
12/16/2009  Wednesday

A new beginning is possible today.  Men, women and children operate together as a happy and cooperative unit.  Think of your accomplishments and have gratitude.  Remember Albert Schweitzer’s words “Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being.  Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light”.  Who has rekindled your inner light?  Contact that person and express your gratitude.  This is good for both sides.  You begin anew today.  Aim high!

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Do we have to be like our parents?

Do we have to be like our parents?

A question from the field; do we have to be like our parents?

Original hexagram is Lake over Mountain; 31
The Expansion is Heaven over Mountain; 33
The Kernel is Heaven over Heaven; 1 BY WAY OF Heaven over Wind; 44

The interesting thing about our relationships with our parents is that it’s, well, karma.  There is an attraction between us and our parents, and it’s really nothing more than karmic consequences coming to fruition. The I Ching refers to it as the laws of nature, “…powers that attract each other, so they unite.”  While we are growing up, ideally our parents look after us and take care of us. Most of the time we are receptive to their giving but pretty soon we enter a stage where we don’t really want to follow their advice, be like them, and want to branch out and be different people.  If it has been a difficult relationship, we may want to be completely different from them, and actually work at not having any similarities.

Whether we get along with our parents or not, we do venture off and find our way.  This is our own karma ripening and as each potential is exhausted it moves us in one direction or the other.  We may find ourselves distant from our parents for some time  as we travel our path seeking our own desires and journeys.  During this period of time, ideally, we grow and develop, learning to appreciate our parents for what they were able to give us.  Being able to forgive the misgivings, and having compassion for our parents is a sign of progress and inner strength.

Ultimately, our relationship with our parents can be instrumental in our development along our spiritual journey.  Forgiving our parents, and loving them unconditionally, regardless of their development, can and will bring us ease and peace~this is the power of compassion.  We can set the example for our parents, living our lives as virtuous and kind people will have a positive impact on them and our relationship with them. Another important note is that by developing ourselves we become stronger with our discernment and attractions; letting go of what no longer serves us and allowing what does to rise.

Have a wonderful Tuesday.  Think of your parents and make heartfelt prayers of gratitude.  May all beings see the benefit of kindness.


12/15/09   Tuesday

Someone is very generous to you today.  People feel magnanimous.  Groups are solidly behind their leader and are willing to recognize good behavior.  This is a good day to receive a promotion or recognition of a job well done.  Someone who behaved in a surprising way yesterday could make amends today. Love is in the air!  Emotional happiness rules the day.  Write people you love, and make declarations of love.    Forward activity is good today, and women are especially beautiful today.  Tell them!  Spend time with people you love, and you’ll notice you enjoy the people you spend time with.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Making the most of Monday?

Making the most of Monday?

Original hexagram is Mountain over Lake; 41
The Expansion is within the original hexagram
The Kernel is Earth over Earth; 2 BY WAY OF Earth over Thunder; 24

Keep it simple!  It’s important to understand that having less is not always a bad thing, rather sometimes it’s better for one to have less in their life and practice cultivating simplicity.  Today is not a time to start a lot of new things, however it is a good time for one to undertake one thing that brings them a sense of inner peace; completing that lingering project sitting in the “in” box or catching up on filing.  Today is a time to keep it simple and scheduling some quiet time.  This allows time for the inner growth to happen. Wealth will come in time if there is sincerity behind what one is doing, and to some extent a level of sacrifice.

One can have cooperative relationships with other people, and all living creatures, thus learning how to coexist with all of nature; achieving a deeper level of understanding of the relationships between the laws of nature and the laws of people; moving away from old habitual tendencies and cultivating new, more beneficial ones. Of course this does not happen over night, there is a period of realizing that there are turning points in one’s life.  In the more difficult times and situations, it’s best step back, get a breath of fresh air, and then start again with a newer outlook.

Be careful of blaming others, schedule in quiet time and practice simplicity.  The benefits will be inner growth development.  Do your best, be kind, and have a wonderful Monday.

To learn more about the I Ching, visit our I Ching page!


12/14/09   Monday

Things begun early in the day end up being scrapped or else nothing comes to mind.  As the day progresses a new and inspiring energy emerges.  The feeling of emerging from a murky emotional state into a clear, exciting and happy state is present.  Life is fun again and you are ready to join the fray.  An enthusiasm is present.  Solid decisions are made based on a favorable combination of inspiration and down to earth thinking.  At the same time men and authority figures can behave in ways that seem weird, eccentric, unreliable or shocking.  The surprise component is present today.  Try not to lose your composure over something that suddenly happens.  Try not to drink too much. Be philosophical.  A sudden loss could be re-gained tomorrow.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Do Not Follow

Wheel Of Life

A message from Jetsunma:
To live in such sickness that you have hysterical love for one person

And having nothing but rage, judgment, and hatred for everyone else?

There is no love at all! Just sickness, narcissism, an unbalanced mind.

To rage at the success and happiness of others while cursing their name? This is not what the Buddha taught.

To taunt, harm and rant wishing for another’s downfall while salivating to pick up what shreds and crumbs that may be left?  This is demonic activity.  This will result in a lower rebirth.

To claim to have power, realization, virtue, intelligence, compassion while living a life that caused harm and no benefit? This is heinous, as Lord Buddha taught.

To have lived a life of violence, cruelty, dishonesty, lies, an ugly, tawdry life and then claim you are a high spiritual being is, if not so terribly tragic,  a dark and evil joke.

No one is laughing. We stand back and watch this monstrous activity as children, horrified and yet watching, unable to turn away from something so ugly.

To soil the Holy Dharma so thoroughly, to act as if there is no cause and result, to claim spiritual authority when one has lived a life without kindness or ethics is the result of having broken one’s Samaya uncountable times.

This is why the Buddha taught us to abandon Samaya breakers. And to embrace the pure BUDDHA, DHARMA and SANGHA with all our hearts and minds.

Abandon demons and their unholy darkness.  Do not follow  thieves and liars down to the lower realms.
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To See the Future, Look to the Past?

To See the Future, Look to the Past?

Original hexagram is Water over Water; 29
The Expansion hexagram is Lake over Water; 47
The Kernel is Earth over Earth; 2 BY WAY OF Mountain over Thunder; 27

The text indicates that we live again and again because “Through repetition of danger we grow accustomed to it.” Further, that “…danger is due to a subjective attitude.” We are locked in our prisons and must be held accountable for actions of the past.  If we want to know what lies ahead, then looking back will give us an idea.  If we want to know how we lived in the past, then look at our lives now. The text speaks to our hearts being locked in the confines of reason, and that essentially in times of danger, “all that counts is really carrying out all that has to be done, thoroughness, and going forward, in order not to perish through tarrying in the danger.”

The text uses the analogy of water, indicating that water flows, filling all the depressions and cracks and crevices as it moves along. Further, “…it does not shrink from any dangerous spot nor from any plunge, and nothing can make it lose its own essential nature.”  It reaches it goal by “…flowing continually.”  Just as we grow accustomed to the “dangers” we can grow accustomed to what will enable us to escape the dangers. By being concerned about goodness and establishing attributes to carry out goodness, and through the power of repetition we can create better habits, thus creating lasting virtue. We have to start where we are, so no need to dwell on age or longevity of bad habits, rather, start today with sincerity and honest intention with consistency.

Remember that times of adversity “…are the reverse of times of success.”  Maintaining joy in one’s heart through the most difficult of times enables one to persevere and the source of success.  It also provides stability.  “He who let’s his spirit be broken by exhaustion certainly has no success.  But if adversity only bends a man, it creates in him a power to react that is bound in time to manifest itself.”   (sounds like boot camp) It is important to take care of oneself, nourish the soul and focus on strengths. Taking care of oneself helps in taking care of others.

It’s important to cultivate good spiritual practices and friends.  This helps one further through the hardest of times, and in the end builds the character that allows sustainability so that one is able to bear all things.  It furthers one to comply with the laws of fate, and remain true to oneself.  In other words, there is no power in resisting or arguing your karma.  Accepting your karma, and pushing forward with virtuous activity, cultivating habits of sincerity, honesty and love through repetition and consistency is key to one’s progress.

Go forth today with a new outlook on life, and an attitude to persevere through the most difficult of times with breadth.  Cultivate new habits that lead to virtue and remember, you are in training for the future


12/13/09 Sunday

This is an interesting and complex day.  The possibility of a fight or a stand off is present where one side wants power and the other side wants respect and both are unwilling to back down.  Offer friendship to the “power” side and big picture reasoning to the “respect” side and everyone is happy and it ends well. Today it seems as if everyone is playing a different game at the same time.  Watch carefully and you will be able to determine which game is being played and when you can play along.  Be flexible. Watch a tendency to be overly emotional in groups, yet there is a chance for a major emotional breakthrough that is 100% accurate.  Artists are productive today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Long Life Prayer for Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo
Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Long Life Prayer for Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo


The Vajra AH is the unchanging foundational sphere, free from contrivance.


The unobstructed appearance of the foundation is displayed as the Three Rare

Supreme Jewels, the Three Roots,


The Ocean of Dharmapalas and assemblies of male and female wealth gods.


From this moment you are beseeched to fully liberate the Doctrine and upholders


From all outer and inner obstacles,


And through your effortless and spontaneous accomplishment of the four

miraculous activities,


May all beings who connect with you fulfill their purpose and achieve Buddhahood.

This was written by Paltrül Padma Norbu Rinpoche


Goddess of the “Rare” (Three Jewels) – AH

Sang Wisdom


Sang Wisdom to the Fire, “Warm me.” And he replied, “Breathe, Beloved,” for he knew her breath was fire too. So she did, and the cycle was complete.

Cried Wisdom to the fire, “Carry me.”  And he replied, “Sing, Beloved!”  For he knew that the sound of ecstasy was a song he had heard and never forgotten, once, and very soon again.  So she did. And the nectar of love filled the worlds.

Called Wisdom to the fire, “I cannot see you! Come to me!” And he replied, “Close your eyes, Beloved,” for he knew that Wisdom is innocent of time and space. So she did, and she remembered.

Thus the magical empowerment of the Divine Consorts was born again, and filled the worlds.

The sweetness tasted again of what has always been- ONE.

Written by JAL Nov 1996

May blessings prevail!

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