The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:
Since I’ve come back to KPC I see the dramatic changes and hope they continue. The Stupas look terrific! And the feel of the place- Wow! It feels like one is constantly in meditation and prayer. And that is the point, isn’t it? To awaken!
I’m glad I came home. Yes, my stalkers know where I am. It would be dishonest to say that doesn’t scare me; but I’m doing better with PTSD. I can see what is dangerous and what is not.
The blessing of being in my appointed place is healing. I’m stronger here. Also I’ve found that my life is less important than the temple, monastics, Stupas, pechas, images, relics. These are treasures that will last longer than I will, so – I’m home. Come what may.
Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo. All rights reserved
Dearest Jetsunma,
Welcome Home!
Precious Jetsunma, I cannot express my joy that You have returned to KPC, to the Temple and Stupas and magnificent beauty that Your blessings created. I pray it will be healing for You, and that as Your students our hearts will be filled with such love, devotion, courage and faith, and our minds always turned to awakening to compassion and wisdom, that nothing and no-one can penetrate to disturb you in any way. Thank you xo