Astrology for 11/05/2022

11/05/2022 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Subjectivity

For the next week Mercury, our thinking and communications, and the Sun, our sense of purpose, are united. This enhances our concentration, but makes it more difficult to be objective. The Moon has entered Aries for a few days making us quicker to react, and giving us more sense of urgency. Be aware that our Mars energy is still weakened by Neptune until the end of the month, unless we can turn towards prayer, meditation and compassionate motivation. If we really knew the truth of suffering, there would not be one moment that we did not practice with the utmost compassion. ~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

Astrology for 11/04/2022

11/04/2022 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: The Unexpected and the Irritating

It can be a challenging day because we may have unexpected changes in our relationships. Or perhaps we just look for excitement in them. Especially in the middle of the day we are prone to rash action and irritability. Yet the Moon is in sextile to Pluto at the same time, supporting any desire to get deeply into any issue. This more so because of 4 celestial energies in Scorpio. The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. ~Albert Einstein

The Moon is void of course today from 6:06 pm until 7:08 pm. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 11/3/2022

11/3/2022 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Feeling supported

With the Sun trine Moon you feel well supported. Expressing love and enjoying life are themes today. Listen to your heart and doors open. It’s a time of news from near and far. With the Moon in Pisces it’s time to seek rest and make space for the intuitive arts and spirituality. Never forget those who have hopes of you.

What makes an action positive or negative? Not how it looks, not whether it is big or small, but it is the positive or negative motivation that is behind it.~Patrul Rinpoche

Astrology for 11/2/2022

11/2/2022 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Moving into the light

The Sun is close to the south node at this time – illuminating your gifts and enabling you to let go of regrets more easily. The past is the past. It’s time to be fully in the present. With the Moon in the gibbous phase you are striving to complete tasks and direct your energy to where it is best put to use. You are likely to be both more sensitive and reactionary at this time – strive to understand of the causes and build connections.

A Platypus is a duck designed by a committee.~Anonymous

Astrology for 10/31 & 11/1/2022

10/31 & 11/1/2022 Monday & Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

The Moon moves from Capricorn on Monday into Aquarius on Tuesday moving your focus from structure and organization to networking, co-operation and participation in group efforts. With the Moon in its waxing crescent phase fertility is increased and you are empowered. Monday is more emotionally intense as the Moon conjuncts Pluto. On Tuesday the Moon moves towards Saturn strengthening your endurance and tolerance for tasks. It’s also a good time to develop beneficial habits.

Dance is a prayer in movement.~Ty Defoe

Astrology for 10/30/2022

10/30/2022 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Craving Excitement

Especially in the middle and second half of the day, we are looking for change in a nondisruptive way. This also a good time to try new things. Mars has joined 3 other planets by going retrograde, so generally it is not a powerful forward moving time until late January. Pluto, the transformer, and Saturn, the restrictor, are both moving forward, however. Will we continue with the status quo, or have some big changes in the next few months? Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of planning. ~Gloria Steinem

Astrology for 10/29/2022

10/29/2022 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Share Humbly

This is a day about communication, feelings and the big picture of life. The challenge is to not be overbearing if one has some inclination that way. The Moon enters Capricorn for 2 1/2 days. This bolsters our ambition, but makes it harder to be in touch with our feelings. The Part of Fortune is also supporting our ambition, Mars, so we can have a successful day. Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping them up. ~Jesse Jackson

The Moon is void of course day from 9:11 am until 9:23 am EDT. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 10/28/2022

10/28/2022 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Calm and Balanced

The Moon harmonizes with Saturn, especially in the middle of the day. We are at peace with solitude and can balance our emotional side with our obligations. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and benefit, has moved backwards into Pisces and stays there until December 21. This augments our spiritual pursuits. Enjoy the outdoors to support an expansive mind state if possible. …a person whose mind is distracted lives between the fangs of mental afflictions. ~Shantideva

Astrology for 10/27/2022

10/27/2022 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Adventuresome

The Moon moves into Sagittarius today bringing a carefree optimistic breeze into your life. You have more idealism about humanity and are more generous in your relationships. Your communications carries more unconscious weight so be mindful of how you talk. It’s a good time for medical check ups.

I know exactly who I am. I’m the Doctor. Sorting out fair play throughout the universe.~Jodie Whitaker as Dr Who

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 8.54pm until 2:36am the next day. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 10/26/2022

10/26/2022 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Leaving the past behind if you can

With so many planets in Scorpio including the Moon as well as the south node it’s an opportunity to let go of past difficulties by re-framing them. Today a feeling of restriction, tension and frustration adds to your challenges. Patience is your ally and friends sustain you. Finding time to link into the more subtle aspects of life that help you tap into spiritual aspects is uplifting.

If there were no freedom, beings could never disentangle themselves from the world. But since there is freedom to transcend the world, beings are able to become disentangled.~Buddha


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