You Can Make a Better Future: Full Length Video Teaching

The following is a full length video teachings offered by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo at Kunzang Palyul Choling:


Every minute counts. Every mantra counts. Every time you engage in self-honesty, it will bring benefit beyond measure. Every time you are compassionate toward others, you insure a better future.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Let Good Intention Fill Your Life: Full Length Video Teaching

The following is a full length video teaching offered by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo at Kunzang Palyul Choling:


Offer every minute of your experience to benefit others and you will train your mind to enlightenment.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Compassion – Antidote to Suffering


A Teaching by Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

In Vajrayana Buddhism (literally the Diamond Vehicle), which is the form of Buddhism preserved in Tibet and Mongolia and the one followed in my temple, one of the foundational teachings is the understanding and practice of compassion.  I personally find that a religious philosophy based on selfless compassion is deeply satisfying, and I believe that it strikes a chord with many Americans.

However, although there are many people who embrace the idea of compassion as love and a deep caring for others, they do not realize that to actualize the mind of Great Awakening requires a deliberate and disciplined path.  Human beings are not born with great compassion automatically realized.  Thus, the Diamond Path can be described as a technology for spiritual development.

From the Buddhist point of view, there are primarily two ways to approach compassion: aspirational compassion and practical compassion.  When one begins to practice on the Diamond Path, one begins straightaway to make wishing prayers, cultivating the idea of being of benefit to beings who are revolving helplessly through cycles of existence.   This is aspirational compassion.

Every practice in which we engage, every teaching we hear, every empowerment we receive, every prayer we chant, can all be dedicated to the liberation of all beings from all forms of suffering.

Thus, aspirational compassion is practiced in the beginning by many repetitions of wishing prayers.  These prayers are meant to benefit beings through developing the sincere desire to utilize all one’s activities — from the mundane to the sublime — as a means of eliminating the causes of suffering in all its forms.  One prays for the cessation of war, poverty, sickness, death and rebirth, loneliness, hatred, greed and ignorance.  One adopts a posture of pure intention based on the idea that every portion of this life, as well as future incarnations yet to come, might somehow be useful to sentient beings.

As an example of this type of wishing prayer, I will paraphrase a famous practice:

If there is a need for nourishment, let me return as food.  If there is a need for shade, let me be a tree.  If there is a need for shelter, let me be a house.  If there is a need to cross over, let me be a bridge.  If there is sickness, may I manifest as the doctor, the medicine and the nurse who restore health.  May I be land for those requiring it, a lamp for those in darkness, a home for the homeless, and a servant to the world.

While this may sound very kind and loving, the intention here goes far deeper than the apparent words because one must strive to be of benefit not only to fulfill the immediate needs of beings, but also to bring future benefit.  Providing things such as food, housing, and medicine bring about benefit, of course, and this type of kindness is profoundly virtuous.  We should all strive to meet the needs of others in just these ways.  Yet, from a Buddhist perspective, being able to practice only this type of compassion does not bring ultimate benefit.  For instance, if it were possible to feed an entire nation or perhaps even the world and completely eliminate hunger and hopelessness, we still would not be solving the root of the problem.

According to the Buddha, there is no condition or circumstance without a cause.  Just as the fruit does not manifest without first appearing on a tree, which came from a seed, neither does any circumstance, good or bad, in which we find ourselves manifest without a cause.  These causes may not be found in this life only, but may come from previous lifetimes.

It is not possible for people to be born randomly into difficult circumstance or to suddenly experience the onset of tremendous suffering and upheaval.  These events are always the result of a tapestry of cause-and-effect relationships (karma) woven around the delusion involving the definition and maintenance of an ego.  Thus, to solve the immediate needs of beings may bring some relief, but it does not guarantee that they will not experience great difficulty in the future, because it does not break the continuum of cause and effect that ripens unexpectedly and constantly.  This continuum originates from the belief in an ego self and the desire that results from that belief.  It is through the pacification of desire that one can begin to transform one’s karma.  When the delusion of ego begins to dissolve, karma also begins to dissolve.  But if the mindstream is not purified of the karma of suffering, the potential for suffering remains.

We were raised to believe that reality can be manipulated.  Our libraries are filled with books of great American success stories.  These tend to be about material successes.  But the spiritual aspirant must ask: Will this success last?  Even if it lasts for an entire life, will it survive death?  If we had the power to bring peace to the world, to disarm nations and maintain order and harmony, would that peace last beyond our lifetime?  Many leaders have exhausted their lives forging great nations and empires only to have them destroyed shortly after their deaths.

To provide beings with the ultimate benefit of freedom from all suffering, one must apply the ultimate technology.  The aspiration to be of benefit to beings, the cultivation of pure intention, the continued observance of human kindness, the making of wishing prayers, and constantly hoping from the core of one’s mind and heart to be of lasting benefit to others, are practices to develop compassion.  Yet at some point the ultimate step must be taken.  This begins with the realization that temporary happiness is not enough, that feeding and clothing people, along with other acts of kindness, are not enough.  These things cannot undo the certainty of death, which puts people beyond our reach.  How can we follow them into future incarnations to ensure their safety?

There is only one way to cease the ripening of the seeds of suffering: enlightenment, which dissolves the belief in ego, pacifies all cause-and-effect relationships or karma, and reveals one’s true primordial nature.  The Diamond Path utilizes many techniques to purify the five senses and the mindstream itself.  When these practices are engaged in, not only for one’s own benefit but also to purify the karma and suffering of others, the practical aspect of the Awakening Mind — practical compassion — is engaged.  This is “practical” because it is the technology to completely rid oneself and others of the causes for suffering.  Buddhists view this type of compassion as the act of ultimate kindness.

While ordinary kindness is a valid undertaking and should be part of the activity of every spiritual aspirant, one must address the question of ultimate benefit, of eliminating suffering at its roots.

We should take to heart what the great Indian Buddhist Shantideva wrote a thousand years ago.  “May I act as the mighty earth or like the free and open skies to support and provide the space whereby I and all others may grow.  Until every being afflicted by pain has reached to nirvana’s shores, may I serve only as a condition that encourages progress and joy.”

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Attain Your Potential

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Haha! Someone made my day today. I’ve been described as a rigid, Lineage-loving, “tow the line” Buddhist, and I couldn’t be more delighted! These same folks used to say I wasn’t real Palyul, or a real Buddhist, that my throne and crown were faked, and I was never really enthroned. Even with the video, papers, real throne and real crown and real cape. It is a riot!

I guess it shows if someone wants to hate, they will find a way and a reason. This is why lies and slander are so hurtful. It is mostly not true, and there is an agenda of hate or envy. Both are strong non-virtues, and mean spirited. The lesson here is hypocrisy and cowardice. It is so easy to judge and prey on another behind a computer, a wall of safety, maybe far away. Haters deliver lies, have few ethics and no compassion.

But they probably wouldn’t do it without the computer. If we look into each other’s eyes and hearts we see human suffering. Look deeper, we see ourselves. Some people have a lot of feelings around failure, having not contributed much. That is changeable. We can still do good works. There is no reason to play the failure tape over repeatedly in our thinking until it rots into hate. Just don’t compare yourself with anyone – period, end of story. And it looks pathetic if you do that and then flip into announcing your “realization” or that there is no true Enlightenment other than your own “take” on it, or your squirrely thinking will make the grade, somehow.

Just get out there and benefit sentient beings. They are real, and are crying. Feed the poor, love, heal, animal rescue, care for homeless, it is all here for you to do. So get out there. After you wash the feet and warm the tummies and offer comfort, you aren’t dead yet. The disenfranchised need you…us.

I will offer a grand Christmas this year: dinner, care, and a tiny gift for all. Then I’m broke. And happy! Come out with us! #OccupyLOVE #OWS

Be real. Be real. Then no one can call you anything but necessary. Because you (we) have seen their eyes, and there is the truth. They are us. We are them. And no Bodhisattva can be free or happy until we care for, and love them. Our brothers, our sisters, all. This is the way, and the secret. Love. Yes, love. Until you are empty. Then you have attained your potential.

#OccupyDC #OWS #PEACE÷Occupation #PALYUL

 © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo


Your Treasure is the Bodhisattva Heart: Full Length Video Teaching

The following is a full length video teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo offered at Kunzang Palyul Choling:


Use self-honesty find that heart within you that will bring ultimate benefit to yourself and to all sentient beings. Here’s how.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

You Are Hope! #Occupy #OWS #OccupyEarth

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Did you know that for vegan holidays one can stuff a large not over ripe pumpkin with chestnut and buttery root veggies, bread cubes, spices etc. And for your “manly” protein dish – a vegan lentil loaf with peanut butter based brown gravy. Yum delish! With brown rice and a salad to round it out! Don’t forget your reward, a glass of Champagne to toast the turkey you saved, and viva la Occupation! Got any extra for the soldiers of peace?

Find out where they are, bring comfort. They are prolly eating Cliff Bars, peanut butter and jelly, and looking for somewhere to soak their bruised feet: heroes. We should wash and oil their feet. I see Christ in their eyes. Love and suffering. Nurses! We can treat and bandage their feet. And feed them.

I see Lord Buddha in their bodies, true renunciation for the liberation of all sentient beings. I see the chariots in battle, the Lord Krishna and his entourage, valiantly charging the enemies of truth. May this battle be won!

Dear, valiant noble ones, I look in your eyes and I see the true face. And I love you, my heart follows you; you are hope!

#OCCUPY Wall ST! #OccupyBerkley #OccupyEARTH #OccupyCal #OccupyTibet #OccupyHIPHop #JustTAKEitBACK #JustOccupy! #TRUTH #FeedThePOOR #LOVE

© Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

Ngondro as the Antidote: Full Length Video Teaching

The following is a full length video teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo offered at Kunzang Palyul Choling:


All beings suffer from the dis-ease of desire. The mind of Enlightenment appeared in the world as the Buddha who prescribed the medicine. If taken deeply and applied consistently, cure is guaranteed. And yet, constantly engaged in an ongoing mantra of delusion and discursive thought, we think we know a better way. Jetsunma implores us, “Literally, there are beings right now who have no other connection to liberation than you. The more you dance around, the more they suffer, the longer they wait. These precious ones are the ones you should live and breathe for.” We have to take our medicine, for their sake.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Truly Helping

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

When a person is mentally unbalanced, raging, obsessive behavior, they need professional help. They do not need enabling, which is more like “idiot compassion” in that the ill person never actually gets help.

Many times they make constant claims and display pitiful behavior, or rage on and nag, etc. We all do that childish stuff once in a while, but if the patient cannot stop or help themselves it is a sickness and intervention is needed. Usually a psychiatrist or caseworker is needed, especially if the patient has history of illness, or is the kind that harms themselves and/or others. Don’t participate in the sickness. They need help, not enabling. Don’t try to be a hero. Try not to make it about what you want. Tough love is good. Compliance with an illness is actually selfish. Wrong behavior needs to stop; one can be loving in a firm way, offering boundaries to those too sick to recognize any. Do what is needed, not what is easy. These people crave attention for poor performance. Don’t play. Get them the help they need before they hurt themselves or others. That is the best way.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo. All rights reserved

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