries energy engages the ego more directly than other signs so analyze the level of self-interest involved in any actions you take. You can spend time being more self-contained today and drawing inspiration from nurturing spaces. You are also more connected today to a spirit of generosity and able to give back.

Until you dig a hole, you plant a tree, you water it and make it survive, you haven’t done a thing. You are just talking.~Wangari Maathai

Astrology for 2/21/2023

2/21/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Avoidance or not?

As the Moon approaches Neptune you will feel a strong impulse to connect with more subtle energies. It’s a good time to practice meditation and be in a harmonious environment that helps you recognize you are part of a bigger universe. You may also want to avoid your personal suffering by retreating into habits that take you away from difficulties. With Mercury square Uranus communications are unpredictable today.

Every moment of your life provides an opportunity to practice, no matter where you are, or what is happening … let the whole world and all that you encounter within it become the training ground for your mind.~Chamtrul Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course between 11:06pm and 12:14am the next day. Avoid starting new projects. Spend this time in contemplation and reflection.

Astrology for 2/20/2023

2/20/2023 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Immersion

With the Sun and Moon in Pisces you can sink into the feeling realm – but don’t over sink! You can also float on the tides of emotions and still retain a degree of composure. You can tap more easily into feelings of compassion but feelings of overwhelming suffering can cause you to escape from these feelings. What will it be? At the end of the day if you harness your feelings for the goal of being of benefit to others good outcomes will occur.

Free from desire, you realize the mystery. Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.~Lao Tzu

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