Saturday 7/13/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Mars conjunct Uranus

“ No other transit is more conducive than this one to sudden upsets, rash behavior and surprising incidents.”
Robert Hand. ( Astrologer)
The build up to major transits are often felt days , sometimes weeks before cresting and conjuncting each other (7/16), at which point there is a release of energy and an outer or inner experience will occur. How this impacts us is dependent on whether we have natal planets at that exact degree. In this case 26 degrees Taurus.
If you have planets between 24-28 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio,Leo or Aquarius this could be a very challenging time. Challenges will assist us and sometimes, force us to change, particularly if we are resistant.
Uranus has the role of waking us up from our deep slumber and because it is an outer planet it affects us more on a universal level than personal.
If we are open to change, this could be an inspiring time, particularly if we follow the path of least resistance.

The Moon is Void of Course today from 6.49pm until 10.53am (7/14) EDT.
Do not make any big decisions during this time period

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