Astrology for 4/16/2024

4/16/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Pride and grace

The Moon in Leo ushers in more creativity and sense of play. Pride is a central quality of Leo – and pride has both positive and negative aspects, ranging from cultivating inner dignity and grace, to refusing to acknowledge fault, and communicating how you feel. With Jupiter still magnifying the energy of its neighbor, Uranus – it would be wise to pause and really think before acting, especially as your emotions also get magnified, with this aspect.

Understand that all thoughts, good or bad, are just like empty bubbles. They’re just the impulses in the brain. They’re not real. They’re not solid. So please, please just learn how to sit back and just observe the thoughts without any judgment, just seeing them as thoughts. That’s all they are. They’re not true, not me, and not mine.~Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

Astrology for 7/9/2023

Sunday 7/9/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Healing old Wounds

With Sun and Moon square each other our emotions can come into conflict with our conscious, bringing hidden tensions into the open. The Moon is also triggered by Chiron bringing emotional wounds to the surface to be healed, particularly relating to experiences where there have been feelings of victimization or betrayal. The Sun’s rays may bring better illumination and strength to see things differently, expressing our individuality through creative mediums.

Whether you are a religious person or not, if you can’t separate yourself from your ego you’re completely misguided.

~Lama Yeshe

Astrology for 7/8/1023

Saturday 7/8/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: May the Truth Prevail

Desire for greater changes in relationships can arise with Venus and Mars square Uranus, potentially bringing unexpected changes in our relationship status. Radical honesty and open communication can strengthen relationships. Neptune and Saturn in Pisces have recently gone retrograde which can heighten feelings of confusion bringing a lack of clarity around people and situations. Secrets and lies may surface and facilitate a greater awakening personally or collectively.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Moon is Void of Course today from 2.22pm until 3.19pm EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 7/7/2023

Friday 7/7/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Inward Gaze

The day is softened by a Sun/ Moon trine that represents a time of inner peace and balance. You can find the serenity to look inward and see what is needed in your life and how to move forward to accomplish those goals. This is helpful as Pluto continues to square the North Node and can bring feelings of powerlessness around resources, sharing and giving can come up. It is time for some deep rooted karmic spring cleaning to be done.

Actually, generosity should be practiced in such a way that we offer the very senses that we have.

~ Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Astrology for 7/2/2023

Sunday 7/2/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Reality Check

The Sagittarius Moon sobers up just after midday as it moves into serious Capricorn. We may feel more determined to take the goat by the horns and control areas of our life and environment that we feel need reshaping. Our optimism may turn to caution and pragmatism. Just so long as we use the energy for self control rather than controlling others, we may have a productive couple of days ahead.

Always examining your mind it is essential to control it as much as you can without becoming overpowered by the afflictive emotions.
~ HH Penor Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course today from 9.33am until 1.20pm EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 7/1/2023

Saturday 7/1/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Sensitivity

A time of nurturing new ideas, and with Mercury in Cancer, learning often comes through absorption. The sensitivity of the Sun in Cancer makes us instinctively want to protect our ego, and we have to work with painstaking discipline to overcome our subconscious fears. Sun and Mercury trine Saturn allows us to channel our mind to anything that requires attention to detail. The results should bear fruit.

As long as the ocean of dissatisfaction remains within you, the slightest change in the environment can be enough to bring out a problem.

~Lama Yeshe

Astrology for 6/30/2023

Friday 6/30/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Fire in the Sky

Moon moves into Sagittarius bringing enthusiasm to our idealism and quest for the Truth. It’s time for movement again after the past couple of days of emotional intensity from a Scorpio moon. Future goals are explored and Mars in Leo pushes for action and our emotional expression radiates warmth. It’s important not to get too carried away and start preaching or becoming self righteous. And a Leonine Mars can really puff us up with pride and the urge for center stage. As they say,  forewarned is forearmed.

“Relative and Absolute, these 2 truths are declared to be. The absolute is not within the reach of intellect, for intellect is grounded in the relative.”

The Moon is Void of Course today from 10.20am until 10.59am EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 6/25/2023

Sunday 6/25/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: A Warning

Mars has been square Uranus for the last several days and its effect will be for another week also. But today and tomorrow both planets are exact at 21 degrees. You may have already noticed the increase in car accidents and sirens. This aspect can really increase restlessness, impulsiveness and anger which in turn can cause accidents and injury. On an inner level this is about making real change in our life and acting on it, but if we resist, change may be “forced” on us by outside circumstances. Whenever possible, work towards calming the mind.

Do not maintain anger or hatred. Learn to penetrate and transform them while they are seeds in your consciousness.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Astrology for 6/24/2023

Saturday 6/24/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Contentment

The Moon is in Virgo for a couple of days allowing us to feel content while being self contained. This is helpful as the Moon opposes Saturn which can sometimes trigger a sense of isolation and loneliness. Deep contemplation and analysis is favored, bringing compassionate healing through disciplined effort.

If with kindly generosity one merely has the wish to soothe the aching heads of other beings, such merit knows no bounds.


Astrology for 6/23/2023

Friday 6/23/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Date with Destiny

A particular configuration called a Yod or Finger of Fate is formed today, with Pluto at its apex, Moon and Sun the other partners in the trio. These are uncommon and a little mysterious due to their dormant potentiality that is triggered by certain transits. In this case the apex, Pluto, echoes the definition of a Yod, which is bringing full awareness to what needs to be changed and is transformed through sometimes abrupt and fateful circumstance. This may sound ominous but is really not, as for the individual it is something that has been accumulating strength and definition for many years and when the Yod is activated, attitudes and activities are suddenly dropped and the person appears newly born.

Transformation is an ongoing process that tends to appear ordinary, when in fact something extraordinary is taking place.

~ Suzy Ross

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