The following Dharma nuggets represent tweets Jetsunma sent on October 29, 2009
- I worry when I see a Buddhist who shows no sign of compassion or is full of judgment. I know that person hasn’t heard the teachings truly.
- Compassion or Bodhicitta is the very basis of Mahayana Buddhism, the first thing we are taught. And we are reminded at every teaching.
- If the practitioner cannot be kind, they have not tamed the mind. Haven’t learned the first thing about Dharma. Hateful speech is not Dharma.
- There R methods 2 correct lack of compassion. Contemplation on suffering; equality of ALL that lives, striving 2 B happy, praying 4 others.
- Some just feed the ego by studying about Dharma but not practicing it. What a waste! Like eating crumbs under the table of a banquet.
- Liberation is possible! We can climb that hill! So why waste time drawing yet another map? It has been done by the Buddhas+ Bodhisattvas!
- This life is short. No time 2 waste. We must walk our talk, or it’s not worth much. Pontificators not needed. Practioners much needed. Much!
- Bottom line- you can’t change Dharma to suit you. You gotta change yourself to accomplish Dharma. That is the way and the truth.
- If you practice Dharma but say U have nothing to give- wrong. U have shoes, food, clothes, arms to hold, heart to love, eyes to guide, etc.
- May your feet move willingly, and your heart open wide! May U always be a healing presence, a friend. Walk that talk, please or we R lost!
- If you have everything and brag, what is that? If you have nothing and brag, what is that? So be humble in spirit- not arrogant.
- If you have or have not- doesn’t matter. Have a good heart and offer charity and strength to those less fortunate. True Dharma.