Saturday 6/1/24 by Miranda

Theme:  The Choice is Ours

Today is the beginning of June and we are almost halfway through the year, with Summer Solstice on our heels. The Moon moves into Aries bringing a burst of energy and spontaneity, also the potential for aggression and impatience. Sun conjunct Venus increases self expression through creativity and loving kindness. Moon conjunct Neptune can amplify confusion or spiritual realization.
A Mars square Pluto is starting to form over the next couple of weeks focusing our concentrative power and urge to transform situations through decisive actions. In some cases with ruthless elimination. If you are an athlete or dedicated meditator you will find this time beneficial. But if this energy is used negatively it can have dire consequences and bring possible violence.

“ Speak with kindness for your words hold the power to heal or harm.”
Buddha Shakyamun

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