Astrology for 11/16/2024

11/16/2024 Saturday by Jampal

Theme: Surprising Encounters

For a few more days we will have unusual encounters, especially with those closest to us. Unpleasant truths may surface. Or if we repress the energy for change, we could experience an accident. At the same time there is spiritual energy harmonizing with our sense of purpose. We will be more empathetic, and even psychic ability can surface. The Moon moves into gemini in the morning to add some lightness to life.

Comedy is surprises, so if you’re intending to make somebody laugh and they don’t laugh, that’s funny. ~Norm MacDonald

Astrology for 11/14/2024

11/14/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Seeking stability

With the Moon in Taurus, seeking security and comfort are forefront, which is difficult right now with tension in the air (Mars opposite Pluto) and revolutionary zeal afoot (Sun opposite Uranus). What will it be in these difficult times? There are counter-balance aspects (Moon trine Venus and Sun sextile Neptune) which encourage us to love and reflect in such a way that can transform inner angst into beneficial vantage points.

Like a gardener we must cultivate good qualities. Why follow anyone with poor habits and bad qualities.~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

Astrology for 11/13/2024

11/13/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Self-check

With the Moon conjunct Chiron today undertake an inner self-check: are there emotional wounds from your past that have been re-opened? How can you self-heal? Mars opposite Pluto is forming a T-square to Lilith, the Dark Moon and Juno (relationship awareness). The Dark Moon is the mathematical point where the Moon’s orbit is furthest from the earth, and hence where we are emotionally distant internally. Lilith highlights the battle with societal expectations about what it means to be a woman or feminine. Like the asteroid Chiron it’s a wound that needs healing as part of the universal balancing of yin and yang.

Were it not for the shadows, there would be no beauty.~Jun’ichiro Tanizaki

Astrology for 11/12/2024

11/12/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Taking initiative

With the Moon in Aries you can initiate activity. It is also conjunct the north node which can indicate a fortunate meeting. The Moon in Aries embodies a fearless emotional quality. Yet it can also be headstrong sign. With Mars continuing to oppose Pluto be careful about pushing ahead with projects that benefit from agreement. Also, Mercury is square Saturn exactly, asking us to examine what is the best way to connect and communicate with others versus communications that are fruitless and a waste of time. There is an opportunity for a re-set if you’ve been too narrowly focused. Venus has moved into Capricorn emphasizing practicality and structure in relationships.

As the torrent rushes into the sea, As the sun and moon glide over the setting mountains, As days and nights, hours and moments run away, Human life is inexorably flowing.~Padmasambhava

Astrology for 11/11/2024

11/11/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Awareness

With the Moon conjunct Neptune today it’s time to relax, open your mind and tune in to what’s happening within you. How can you let your inner self breathe more? As such it’s not a day to be iron-clad, hard and fast or tightly structured, otherwise confusion is more likely. The Sun trine the Moon brings harmony, and you can see the silver lining in even the worst situations. The Sun is drawing ever closer to an opposition with Uranus bringing with it an inner restlessness. It’s time to identify the source of this restlessness and not project it onto others.

The difference between buddhas and sentient beings is only the difference between the narrowness and the openness of space.~Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

Astrology for 11/8/2024

11/8/2024 Friday by Jampal

Theme: Social and Friendly

The Moon moves into Aquarius for a few days, and sextiles Mercury in the first half of the day. We are inclined to be social, chatty and humane. The tension continues between our conscious and subconscious desires for a few more days. Be patient with others and look for healthy outlets for any frustration. All the outer planets are retrograde, except for Pluto. Thus most change is happening on an inward, subtle level.

Guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be about socializing. ~Maxine Waters

Astrology for 11/7/2024

11/7/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Emotional clarity

With the Moon conjunct Pluto today you can experience deep insights, often through catharsis. Uncomfortable truths surface offering an opportunity to self-examine, let go and move forward. It’s important to let pent-up energy release in a safe way for all concerned. In addition the Moon is trine Uranus, asking you to be more flexible than usual, while also providing room for spontaneity and taking a welcome break.

What is the general instruction for all practitioners? Don’t cling to any experiences.~Khenpo Brothers

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 5.38pm until 5:58pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 11/6/2024

11/6/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Finding generosity

The Moon conjunct Ceres today reminds us of the importance of engaging generosity in our lives, and offers a reminder of the importance of the bounty of the earth in supporting and nourishing us. The Sun in Scorpio is still plumbing the psychological depths – bringing hidden truths to the surface. Self-discipline continues to be important at this time. The Moon in Capricorn creates yearning for stability, and seeks practical outcomes in facing daily challenges.

When you find yourself in a troublesome situation, when you are in great pain, when an intense emotion arises, only then will you know where you are at with practice.~Garchen Rinpoche

Astrology for 11/5/2025

11/5/2025 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Action stations

The Moon moves into Capricorn, an action-oriented sign, that bestows a serious yet practical focus on matters. This placement compliments the trine between Sun and Saturn adding to one’s capacity for self-discipline. Mars has moved into the sign of Leo which is an assertive, courageous, yet stubborn, place for Mars to be, and although Mars is pulling away from its opposition to Pluto there is still the potential for power struggles internally and externally. Mercury trine Mars enables communications to play a critical role in adjudicating challenges at this time. Jupiter and Venus are still creating a buffer against negative actors, in one’s own mind, and outside oneself. It is important to keep good company at this time.

If you want to get rid of the your enemy, the true way is to realize that your enemy is delusion.~The Buddha

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 5.23am until 10:17am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 4/11/2024

4/11/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Buffer

With the Moon conjunct Pallas Athena and Venus today the voice and wisdom of women is in ascendancy. The Sun trine Saturn encourages us to focus on self-discipline at this time and have fortitude. In other words, persistence pays off and we can learn from our experience. Jupiter continues to be conjunct the beneficial White Moon providing, like Venus conjunct the Moon, a buffer against negative forces.

Those who, with body, speech, and mind, Are resolved in thought and deed to heal the world, Who always strive to heal sentient beings, Are like an uḍumbara flower.~ Mahayana Sutra, Asokadattas’s Prophecy.

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