Coming to Our Senses

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hello All. We were worried that we would have to keep Barrymore (Carolina red bone coonhound) at our rescue. He is the strongest dog we’ve ever rescued. He is a monster hound. We think he has been crated a lot when young. He is clumsy, unable to read his environment hyper, doesn’t know how to play or relate. Here is the kicker- he doesn’t know to use his nose! His brain was made to sniff ground, to locate prey etc. He sniffs high, like that’s all he had from his kennel. We have been trying to help him use his nose, as I am sure it will re-boot his brain and instincts. We hide things low. He smells up. If he smells at all!

So far a Kong toy works best. We can put yummy meat in the middle and pack both sides tightly with vegetables, which he won’t work for. At first he couldn’t figure it out. Now he goes till it is gone! Next we will put lines of gravy or butter that he must sniff to get the prize. Next we buy raccoon piss and teach him how his nose works. I feel that his brain will unscramble. Last night he sat for two hours utterly calm and focused on sniffing out and eating his Kong, veggies and all!

I think he is an emotional wreck because he is not using his greatest sense and is unaware and confused. Fearful, like a blind child in a totally new, scary and huge environment. I feel for him. Even wonder if he was a medical test dog. He is not used to human eyes. Makes me want to cry for the cruelty we blissfully and ignorantly force animals to endure with no conscience at all. So you know I can’t give up on him. He has probably suffered more than most of us. Then he was to die after it all. So I will not give up on Barry’s fabulous heritage, nor will I permit him to live one more day without family, comfort and love. OM MANI PEDME HUNG!

It will take time and love. And soon, raccoon pee, which will likely do the trick. Won’t that be a day? When his natural intelligence again shines in his eyes because his nose is doing the job? Wow. Will I cry? Yep. Buckets. I believe that all sentient beings are inherently equal in nature. We all want to be happy, and are pretty clueless how to be happy, or create the causes for happiness. We are all equally Buddha, from the kings and queens down to the lowest worm. We are a little like Barrymore, I think. We just don’t see. And won’t shut up (baying) so we can see. Stop making so much noise. Use your innate capability and acquired method to work your own mind! Then we can all open our eyes and see the universe as it truly is. Breathtaking.


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Practical Advice on Giving Rise to Love

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I feel as Buddhists we should not waste time making judgments about others. No grudges, no hate, no excuses.

As Dharma practitioners we should deepen in Bodhicitta and wisdom and abandon self-absorption and hatred. Or quit whining about your life.

As Buddhists, we must endeavor to help and love others, not just ourselves. Serve so others don’t suffer. Just love.

If we give nothing to anyone, do not respect others, need attention, are uncaring about other’s feelings and hearts, we are not Buddhists.

Never ruminate or whine if you are judged and slandered. Apply the antidote as the Buddha taught! Empathy and compassion for all!

As His Holiness the Dalai Lama teaches: one needn’t be Buddhist to practice ordinary human kindness for a better world.

Americans love to eat out, go out to movies, and then eat more. Fix a healthy meal at home and play chess. Take the money saved and feed the poor.

We must abandon the ivory tower of preening ourselves with big words and pride. Climb down and do anything to help all beings!

Bodhicitta arises when we contemplate the conditions and sufferings of all beings! In private, in our inner space, love is born!

On our way to a lovely meal and evening out, we pass the homeless, a mangy, starving dog, a bully beating a child. We don’t even slow down.

Humility is hard. We start by allowing others their dignity. We continue when we see it was never ours to allow. Ice the cake with generosity.

Humility is hard. First we lift all others above our own heads. Then we recognize the Buddha in them. The icing on the cake is love.

To all of you who earnestly seek awakening and the birth of Bodhicitta I love you! Weak or strong I raise you up. I am your servant!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Walking the Talk When Times are Tough

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Want to let you know my new rescue Barrymore is – um – making progress. I have never seen such panic and abandonment issue in my life. Pitiful boy, barks constantly unless he has company, whines the rest of the time. He fears being left alone in a box. He does not understand houses or stairs. He is out of control. I can see why they wanted him put down. We are working him. Dr “Vet” gives Valium and another new anxiety med.

He doesn’t rest unless every light is out. His poor body is frazzled. We are also doing holistic care, homeopathy, pulsatilla and aconite. My heart bleeds for this guy. I want all you rescue people to know I will not give up or abandon him.

He cannot blend with my pekingese’s at all. No dog issues; he just can’t see them, steps on everything. Not blind or deaf, I tested him myself.

Here is a question for you veterinary experts out there: If Barry were human I’d feel he has ADD and bi-polar rapid cycle. Any one seen this in dogs? At any rate, he is exercised, I have a farm with good fences and plenty of room, he Tesla and Ricco run for hours and have adventures in the grove.

He will not be a quick fix. But with such fear I am even more dogged (pun) to help him. I feel that way about the neediest ones. Gotta fix them, then let them go to forever homes. I’m wondering- he is happiest with other larger dogs. When he bonds with the pack I don’t know if he can tolerate another abandonment. We will see. Riggs is committed totally. This dog is gorgeous, great lines, sleek and postures very well. A hunter would love this one. But many hunters don’t treat their dogs well. Like- if they don’t catch animals they don’t eat.

Compassion is not easy. When we see something like this it would be so pleasant to walk away. Let someone else handle it. I can’t do that. How could I live with myself? Anyone else would have him put down. But I won’t. I will stick with him. As will Riggs. Sometimes it is hard to do the right thing. But there are so many suffering sentient beings, we just have to start now! There are plenty of needy beings and no reason to wait. So it is work. Duh, so is life! Anyone’s! So dig in and help. Dear Barrymore has decimated his bachelor pad. That’s OK. Stuff can be fixed, or bought. Barrymore is one cherished life, not replaceable. He will die and be reborn, like us all. Meanwhile, he is one precious life. I love life, and compassion. This is a no quitting zone!


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Roar Against Suffering

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I do not understand cruelty, such as the murder of wonderful loving pets simply because no effort is put into adoption. It drives me nuts! Even people who have “anipals” and know what they truly are often care only about their own. I understand it is a learning curve to care for all beings. But the complacency is a sickness. Complacency is a death sentence for those weaker than us. It is a display of self cherishing.

We simply cannot put others before ourselves. I see it in my own Sangha. An innate selfishness that is evidently very difficult to overcome. We tend to use Dharma activity to boost our self-cherishing to a set of rules that start with “I can’t. Love to help but can’t” the great excuse. Anyone can convince themselves that they “can’t” because it is inconvenient to care for others. As Buddhists we have our armfuls of books, texts, big words we memorize, an intellectual materialistic grasping. But what is in the heart is what is truly important. We spout Buddhism and its exotic phrases. But the heart is as cold as ice. No Bodhicitta, concern for others, no love; we sit on our cushions and pretend we are great enlightened beings. But what kindness do we ever show suffering beings?

“I can’t” – our great gift to the world. This is the heart of what must change as it comes to the west. We don’t need regurgitated words! My parrot does that! What is needed is Dharma taken to the streets to bring benefit in this life. This moment. This opportunity. This is all ordinary reality, yes. But this is where beings are hungry! Beaten and abused! Alone with no hope! Lost in addiction! Cold and homeless… How can we do the intellectual ivory tower thing when so many sentient beings have Nothing? Simple, we ignore them, watch sitcoms and reality TV and forget. Live in our heads while we let our hearts and compassion to wither away until we die. I say, since we are here, and not someplace else, here is where we must help.

There are two main kinds of kindness; ordinary, of the world, which can be contrived from ordinary things. This is a necessity, to heal pain such as feeding and clothing the poor. Then we must practice deeply in Dharma so that we may teach them to help their own suffering. The difference is like giving a loaf of bread to a hungry person. Good, thank you. The more ultimate second view is to teach how to grow grain and how to make bread. Both are necessary – ordinary and extraordinary kindness.

We spend way too much time in our heads hanging out with talk and no time paying forward the kindness we ourselves may have known. We could all decide now to make the planet and her people better, stronger and freer of suffering. If we can stop puffing up our egos long enough, it is possible to live a life of service and joy. All beings, whether human or animal or any life-form, deserve our respect, our concern, our help and our love.

So open the door of the heart and let the fountain flow. ROAR AGAINST SUFFERING! What do we wait for? To be reborn with a better deal? This is the moment! These are the lives we must bring benefit to! Start NOW! There is no other time but the present moment of manifestation! Jump in! We need you.

Copyright ©  Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

We Are the Ones

It seems, these days, that the world is divided up in slices, like a pie. There are those who build, create, heal, teach, add and love. Then there are those who break it down, destroy, hate, blow their egos up, hurt others, lie and bring harm. Of course, there are also those who are themselves victims, hurt, alone, afraid, undone and suffering.

This has for me been a time of truly awakening to the suffering of the world. I had always believed in the underlying good in humans. I still do, but more in the sense that all beings are themselves the seed of Buddha. In the last three years of my life I have seen more hate, more meanness, more corruption then I ever did growing up, and that was bad!

This is to me heartbreaking. Those who love and care are terribly outnumbered. Those who would beat up the whole world for fun are too many. I cannot understand hating for entertainment. Is it too much to ask for that haters leave us to our own choices? Many of us choose a path that involves morality and ethical behavior. To the hate side, that is not cool. To the caring side there is no love without ethics and morals.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama teaches the value of dialogue. I agree – to a point. When we dialogue and are only greeted with rage and rant there is nothing to work with. The two sides have very different goals. The haters love confusion, delusion, harm, chaos, destruction. The caring ones want a good result; plenty for all, loving kindness, a bright and giving society – basically to make this world a better, more loving place by having been here. Since we cannot take anything with us but our own karma, we give it all for the sake of all beings. The ignorant do not understand – a huge funeral, crypt, whatever, to inflate ego does no good at all. It is our deeds that speak the loudest.

I have this idea, for instance, of offering my body to feed polar bears, since we have nearly destroyed them. My Lineage will likely not allow. But it is my dream to have my body fed to a mother sow and her cubs. It may save their lives. Who cares if the ego is treasured? It is nothing, and healing hunger is something. I had a dream that I would be allowed to do that. I was so happy to do it.

Who are you, then? A caring one? A hating one? A victim? A BEAR??? This is one lonely planet we must all share, like that pie. What is your goal? What do you hope to accomplish?

My profound wish is to nurture and benefit this world and all sentient beings. I want to die on my feet trying. I want to hold the world in my arms. May I feed the hungry, clothe the poor, save the animals from suffering, and teach the young and the lost. And when I die, may I bring life again by offering my body. Can you understand that? Why waste anything when there is so much NEED? Why play ego games when there is so much at stake? Give it all. You have nothing to lose. Make a difference. Be a mensch. Grow up and love like everything depended on you. Because it DOES.

Indeed, we are the ones we have been waiting for, as our President says. There is no one else. Be kind while you can. It has always been up to you, to us – all. Choose. Then walk your talk.


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Roar of the Dakini

It is not for ordinary sentient beings to alter Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. It has been in this country, USA, only a short while. To decry the gifts of our great founding Lamas, Tulkus, also called Nirmanakaya Buddhas, these are jewels to gradually assimilate and practice, not to destroy with arrogance and pride. We may end up seeing some things differently here. But it should be gently and with loving concern.

Some people suggest we should destroy all Tulkus. And, naturally the woman who doesn’t play patriarchy goes first. If we have just ordinary people teaching, even from texts, is like the blind leading the blind. One can see easily that these folks have no profound wisdom, being so rude, hurtful and stuffed with pride. If sincere people follow ordinary people with no particular good qualities they will end up the same as them. These ordinary people claim supreme Enlightenment just because they believe it in a deluded way. If these people lead Vajrayana it is finished. They have no wisdom, do not know the pith instructions, and cannot give empowerment from a stainless source. Then we have nothing but a Tibetan flavored new age composite. Completely worthless. Some westerners don’t even do sadhana, or bother with empowerment. They just make up their own. Like a coloring book and crayons. Draw Superman and you can be him! No, really! Write it with the purple crayon so you can be on the purple ray!! Write “I AM THE SHYT! I am a Guru!” Then hand it in to your actual teacher and she/he may write “very creative!” Yet it is not correct.

Maybe someday there will be realization, when the pride is overcome, the arrogance, and maybe when the Bodhicitta is developed. No, it does not appear naturally without effort. You can’t do a little dance and Viola’ there it is. One must practice every day! Effort is essential. Intention must also be pure. Not to destroy, but to heal. I know of someone who says he/she has practiced for 30yrs and feels they don’t need any more but when you see them you know different. You see the hate, whining, selfishness and self absorption right away. No kindness. If we accept this as American Tibetan (?) Buddhism it is Kaliyuga for sure. The end. I have practiced and studied with great Masters for 30yrs also, and still do because of the intention to benefit beings, to dedicate the merit, and because I have faith and the wish to see all beings free of suffering. Until the bloated ego is pacified it is not truly possible to liberate and benefit beings. I am properly recognized, properly enthroned, and fully capable of teaching and helping sentient beings. But western wannabees crucify me every day. They will not stop this woman. And I will continue to keep my Lineage, and all Nyingmapa, the ancient ones sacred. I will protect my own and all beings.

And, yes this is the work if a woman! I will not crumble. And I am terribly sad for those who cannot see that wisdom. Yes, I am woman, watch me roar!!! Deal with it or not – your choice.


©Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Animal Rescue and Practice

Toffee, mother of the litter
Toffee, Mother of the Litter of Rescued Puppies

Hello to one and all from Barnesville MD. Our Rescue family arrived early this morning. Oh, boy- Mama is emaciated, don’t know how she fed

Some pups are kind of plump, others not. There are 9 of them, thinking not all fed equally. We will feed a slurry of formula + canned food.

All 9 Rescued Puppies
All 9 Rescued Puppies

We use an excellent food, EVO which has no grains, like their ancestral diet. It does have meat, veggies, and fruit.

Some of the pups can lap food, some prefer to walk through it. LOL. Funny, the skinnier ones don’t lap well. Toffee is a good Mom

So we go into the weekend part of the retreat completely exhausted. And the back’s out again. “Way to think it through,” Smartypants.

But what to do? The little ones would all have been exterminated by now. I guess they pile them in a box and gas them. Regrets? NONE!

I know method and practice ARE the way. So I am a “cushion Buddhist”. But I am not the kind that ignores the obvious suffering of others.

In truth, I don’t know that many Buddhists who practice all day retreat-style in the west. In fact we do have time to help sentient beings.

I hope you will all pray for this little family who still live by the power of LOVE.

One Little Girl in the Litter
One Little Girl
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