Cultivating Virtue


The following teaching is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Happiness is a habit to be cultivated from within. Our minds are habitual but like a rider on a horse you must direct it.

Like a gardener we must cultivate good qualities. Why follow anyone with poor habits and bad qualities?

Good qualities and habits: attitude of gratitude, generosity, compassion, selflessness, right thinking, understanding of cause and result…

Don’t get caught in the trap of judgment – criticism, whining, neediness, selfishness, sloth, greed, and mindless unhelpful chatter.

What is your work? Is it in line with your morality, beliefs, conscience, does it help others? Is it honest work? These things really matter

The mind really is like a muscle to be used and developed. But so is the heart. Ethics are extremely important!

We make peace within ourselves, it does not visit, we cannot catch it. When our elements are in balance we are peaceful.

Anger, violence, grasping, fearfulness, ignorance, hatred, constant desire- these are some habits that keep us unbalanced.

If we have poor habits and qualities we also have no self esteem. And we go further into the chaos of falsity and lies. Crazy!

In short; be a proper gardener! Pull the weeds of bad habit and quality and plant the seeds of loving kindness! You will BLOOM!

Follow Jetsunma on Twitter to see teachings as they happen:

Follow ahkonlhamo on Twitter


11/27/09  Friday

Early in the day a time of emotional blockage and frustration is present but later in the day the situation reverses and ends well.  You move through a sense of being caught or obstructed you’re ready to move on..  This is an exciting, heady time.  Set new goals and look to the future.  Vigorous activity is good…run, be active, or plan home improvements.  Call your mother.  No matter how the conversation goes you’ll feel good afterwards.

Sagittarius, Aquarius, Leo*****

Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Cancer****

Taurus, Scorpio, Aries, Libra, Virgo***

Star Legend:

  • 5=Excellent
  • 4= Very Good
  • 3= Good
  • 2=OK
  • 1= Poor


11/26/09  Thursday

Love is in the air!  An exciting new emotional connection suddenly appears.  New inspiration comes; new people, new ideas and new romance arrives as if from nowhere.  Emotions are stimulated and everything seems new and different. Love connections that suddenly appear can be durable and sudden flashes of inspiration can lead to new ways of evaluating and solving old problems.  Intuition is highlighted and artistry and emotionalism are present in a favorable way.  Hunches are accurate. Charge!    Throw caution to the wind. And go back and fix any messes tomorrow.


Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn***

Aries, Libra, Leo ***

Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius

Star Legend:

  • 5=Excellent
  • 4= Very Good
  • 3= Good
  • 2=OK
  • 1= Poor


11/25/09  Wednesday

Group activity and friendship are favorable and a source of enjoyment.  A new idea or communication could open up a different line of thought that leads to success. Rational, big picture thinking is favorable.  Set long term goals based on reality rather than on wishful thinking. Emotions are confusing today but strategic thinking is right on the money.  Avoid confrontations with governmental organizations or those in power, you can’t win.

Aquarius, Sagittarius*****

Aries, Gemini,Cancer,Libra, Capricorn, Pisces****

Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Virgo***

Star Legend:

  • 5=Excellent
  • 4= Very Good
  • 3= Good
  • 2=OK
  • 1= Poor


11/24/09 Tuesday

Fantasy and escapism come to the fore today, and the wish to slack off’ and escape beckons.  This is a great day to watch movies, take a long bath, practice your musical instrument and go on a date. Spiritual practice is excellent today.

Be on the alert for confusing situations and misunderstandings. Go back and clarify any situation that is unclear.

There is a temptation to speak openly in such a way that causes hurt feelings.  Apologize if you are guilty and express your feelings if you have been hurt.  You could annoy a person in power without realizing it.


Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius****

Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio***

Taurus, Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Aries**

Star Legend:

  • 5=Excellent
  • 4= Very Good
  • 3= Good
  • 2=OK
  • 1= Poor

Pray for Animals Being Sacrificed

Sacrificed Animals
Sacrificed Animals

On Tuesday, November 24th the Gadimai animal sacrifice festival will take place in southern Nepal.  It is said that 500,000 animals including buffaloes, chickens, goats, pigs, rats, and birds will be tortured and slaughtered during this Hindu festival.

This horrible event is being protested by numerous animal rights groups in Nepal and around the world.  Buddhists are also practicing for the benefit of these animals, and their auspicious rebirth. Please pray for these animals.  As the Buddha instructs, these beings once were our own kind mothers

How to Offer Prayers for the benefit of beings:

Set your intention – Begin your prayers or mantra recitation with the sincere intention to benefit these beings.

Recite prayers and mantras with focus and concentration.  Try not to let your mind wander.  If it does, bring it back.  You can recite the Mani mantra:  Om Mani Pedme Hung.  You can also recite the Du Sum Sangye prayer.

Dedicate the merit – Finish your efforts by dedicating the merit of having said prayers and mantra to the benefit of these beings.

Here is a dedication prayer by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

By this effort, may all sentient beings be free of suffering.  May their minds be filled with the nectar of virtue.  In this way may all causes resulting in suffering be extinguished.  And only the light of compassion shine throughout all realms.


11/23/09 Monday

This a day of great emotional good will. Happiness and joy are present , and creative, musical or artistic pursuits are favored..  An expansive optimism is present and new ventures can be initiated.  At the same time external circumstances appear that must be recognized and honored.  A balancing of two opposing energies presents itself.  Someone’s ego needs to be appeased today and anger can arise.  A desire to rush forward in optimism is met with the necessity of respecting the importance of those who have different goals and priorities.


Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius****

Libra, Aries***

Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces***

Taurus, Scorpio**

Star Legend:

  • 5=Excellent
  • 4= Very Good
  • 3= Good
  • 2=OK
  • 1= Poor

Meditating Feet


I’ve been a little off lately-
Voices from the past
A tender dream I had that could not last
Better get my meditating feet on the ground.
Them old Blues is coming round.

Quiet my heart, don’t be misled.
Need to put this story straight to bed.
Do some contemplation in my head.
What’s done is done, and I done bled.

Beat the odds, and I survived
Now I need to feel the love inside.
See, what I get is what I provide
Loving freely really opens your eyes!

Still those Blues keep coming round.
Tiny little feet, great big sound.
Get those meditating feet on the ground
Stick with truth, who’s lost is  found

I know that’s true, and true don’t lie
Cling to happy and it makes you cry
Try to hold on, you moan and sigh
Just let go, and try to fly.
Don’t let those voices make you cry.

Copyright ©  Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Advice and Opportunities for Lha Bab Duchen

Children's Program liberating worms at KPC
Children's Program liberating worms at KPC

Jetsunma provided the following advice for today in her tweets:

Good morning and happy Lha Bab Duchen! May your day be filled with prayers, virtue, and good fellowship. May all beings benefit!

Recite Om Mani Padme Hung for animals. Om Ah Hung Benzar Guru Pema Siddhi Hung is good to recite too. Om Vajrasattva Hung to purify.

This is an excellant day to set free creatures meant to be eaten or killed, like bait fish and worms. And for animal rescue.

Today is good for virtous and kindly activities. But do not bring any harm to others, esp today. Everything counts 10 million times.

And dedicate your efforts to the end of suffering for all sentient beings! And pray for those you know are suffering now.

Today is also perfect to remember HH Penor Rinpoche‘ many gifts to us! How amazing His life and accomplishments. We long to see Him again.

We also must pray to HH Karma Kuchen, and be mindful of his kindness. This young Throneholder has accepted a huge burden gladly. E MA HO!

He and the Heart Sons will kindly guide us and we are grateful. HHPR will surely return, and we are grateful and at peace. Dharma prevails!

For those who are in the office or otherwise unable to liberate creatures personally today, you can still generate the merit of saving lives by supporting one of these Rescue Programs:

The Garuda Aviary Bird Sanctuary

Taras Babies Animal Welfare

Virtual Circumambulation

For all those who can’t make it to a real Stupa today, we wanted to offer you the opportunity for a “virtual circumambulation.”

How to use a stupa

Aspirations with a stupa

“When you circumambulate a stupa , say fervent prayers in your heart and mind that you will be able to benefit beings and end their suffering and that in all future lifetimes you will be reborn in a form in which you can benefit beings so that they might achieve enlightenment and be free of suffering. “ Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Benefits of Visiting Stupas

Since stupas represent the Buddha, they are objects of refuge and pilgrimage.Traditionally, pilgrims prostrate, circumambulate and make offerings at Stupas for short-term goals such as longevity, prosperity, health and the success of an undertaking as well as for the ultimate goal of enlightenment.They are also used to make potent prayers for the sake of others in the world so that they may be free of suffering.

Walk clockwise around a stupa

Circumambulation is a very powerful practice, and the very root of practice is to circumambulate with strong devotion with an undistracted mind.”There are extensive teachings on the benefits of walking clockwise around a stupa , for example:“Circumambulating a stupa will have this result:you will be as pure as snow; you will be good, radiant, and wise; and you will lead a happy life.”  Buddha Shakyamuni

How to use a stupa
Aspirations with a stupa
“When you circumambulate a stupa , say fervent prayers in your heart and mind that you will be able to benefit beings and end their suffering and that in all future lifetimes you will be reborn in a form in which you can benefit beings so that they might achieve enlightenment and be free of suffering. “ Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo
Benefits of Visiting Stupas
Since stupas represent the Buddha, they are objects of refuge and pilgrimage.  Traditionally, pilgrims prostrate, circumambulate and make offerings at Stupas for short-term goals such as longevity, prosperity, health and the success of an undertaking as well as for the ultimate goal of enlightenment.  They are also used to make potent prayers for the sake of others in the world so that they may be free of suffering.
Walk clockwise around a stupa
Circumambulation is a very powerful practice, and the very root of practice is to circumambulate with strong devotion with an undistracted mind.”  There are extensive teachings on the benefits of walking clockwise around a stupa , for example:  “Circumambulating a stupa will have this result:  you will be as pure as sow:; you will be good, radiant, and wise; and you will lead a happy life” Buddha ShakyamuniHow to use a stupa
Aspirations with a stupa
“When you circumambulate a stupa , say fervent prayers in your heart and mind that you will be able to benefit beings and end their suffering and that in all future lifetimes you will be reborn in a form in which you can benefit beings so that they might achieve enlightenment and be free of suffering. “ Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo
Benefits of Visiting Stupas
Since stupas represent the Buddha, they are objects of refuge and pilgrimage.  Traditionally, pilgrims prostrate, circumambulate and make offerings at Stupas for short-term goals such as longevity, prosperity, health and the success of an undertaking as well as for the ultimate goal of enlightenment.  They are also used to make potent prayers for the sake of others in the world so that they may be free of suffering.
Walk clockwise around a stupa
Circumambulation is a very powerful practice, and the very root of practice is to circumambulate with strong devotion with an undistracted mind.”  There are extensive teachings on the benefits of walking clockwise around a stupa , for example:  “Circumambulating a stupa will have this result:  you will be as pure as sow:; you will be good, radiant, and wise; and you will lead a happy life” Buddha Shakyamuni
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