Astrology for 6/7/2023

6/7/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Balancing intensity

The Moon moves into Aquarius today bringing a more dispassionate, observational quality to your experiences today. And yet, with the Moon conjunct Pluto, you have another reminder to work at feeling connected with your heart and feelings so that you are not compelled by unconscious wishes. Honorable friends are helpful in guiding you at this time. If someone is combative use non-oppositional and skillful methods to step around them.

At first, turn away from non-virtue, In the middle, dispel misconceptions of self, Finally, go beyond all philosophical views— One who understands this is wise indeed.~Aryadeva

The Moon is Void of Course today until 4:42am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 6/6/2023

6/6/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Helping hands

With Venus opposite Pluto square the nodes, thus forming a Grand Cross, Venus is the ice-breaker providing help in a challenging environment. Helping hands in the form of friends and acquaintances buoy you. Another way of seeing this aspect is that you are being impelled to reach deeply into your inner psyche to seek beneficial change. The Moon is in good aspect to the Mercury/Uranus conjunction signaling more latitude in problem solving especially in relation to your daily routine.

If you can see, look. If you can look, observe.~José Saramago

Astrology for 6/5/2023

6/5/2023 Monday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Transforming relationship patterns

With Venus directly opposite Pluto today and square the North Node you can delve into experiences of relationship loss and turn it into a touchstone for transformation. Relationships take many forms and there are pivotal relationships that are lost to death or other circumstances that provide an opportunity for you to contemplate the nature of reality and examine the legacy of those people you have lost. Venus has moved into Leo bringing a spark of enthusiasm and sense of playful dignity to relationships. The waning Moon has moved into Capricorn focusing attention on practical completion of tasks.

If, in her dream, a young girl has a baby boy who later dies, She feels joy at first, then grief—
Know all things to be like this
.~The Buddha

The Moon is Void of Course today until 3.31am EDT. Do not make any big decisions during this time period .

Astrology for 6/1/2023

6/1/2023 Thursday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Divided opinion

Today, with the Moon opposing Mercury in the fixed signs of Scorpio and Taurus respectively you can analyze the worthiness, or otherwise, of your opinions. Are they sound, well-founded or self-interested? You will find answers to these questions in testing your inner ‘budge-meter: will you budge from your opinion, or not? Furthermore, even having an opinion can create vexation. Saturn in the sign of Pisces continues to invite us to keep our hearts open in challenging circumstances.

To understand karma, we have to be willing to look at our own place, our own experience. We have to be willing to look at our own suffering. Until you look at your own suffering, you will never look for the cause of your suffering.~Gyatrul Rinpoche

Astrology for 5/31/2023

5/31/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Balancing priorities

Today the Moon wends its way slowly from Libra to Scorpio making it a day of inner reflection, self-care and deepening. With the Moon forming a T-Square today with other planets there is dynamic shifting energy that requires sometimes stepping back to step forward. With a T-square aspect tension builds and then gives way – a bit like ocean waves on a shore. With the benefic planets of Venus and Jupiter involved there – and a Mystic rectangle formed between Neptune, Venus, Ceres and Pluto – an alternative harmonious route is accessible that transforms the tension.

Cha vel fer erbee cha bouyr, as eshyn nagh jean clashtyn. None is so deaf as the one who will not hear.~Manx proverb

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 10.53am until 7:45pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 5/30/2023

5/30/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Finding the middle way

With the Moon in Libra there is always a balancing act going on with priorities and decision making. Today you have more opportunities to sort the wheat from the chaff and make informed decisions. The Sun in Gemini facilitates a plethora of messaging, texting, call and response etc. Watch out your phone doesn’t blow up! Gemini energy is good for sorting out relationships with those who occupy the place of brothers and sisters in your life.

Life is not a dream.~Spock, Star Trek

Astrology for 5/29/2023

5/29/2023 Monday by Wangmo & Miranda

The Moon moves into Libra today bringing decision making and an artistic designing eye to the world. Friendships are prominent. The Moon opposite Neptune and trine Pluto today invites major outer planetary energy into your private universe. You may not see things clearly, in a worldly sense, but your inner world can be rich and fulfilling. Transformation requires courage and Pluto invites us to deepen our values and let go of de-valuing ourselves. Towards the end of the day you get more energy to do things.

My legacy is that I stayed on course… from the beginning to the end because I believed in something inside of me.~Tina Turner

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 5:46am until 10:51am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 5/25/2023

5/25/2023 Thursday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: The spinning wheel of fortune or karma…

With the nodes adding to the potency of Mars-Pluto-Jupiter T-Square and making a Grand Cross – there is much karma being bought forward and opportunities to change trajectories. The Wheel of Fortune is spinning. The key is seeking opportunity in unlikely quarters – a bit like a fish going upstream. It may feel difficult to make headway but you can reach a new place if you are prepared to go against your habitual grains and focus on the ultimate goal. Today the Moon is square Uranus adding an unusual spice to the day.

If you don’t begin with thorough analysis, How will perfect certainty ever arise? If this noble confidence does not arise, How will false projections ever cease?~Mipham Rinpoche

Astrology for 5/24/2023

5/24/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Insights

With the Moon conjunct Mars prompting strong reactions today, it’s a great opportunity for developing insights into how you limit your view through what you are experiencing. The T-Square with Moon/Mars is a little like a pressure cooker but release is through insight: Jupiter and Pluto invites you to take the bigness of this moment and develop resilience. Pluto represents the Great Mother and Jupiter, a wide-angled lense on the world. The Earth, one aspect of the Great Mother, beckons and we are its custodians. How will you respond?

I have shown you the methods that lead to liberation, But you should know that liberation depends upon yourself.~Shakyamuni Buddha

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 5:12am until 10:35am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 5/23/2023

5/23/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Bliss

Today, with Venus conjunct the Moon there is a moment of relaxation, joy, and even bliss. There is an alignment of your purpose in spite of the challenges of Mars which can include momentary unexpected health issues. Tapping into generosity can relieve stress. It’s a time for renewal and being flexible.

Buddhanature can be summed up in a single word: courage – specifically the courage to be just as we are, right here, right now, with all our doubts and uncertainties.~Mingyur Rinpche

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