Care for Your Mother Earth

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I hope we can all continue to pray for our planet, sorely needed. Earth is not just the dirt we walk, extract and build on. It lives, and is the only home we and other species have. To beat your Mother senseless and then expect her to get up and you’re your dinner- how would that work? Especially as it keeps happening. Eventually the Mother dies, or becomes too sick to function. We cannot allow that; the result is unthinkable. Love and pray for Earth. And go green!


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Try Me

Try me, try me

If you need a friend

I will be there for you

Till the end, when you need me

Try me, try me

Let me show you

How deep it can be with love

You can count on me

To stay by your side

Through thick and thin

Try me, try me, try me

What you need

Is easy to see

You seem lonely like me

Maybe ready to see

If you need a friend, some love

Oh, won’t you please try me


©Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo 2007

Building Bridges

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I would like to mention my students calling me this or that holy title. I am used to Jetsunma, have had that for several lifetimes. But I am not puffed up. And not interested in “moving up.” I am also not looking for approval, or ego “hits.”

I love “love” though. I want to speak as western people do. That is my way and why I was born in Brooklyn and recognized at 38 years old. I’m supposed to be familiar, and western. That is why I am here, to make a bridge. True, many dharma people do think the intellectual approach is the only way. I feel if the essence, the nectar of Dharma, can be explained in any way, it is a great and noble thing. So many, like parrots, can say all kinds of foreign and unnecessary words, but it is like spitting out candy. No value when coming from an ordinary mind.

If one does not feel happy with my way that is ok. I still love you and respect your way. Please allow me that same grace in the name of Bodhicitta, as I will with you. There are many appetites. We can feed them all if we can forget the BS, join hands and leave the world better for having loved and cared for each other and all sentient beings. Shall we try? Can we do this? Accept each other? Yes, we can.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Supplication to Kyabje His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I wait for you. I sing for you. I place butter lamps for you! But you have not come. Guru within my heart, you are my very breath. Bless me! Come quickly so this agony will be over. Rent my flesh and bones but let me be with you. No matter petty pains. I cry out for ultimate relief – return! Return I beg you Tsawei Lama, only you bring life like the sun, moon, earth. You are my only love, dear treasure, return to me!

OM AH HUNG BENZAR GURU PEDMA NORBU SIDDHI HUNG Return! Make your presence known!

May I know you before you arrive by the scent of your blessings. May I hurry to wash Your feet. May I provide precious oils and scented pure water by which your attendants might comfort your skin. May you drink deeply of primordial waters. And be offered celestial food. May you rest in a bed of flowers and lotus petals, be enchanted with bliss, and every imaginable jewel. May you be filled as I will never be, and always awakened as only you can. Guru above the crown of my head remain within the lotus throne of my heart.


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Pray for the Earth

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

In fifteen hours North-west Queensland will have a category five hurricane make landfall. No one alive today, I hear, has ever seen that. We also hear this monster is growing. For the people of Australia I pray: may this be pacified. KPC will do Vajra Kilaya Tsog as it comes in.

Our planet has been harmed so badly by our mindlessness and selfishness that it no longer has the capacity to absorb our callousness. Huge storms brewing here too and it will only get worse unless we all collectively wake up and do something. All we do is talk. We need action. The suits won’t listen unless they get paid. But this is our planet – so far, the only one. And we are making it a sewer of neglect.

We must link our prayer together in such a way as to heal and raise the very molecules we stand on to a higher vibration. We are all inherently Buddha so we must fulfill our dedication to benefiting sentient beings by being caretakers of the earth. All our filth and trash is killing our mother, “earth” and it reflects the shallow non virtue we all share. Our planet reflects our minds, and it was once pure and undefiled, like our nature. Then as non-virtue increased so did the filth we laid on our planet. Our indigenous people know this, and have spoken. They are still connected with our mother. We have left her. Raped her. Dishonored her. And in so doing we are destroying ourselves, because our particles come from earth and sun. Our physical parents, mom and dad are the outer. Our inner natures are the earth and her consort, the sun. Our secret nature is the face and essence of the primordial consorts, Samantabhadra  and Samantabhadri. That is our nature!

Therefore we cannot allow our precious planet to be destroyed! People on the other side of the world are not “other” people. We are the same nature! They are us! Pray!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Statement About the Karmapa

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I’d like to mention that many people are asking me the details of the issues with His Holiness the 17th Karmapa. My answer – I don’t gossip or judge other lineages. Gossip is not my way. To gossip about another lineage is not what I’m about. It causes dissension and anger in the sangha, harms the Three Jewels and causes only bad result. Buddhists should reject gossip as wrong speech and ignorance.

I do know about the situation, but not one word of of gossip or slander about His Holiness the 17th Karmapa or the Kagyu lineage will come from my mouth or activity, I have no secret or inside knowledge.  Anyone asking should find those that gossip, not me.  Any other lineage besides Palyul is not for me to pass judgment on, simply not my job. I have nothing but respect for the Kagyu lineage and His Holiness the 17th Karmapa.

For all my students I advise not to gossip and pray we will all keep our own practice alive and well.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

The First Karma Kuchen Rinpoche

The Fourth Throne Holder

The First Karma Kuchen Rinpoche, Karma Tashi
(1728 – 1791)

The first Karma Kuchen was born as Karma Tashi in the twelfth rabjung year of the Earth Monkey (1728) in the town of Ahchog in Do Kham. His birth was foretold in many prophecies. He was recognized as the incarnation of the condensed essence of many Great Vidyadharas of the past. Karma Tashi himself recalled he was a manifestation of Migyur Dorje. Other revelations acknowledged him as the body emanation of Kundrol Namgyal, the speech emanation of Kathog Drimed Shing Kyong and the mind emanation of Duddul Dorje.

He became the heart disciple of Drubwang Pedma Norbu and received all the transmission and practices of Mahamudra and Dzogchen from his root guru. He was enthroned by Drubwang Pema Norbu as the fourth Throne Holder of the Palyul Lineage in the presence of the thirteenth Karmapa Duddul Dorje and the tenth Sharmpa Chodrup Gyatso. With a great vision to promote the Dharma to greater heights, he propagated strict doctrine among his disciples and established many retreat facilities within the grounds of the monastery.

Tsenltha Rabten, King of Gyarong, had been at war with China for thirteen years when Karma Tashi was invited to China. A Bonpo lama who served as the guru of King Rabten decided to use his power of black magic to unleash a massive shower of rocks upon the Chinese forces from the sky. Out of compassion for the safety of the Chinese troops, Karma Tashi offered special protection cords to the soldiers to protect them against the ill fortunes of war. As a result, not one single soldier who wore his protection cord was harmed and Tsenltha Rabten was defeated. It was an overwhelming victory for China and the Chinese Emperor Chan Lung, in a gesture of gratitude, appointed Karma Tashi as the State Guru of China.

Karma Tashi, also known as Chopal Zangpo, dissolved his mind into the pure realm of truth at the age of sixty-three. The bone relics he left behind were preserved within a bronze Stupa and placed inside the Chag-dra-khang temple of Palyul monastery.

Reference:  Pathgate Institute of Buddhist Studies

Holy Rollin’ Jam

HUNG (repeated x 3)

See the world of phenomena
Understand what it means
Reflections of your mind appear
Like the nature of a dream

SIDDHI HUNG (repeated)

Lama, only you know
To show us the way
This revolution of compassion
Will truly save the day

HUNG (repeated)

I offer true devotion
‘Cuz that’s the way it starts
This Bodhicitta nectar
It nourishes my heart

HUNG (repeated)

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

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