Troy Parrots Still in Danger: Please Help!

The following appeal was submitted by Claire Waggoner of the Garuda Avairy

You may remember a tremendous amount of effort put towards saving the Troy Parrots in Ohio last August.  While it is beyond imagining  that this situation remains unresolved,   10 parrots  are  in danger of being returned to the man who practically killed them,  and the heroes that tried to help them are in danger of facing legal charges.   There are two petitions we are asking you to PLEASE sign right now to help save the still endangered TROY PARROTS and to help those that continue to work to help them.

Here they are. Again, please sign them both.

Prevent the further abuse of companion parrots.

To Governor Kasich, Mayor Beamish and Honorable Gary Nasal :


Drop all charges against Miami Valley Bird Club Rescue, Dr Brauer, and Jim Tinnell.

To: Prosecutor Gary Nasal, Attorney General Mike Dewine, Prosecutor Lenee Brosh

Sweep, Sweep: Cultivating Compassion

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I sincerely pray for those with bitterness and hate and very little hope.

For you who have lost your way in the sublime Ati Yoga and abandon Guru Yoga, I dedicate all merit in the three times. OM VAJRASATVA HUNG I pray for you.

For all who have failed to contemplate the suffering of Samsara, you have abandoned the true reason for the path. Develop Bodhicitta. OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA!

I pray for those who are incapable of developing a good heart. OM MANI PEDME HUNG. Try, for the sake of sentient beings.

One doesn’t have to be a Buddhist to have my respect or be my friend. It takes ethics, character, kindness, honesty.

When you consistently harass or malign someone they have won – whatever battle you think you have is over. Your hate has defined you.

One can define a “Master” by their complete inability to hate and abuse others. The hate only defines the hater.

To the victim of such abuse, remember: the ignorant and blind will follow their kind. They cannot distinguish a fake from a diamond. What you see is a broken mind needing to hurt you for reasons you may never know. But they have only defined their lives around you. You win.

In brief? Study and practice the path of Dharma. Sweep, sweep, pay the dirt no mind. Be happy.

Blessed are Those With Heart

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I needed a day off twitter today, please forgive me. My friend’s dog is dying and she cannot accept. One of my monks needs attention, always.

I walked two days in a row while healing, so it was a pain killer and flat out day. I had nothing left. Meanwhile the utterly cruel “people” that hate and beat me up every day have taken this time to show what high-minded people they are. Wow. Some days it makes no sense to try.

I won’t be stopped. If I can benefit sentient beings I will have to be satisfied. People can be so selfish and cruel. They need help. I wish there was magic. But there is only miracle (earned through merit) merit itself, (like gold to trade) and Mentor (guide: Buddha, Lama et al.)

So I rest today, but it is painful to see what we have come to. All you workers of the way, the light, I salute and love you. Wrap you in my arms. Occupy Prayer, Peace and Occupation I adore you for your strength and gift. May I take the pain for you. You are the crown of creation, lovers and peacemakers, shelters from the storm. The gold of humanity. You who love – I love you as my children. Blessed are those with heart! May there be kindness and goodness for you. OM TARE TUTARE TURE PUNYE PUSHTIM AH YOU PUSHTIM KURU YE SOHA! Long life and peace to you!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Crow: Compassion in Action

The following is a true story as told by Rigdzin Zeoli, caretaker of the Garuda Aviary and son of Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

25 years ago in San Diego, a man, we’ll call him Ryan, because his name is Ryan, happened across a baby crow. This baby crow had been dropped out of it’s nest before it was old enough to fledge. Looking up he could see it’s parents in a tree, so he didn’t interfere thinking that if he did, the parents would abandon the chick. The next day he stopped by to find the baby crow still on the ground. Ryan brought the crow to the vet. Frost damaged the tiny bird’s right wing and tail and had to be removed. Ryan kindly took the crow home to care for her for the next thirteen years. In that time while living in a wire cage, Crow managed to mangle both of her feet. They were worthless clubs for the rest of her life.

As an inhabitant of Sedona, Arizona, Ryan came to know a man who took care of birds. Ryan asked that man to care for the crow. I know this because I am that man. I took the bird who we’ll call Crow, because she’s a crow, and cared for her the best I could.

Because Crow had clubbed feet she couldn’t perch or walk. She would hobble about on her “elbows” which developed edema. Wrapping her lower legs in small strips of bandage provided her with “shoes” to keep the edema under control. I gave her the best, most nutritious diet I could manage. I knew she liked my cooking because she would gobble it down with enthusiasm. I must have made the right nutritional choices because she lived to the ripe old age of 25. Crows usually only live to 15 years at best.

A crow that can’t walk or perch can certainly make a mess of itself with it’s own waste, so I lined the bottom of her cage with pine shavings. As she got older, the dust from the shavings would get in her weak eye and cause inflammation. I corrected that with antiseptic eye medicine. And I would put the fresh pine shavings in a screen mesh and sift, sift, sift to get all of the dust out. Keeping that weak eye healthy was an uphill battle. She eventually lost sight in that eye within a year of her passing. About two months before she passed, she got pretty weak. I would crouch down next to her and tell her if she wants to stay, she can stay as long as she likes and I will always take care of her and love her. But if she wanted to go, that was ok too because I would tell Jetsunma and she would make sure Crow had a auspicious bardo and rebirth.

I came in one Tuesday morning to find Crow had passed. I determined she had passed within the hour because her good eye was still in perfect shape. After death, eyes begin to change pretty quickly. I called Jetsunma right away to tell her that Crow had passed. She said she would take care of it. That evening I walked around the Stupa saying prayers with Crows body in a little box and then buried her.
I saw Jetsunma later that evening and she had a wonderful story to tell me.

Shortly after I called her, she went into her prayer room to do Crow’s powa. When a being goes through the bardo, they are often confused and frightened, so Jetsunma appears to them as something or somebody they will recognize. In this case it was my voice and my boots. While she was alive, I cleaned Crow’s cage every few days. I’d have to put her on the floor next to me. Down there she would get a good look at my boots. In the bardo, Crow was comforted by this presence she thought was me. Jetsunma embraced her and began to lift her up out of the bardo. At that moment, a very loud murder of crows (flock of crows) circled over Jetsunma’s house. They landed in a part of the yard we call “the grove” and then flew off. Jetsunma could see this for what it really was. It was a group of dakini’s that had taken physical form to collect Crow’s soul, essence, consciousness, whatever you want to call it. Crow appeared with them while in flight before landing and then flew off, escorted by these dakini’s. As they flew off they dissolved into emptiness. What a wonderful thing! Crow had never experienced flight. On this occasion, she flew in a perfect body with other crows. It must have felt joyous and amazing.

Now here’s the kicker! I always figured Crow was burning off some bad body karma, judging from her pathetic broken little body. Jetsunma told me she could see that this rebirth was a kind of personal hell realm. Apparently, these hell realms can intermingle with our own physical existence. She told me Crow would have suffered terribly had it not been for me. she said I was the hero in this story because I made Crow’s plight bearable.
I can’t express how happy that made me. To know that I had managed to save Crow from some of the pain and suffering. And that Crow had burned off that negative karma, then achieved liberation.
When I said prayers at the Stupa with Crow’s body, I had not yet heard the details of this story. I only knew that Jetsunma had found her and liberated her. When we usually say prayers, go to a Stupa, do practice at an alter, we generally ask for things. We pray to the 3 precious jewels to fix this, or change that. This time however, I had nothing but gratitude. No requests, only thank you, thank you, thank you. Jetsunma… Thank you for liberating this dear being.  Crow… Thank you for the honer of serving you.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Plea for the Safety of the Troy Parrots

The following is a plea written by Rigdzin Zeoli, caretaker of the Garuda Aviary Parrot Rescue and Sanctuary:

Doug Ratcliff of Union Township was not an animal hoarder. He is trying to start a parrot mill. The horrific photos that brought the world’s attention to Union Township were not unfamiliar to me. The sight of parrots living and dying in filth and squalor is often what you find in a parrot mill.
As an experienced parrot handler and primary caretaker for Garuda Aviary parrot rescue and sanctuary, I recognized Doug Ratcliff’s methods as being consistent with other inhumane parrot breeding “facilities” deemed parrot mills. An associate of mine who was on the scene in Union Township during the rescue phase of the horrific “Troy Parrots” story confirmed my suspicions by reporting the presence of rows of “breeding boxes” where the parrots were kept on Ratcliff’s property.
Parrot mills are very similar to puppy mills in that the breeding animals are denied basic health care in an attempt to increase profits. If one of the breeding animals get sick or injured, the breeder will often let it die rather then pay for it’s medical care.
Doug Ratcliff is trying to regain custody of the 10 parrots currently under the care of Dr Brauer at the South Dayton Veterinary Clinic in Kettering. It is no surprise he wants these birds returned as they represent the core of his breeding population.
Returning these parrots to Mr. Ratcliff would be a unconscionable crime. He has multiple animal cruelty and neglect violations in his history of parrot keeping.
I have seen parrots kept in inhumane negligence. The conditions seen on Doug Ratcliff’s property were probably the worst conditions I’ve ever encountered. It has been extremely difficult for Dr. Brauer to keep some of these birds alive and to get them to some semblance of a healthy state.
With all of the negative press Ohio has received recently regarding the inhumane treatment of animals, the LAST thing the people of Ohio would want in their area is a parrot mill. Anybody with even a vague interest in the humane care of animals would regard this as proof that Ohio’s perspective on animal welfare is cruel and archaic.
I am sending this plea out to anybody who might have relevant authority regarding this issue.
Dr. Brauer is filing an injunction to gain ownership of these 10 parrots still under his care so that he may find the proper rescue facilities to continue their recovery.
On my hands and knees, I beg, BEG you to help Dr. Brauer gain ownership and deny Mr. Ratcliff these very special exotic birds.
If these parrots are returned to Ratcliff, they will suffer in filth and illness and many will die. There is NO reason to believe otherwise when one sees his past record of criminal negligence.
PLEASE do the right thing and help see these exotic birds to safety.

Thank you
Christopher Zeoli
Garuda Aviary

If you would like to add your voice to the call for protecting these precious lives here is some contact information:

Send a letter via

HSUS Ohio State Director
web form: http://www.humanesociety.o​rg/forms/states/contact_oh​io_director.html

Prosecutor Gary Nasal
email: [email protected]

Mayor Michael L. Beamish
email: [email protected]

Attn: Caren Golden
Melody Vallieu Troy Daily News


The following is a full length video teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo given at Kunzang Palyul Choling:

Video streaming by Ustream

Jetsunma describes how to use the natural love and responsibility we feel towards those we love as a window to recognizing the suffering of all beings, and taking responsibility for relieving the suffering of all beings without partiality.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

We The People

The following is a series of tweets from Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo offered in support of the #Occupy movements:

For those who bring compassion to the people OM MANI PEDME HUNG! May you abide in the comfort of love.

For those who may die or are being hurt from the struggle. OM AMI DEWA HRI. You will be crowned as a protector of “we the people.”

For those who break through ignorance with the sword of wisdom. OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHI – You are the bringers of the way for “we the people.”

For all who hunger for the clear light of Primordial Nature and safety – Long Life for all OM TARE TUTARE TURE PUNYE PUSHTIM AH YOU PUSHTIM KURU YE SOHA. You may save us all!

For you who treasure truth and pray for the liberation of “we the people” – OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA NORBU SIDDHI HUNG- I treasure you, the beautiful.

For those who wish to serve the people and feed the poor – OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA – May you have, and share, every gift in every form. I love you.

May “we the people” gather, talk, march, pray, be together as one to birth a new world of virtue and compassion for all.

I believe. I believe in you.

Thank you all for your good efforts.

Peace. Occupy Earth!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved


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