Aspirational Prayer shared 12/2/09 via Twitter
I am thinking of so many, having lost their homes this year. And with children. With the holidays upon us- how painful! How to help?
As funding and housing and money dry up- where will the homeless go? How will they feel blessed this year? What can we do in our community?
The greatest gift now is to give rise to compassion in one’s mind. And then put it to work helping others. #Gifting, #Service-these are ways
I cannot be happy without helping others, we are not separate. I will always return for the liberation of ALL sentient beings.
May I be the last to obtain Supreme Liberation so I can aid all beings. May I see the bliss if their Liberation with my own eyes!
May I not become bored or weary of helping others, and be reborn to teach the Supreme Doctrine! I will move gently with respect and love.
May I be born as whatever is needed! As a cool stream, wholesome food, shelter and warmth, a soft pillow to rest the weary. Sun upon your face!
May I never abandon my sacred vows- not even for an instant. May Blessings and Love pour from my heart like a great river, unstoppable!
May all beings be free! May there be an end to suffering! May all beings be free! And none left behind. Samsara emptied from the depths!