Hopi Elders Call for Prayers for Japan and our World

Jetsunma saw this video in a tweet, and wanted to share it here:

More on the Hopi and praying for the Earth:




A Call to All Dharma Warriors and Spiritual People

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Dear Friends, I believe our prayers are bearing fruit. Please keep it up! It seems this nuclear catastrophe is slowing down (not going away!) – which is auspicious. Requests and offerings are being sent to Namdroling by KPC, and Pujas will be done at the great Drupchen. Many compassionate people are joining together, embracing the Earth in prayer. Thank you for this kindness!

Earth is our noble Mother, and our only home. Brother Sun, sister Moon, pray for our Mother! All Sentient beings, all with Divine nature, come together in a great roar of prayer and love as one. Let us step up and take this evolutionary step and heal our planet!


Let us join en force at 7:00 am and 7:00 pm eastern time every day together and change the world! A call to dharma warriors and people of all faiths!




Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Song to Tara

A Prayer by Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Clear Mind, Holy Mind

The arguments we have used against you

Are like dust…

Against You?

You, who flow silently… eternally

In the well of our hearts.

Have we robed you in filthy rags

Hatred… greed… ignorance?

You have remained steadfast,


Today we lift you up

To the lips and hearts of

Beings without number

And are feasted forever.

Precious mind unchanging

Clear mind eternal.

The promise we have searched for

Is enthroned within our hearts.

Clear light, holy light

Stainless, precious heart.

Here in this clear place

We are robed in sweet scent

And victorious forever.

© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Come Together and Pray for the Earth!

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Dear Friends, I want to ask- beg, really, for all to stop the busy work and pray in whatever fashion you are familiar with. The situation in Japan is spiraling out of control. Please pray for Japan and stay informed! Pray for the Earth as well, as this will affect our planet.

It is time, without self concern or ego to join hands, join hearts, minds, and spirit and encircle the Earth with love and protection. We are spiritual beings, all we see is a hologram projected by our “mind.” If we determine we have faith it is time to use it. Without holding back, without prejudice, please join together: Christians, Jews, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, Sufi, Shinto, indigenous. Let our differences go and join together as never before.

The ground, water, sky, wind is filling with poison. We have the power to transform this poison. Love and compassion are stronger; our very spiritual nature has the power to transform. It must be done purely and without any negativity. If you pray to God, Allah, the Buddhas, Krishna, no matter, it is love and compassion that matters. We must empower ourselves to be “divine” in whatever way we can. It is within us to create the antidote to this.

If our seas are poisoned, our blood will be. If our wind is toxic our breath will be too. If our Earth is poison all our bodies will be as well. We cannot afford to take a vacation from guardianship of this planet. No one will save us but us. It is time to awaken. This is our Mother Earth and we are her children. We cannot fail. Awaken to spirit, to love, to compassion and to responsibility. This is what it is to be human. Human children of our Mother and we must honor her.

Pray for the Earth. Pray for Japan. Pray for human kind.






Tulku Thubten Palzang Rinpoche

The most senior living lineage-holder of the Palyul Tradition, Tulku Thubten Palzang Rinpoche (“Tulku Thubzang Rinpoche”), was born in the year of the Fire Rat (1936). He was discovered by the great Khenpo Ngaga Rinpoche, the same Khenchen who confirmed the recognition of our late Holiness, Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche.

Tulku Thubzang Rinpoche was a younger classmate and dear friend of His Holiness along with Dzongnang Rinpoche. The three young tulkus studied and practiced as brothers under the direct guidance of Khenchen Ngaga and received teachings and empowerments together from many realized masters. As a youth, Tulku Thubzang Rinpoche was present when His Holiness Penor Rinpoche completed Ngondrö. He has described the single-pointed zeal and physical hardships endured without complaint through which His Holiness completed all of the recitations and accumulations.

Among the empowerments Tulku Rinpoche has received are Rinchen Ter Dzöd (“Precious Terma Treasury”) from Chötrul Rinpoche and the Dam Ngang Dzö (“Treasury of Essential Instruction”), the Do Wang Drangtsi Chu Gyun (Anu Yoga Empowerment-“Continual Flow of Nectar”) from Khenpo Legshed Jordan. From Lungtog Rinpoche, he received all the Longchen Nyingthig empowerments and oral transmission teachings. From Khenpo Khyentse Lodrö, he received the Du Do Drelwa (Anu Yoga Commentary) and many other empowerments and transmissions.

Tulku Rinpoche has spent the majority of his life in Palyul, Kham, overseeing the rebuilding of Palyul Monastery. However, while making sure we have the physical buildings where all can study and practice the teachings, most important has been his activity to save and preserve the texts of teachings. Through great effort, personal danger and the blessings of all the lineage masters, Tulku Rinpoche has managed to collect texts that were nearly destroyed. The Kama teachings, for instance, were scattered in personal collections throughout the local area and the world. These he assembled in the Palyul Library, and had re-carved into wooden blocks based upon the copies. He has also preserved some of the original wooden printing blocks of the Nam Chö which remarkably had escaped destruction through being mistaken by those who would do so for firewood. The original pre-1959 library held wood blocks for 50 volumes. Thanks to Tulku Rinpoche’s hard work, and with the addition of the Kama teachings, the library today holds printing blocks of more than 110 volumes. It has likely become the world’s largest wood block library for texts related to Kama collected in one place. Because of this effort, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche was able to obtain the texts required to carry through the series of retreats known as Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand, now regularly given in Namdroling Monastery and in the US Retreat Center.

Biographies often mention that Tulku Thubzang Rinpoche is renowned for his expertise in the detailed instructions of all the ritual activities such as Mudra (hand gestures) and Cham (sacred lama dance). This understates his mastery. It is because of his capacity to know all of the most minute details of the elaborate rituals for Drupchen (twenty-four-hour a day, seven-day prayer ritual) and Accomplishment Ceremonies that these teachings have been preserved. He also knows how to play nearly all of the sacred musical instruments and has taught these. To understand the extent of his knowledge, we must know that ordinary aspirants generally can remember just one of the instruments. The monastic retreats within Palyul Monastery, Kham, are all also overseen by Tulku Rinpoche. Fortunately for us, Tulku Thubzang Rinpoche has been able to confer these teachings to hundreds of aspirants, insuring they are remembered for generations to come. In this way, granting teachings and empowerments based on these texts and based on his knowledge of all of the rituals of Palyul, Tulku Rinpoche has spent many years caring for and nurturing the entire Palyul lineage.

Free from the stain of partiality, Tulku Thubzang Rinpoche’s activities are like a great ocean of enlightened conduct for the benefit of the teachings and all sentient beings. For Palyul students, we know him for his profound humility and for a devotion to and faith in His Holiness Penor Rinpoche so deep and so vast, it makes eyes tear and hearts tremble in appreciation to observe. In the region of Palyul, he has served as His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s surrogate. Along with His Holiness, he has been a major contributor in preventing these teachings from falling into extinction. Now, we pray, with visits to Asia and the West, he will continue to propagate these teachings to the world.

Reference:  Palyul Ling International

Embracing the Living Mother Earth

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I really want to watch this uberemergency in Japan. I have to know, and truly feel we should pay attention! It is our planet, our Mother. We must hold her in our collective arms and hearts so she can heal. This is possible only if we all work together. Our Earth- her winds are our breath, her water our blood, her ground our skin, her mountains and rocks our bones – she is heart of our hearts, flesh of our flesh, the Mother, our protectoress, now she cries out for help and we must not let her come to harm. We are inseparable from her, she from us.

Human kind must learn this lesson at last- you simply cannot shit where you eat. Hear her call! Wake up! There is so little time.

Prayers recommended for Japan and the Earth:



The Twelfth Throne Holder

The Fifth Karma Kuchen Rinpoche

(1970  – date)

The 5th Karma Kuchen Rinpoche was born in the year of Iron Dog (1970), along with many auspicious signs in Southern India, to a noble religious family. When he was two years old, the late His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche, and H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche notified his parents that their son was quite a special child, and they should send him to the monastery for training as a monk.

H.H. Karma Kuchen Rinpoche was sent to the monastery at the age of four, where he studied and perfected the teachings of Namcho (Sky Teachings) preliminaries (ordinary and extraordinary), Tsalung and up to Dzogpachenpo under the direct guidance of H.H. Penor Rinpoche. He also took the Bhikshu and Bodhisattva vows, and received the Namcho, Ratna Lingpa’s revelations and Rinchen Terzoed empowerments from H.H. Penor Rinpoche. In addition, he received many teachings under the late H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Dodrupchen Rinpoche, Nyoshul Khenpo Rinpoche, and many other great siddhas.

He displayed infinite wisdom and understanding of Vajrayana and Mahayana teachings when he gave a long discourse at the Ngagyur Nyingma Institute in the presence of many high Khenpos. In 1994, at the instructions of H.H. Penor Rinpoche, he went to deepen his studies at the main Palyul Monastery in Tibet where the retreat centers and a Buddhist Institute are also located. H.H. Karma Kuchen Rinpoche often gave lectures at the request of his students at the Dharma Institute. There he was recognized as the Fifth Karma Kuchen Rinpoche by Tulku Thubzang Rinpoche and Khenpo Acchu.

In 2000, on August 14th, H.H. Karma Kuchen Rinpoche was formally enthroned at the main Palyul Monastery in Tibet. This was considered an important event in the Buddhist world. Equipped with inconceivable wisdom, modesty, grace and boundless compassion, he has vowed to bring peace and happiness to all sentient beings and spread the supreme Dharma in the 10 directions.

Significant achievements of H.H. Karma Kuchen Rinpoche since his arrival in Tibet are that he has built many temples, Stupas, prayer wheels, images of deities and other objects of veneration and faith. Under the direction of Penor Rinpoche, he has also built a very grand and magnificent temple on the monastery premises.

Of the many remarkable qualities that he possesses, the most striking quality is his strict and pure observance of all the vows of a monk. He is thus the embodiment of pure conduct in these degenerate times.

Reference:  Pathgate Institute of Buddhist Studies

Please Pray for Japan

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

The fact is I am devastated by so much death and destruction, fearing as well for the release of nuclear material. The last two shakes were huge. They have reissued Tsunami warnings. Geologists now wondering if this mother earthquake was only a pre-shock!! This clearly demonstrates, in Japan, the fragile preciousness of this life, and just how impermanent it is. I wish more folks would pay attention.

As we see this disaster in Japan will we notice and apply this to our own lives? Will we finally see that all is impermanent? Will we learn to care about our planet and our fellow human beings? And to be proactive about these issues? Will we wait until the nuclear cloud poisons our own shores? I pray we will wake up and participate in the healing of our precious and only planet and all her inhabitants before it is too late. If you have a Stupa near you please make offerings, prayers, circumambulations, mantra. If you have any place to pray please pray for Japan.

Earlier Jetsunma recommended the following prayers for Japan and for the earth:



Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


The Tibetan Buddhist New Year celebration called LOSAR is a day of joyfully welcoming in the New Year.

The celebration begins two days prior with GUTOR, a day where one reflects back on the past year and any mistakes that have been made.  Practice is done to avert the negativity of the past year.

On the eve of the New Year, time is spent cleaning the home and Temple.  This represents joyfully sweeping away the past negative karma and preparing for the many blessings that the New Year will bring.

LOSAR is a time of happiness, joyful effort and celebration.  The first month of the New Year is regarded as very auspicious and is referred to as “the month of display of Enlightened Activities” or miracles of the Buddha.  In particular, on the first 15 days Lord Buddha Shakyamuni performed a miracle each day to increase the merit and devotion of future disciples.  Below is an account of one such miracle as described by the Venerable Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche:

At one time the Buddha was invited to share in a festival.  It was then traditional (as it still is in India) for people to brush their teeth with a piece of twig.  This was considered very healthy for your gums and teeth.  So the Buddha was brushing his teeth with a twig.  It was the custom to keep it in your mouth a long time and then to brush with it.  When the Buddha took the twig out of his mouth, he put it into the ground like planting a tree, and with that action, some 500 miles were covered by fruit trees in an instant.  Those who had no food could partake of some.  The Buddha was making connections through this act.  A number of people who were overwhelmed by the power of ego fixation, pride and arrogance could not appreciate the teachings.  They were very critical, so when the teachings were being presented (just as they are being presented now), all they could offer were a lot criticisms.  They said that the Buddha could not stand being a king, so he went wandering, and that as a meditator he could not keep up with that, so he came back into the world.  They said he knew how to say all of these things because he was prince, a king.  And on and on they criticized.  These people could not hear or appreciate the teachings; therefore, the Buddha had another style in which the teachings could manifest: the planting of this twig and the miracle that resulted.  This got their attention.

On each of the fifteen days the virtue or non-virtuous activity is multiplied by 100,000 times with the exception of the 15th day, Chotrul Duchen, on which it multiplies by 10 Million times.

This year Losar took place on March 5th.

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