Liberating Mind

An excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo from the Vow of Love series

What form will your compassion take? Making compassion your root commitment to sentient beings must take some form. How can you begin to do that? First, I recommend again that you be courageous enough to study the nature of suffering: how it has evolved, what it means, where it exists. See for yourself. Go through a logical thought process. What will bring about the end of suffering? If I did this and this and this and this, will suffering really end? What can the possible results be? Allow yourself to really go through an examination of suffering. Come to your own understanding of suffering so that you can decide what your next action must be. Allow yourself to think, “Well, if I did this good thing for somebody, or if I fed the world and got everybody out of poverty, what would the result be?” Follow this line of reasoning to its logical end, and see if there’s any specific action that you could take that would truly end suffering completely.

Then, think of the Buddha’s logic and try to understand what that might mean. What if what the Buddha says is true? What if hatred, greed and ignorance are the root causes for suffering? What if you could completely remove the seeds of suffering from the fabric of reality? What if it were possible, through the extensive practices given by the Buddha, to accomplish that for yourself first, and then reincarnate in a form by which you could benefit others by offering that same method again and again? Might that be a solution? It’s a slow one, but it’s a big universe. Is it possible that might work? According to the Buddha’s teaching, when you take a vow as a Bodhisattva, you vow to liberate your own mind from hatred, greed and ignorance. You vow to liberate your mind from the very idea of self-nature as being truly valid. You agree to liberate yourself from any form of desire, and you do that specifically so that you can return again and again, in whatever form necessary, in order to be of benefit to sentient beings. You agree to propagate the Dharma. It doesn’t mean that you become a born-again evangelist. It means that you reincarnate and allow yourself to return in whatever form necessary in order to bring teachings to beings that will finally help them out of the sea of delusion that comes from the belief in self.

You should contemplate this and think, “Is this solution really useful?” You have a couple of different options at that point. If you decide that the Buddha’s teaching is valid and useful, you can begin to develop aspirational compassion. Right now, if I were to say to you, “Do you want to help people? Do you want to help the world?” You’d say, “Yeah, I’m on! Look at what I’ve done. I’ve done a lot!” But I tell you, until we reach supreme enlightenment – and I’m talking about bona fide, rainbow-body, walk-on-the-water, supreme enlightenment – we must continue courageously to develop the mind of compassion in every moment. Until we can liberate the minds of others just through a breath, just through a glance, just through a moment of being with them, just through a prayer, we have not truly attained the liberating mind of compassion.

We must continue with this effort throughout all of our lives. Even though we may have the idea of compassion, we must develop aspirational compassion. We must aspire to be anything that would bring true and lasting benefit to beings. We must offer ourselves and our minds again and again and again. I think of one prayer of a Western Bodhisattva that touched me very much as a child, “Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace.” That’s the kind of thought that we as Westerners must have within our minds. As we begin to become more comfortable with Eastern terminology, then we can think, “Let me be born in whatever form necessary, under any conditions in order that beings should not suffer. If there is the need for food, let me return as food. If there is the need for drink, let me return as drink. If there is a need for a teacher, let me return as the teacher. If there is a need for shade, let me return as the tree. If there is the need for love, let me return as arms.” You must continue to develop this idea in such a selfless way that it doesn’t matter to you in what form you can give this love.

Your job would be to liberate your mind to such an extent that you achieve realization through strenuous activity. Yes, the Dharma is difficult. Any path that promises to lead to enlightenment has to be difficult because it’s a long way from here. Let’s face it, any path that leads to bona fide, no-kidding, walk-on-the-water, rainbow-body enlightenment – I’m not talking about a psychological “a ha!,” I’m talking about the real juice – must be very involved, very profound.

So your first thought must be, “Let me then liberate my mind to such an extent that I achieve some realization, and then I wish to return in whatever form is necessary. May I be able to emanate in many bodies. May these emanations fill the earth, and, if necessary, one-on-one, through those emanations, let suffering be ended. Or if it can be done in some other way, I don’t care. It has no meaning to me. Only that suffering should end. What is important is that all sentient beings should themselves achieve liberation and go on to benefit others as well, until there are no more, until all six realms of cyclic existence are free and empty.”

When you get up in the morning, think, “As I rise from this bed, may all sentient beings rise from the state of ignorance and may they be liberated until there is no more suffering.” When you brush your teeth, think, “As I brush my teeth, may the suffering of all sentient beings be washed away.” When you take your shower, think, “As I take this shower, may all sentient beings be showered with a pure and virtuous path by which they themselves can be liberated.” When you walk through your door, think, “May all sentient beings walk through the door of liberation.”

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo


3/14/2010    Sunday

You are smart and articulate today.  Speak your piece, and let the chips fall where they may.  Talk about your dreams for the future.  Assistance and encouragement comes through women, children, families, or those with whom you have an emotional connection.  A powerful protector is in the environment, helping you achieve your hopes and wishes.  Think big.  Material success comes through a creative venture.  Today is a “feel good” day.  Spend time with loved ones, and relax later in the day. Watch a movie or listen to music.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Be the Hope of the World

An excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo from the Vow of Love series

I have listened to some of the teachings on Buddhist cosmology, and heard the prophecy that there will be a time when there is no Buddha in this world – no teaching, no help, and no light. When things will be so dark there will be nothing, no hope. As a Buddhist I am supposed to believe this teaching, and I try. But I refuse to accept it, I won’t accept it, and if that makes me a bad Buddhist, then I am. But rather than think in a prideful way that I refuse to accept this teaching, I hope instead to cultivate an endless amount of energy to continue to practice for the benefit of others, no matter what the odds are. To consider that it is worthwhile if even one person can be benefited.

I wish we would all think in this way – that nothing will stop us. I find it necessary to believe that compassion is the strongest power anywhere, that love is stronger than prophecy. Believing this, we must continue as we are. Every day we must be stronger and continue in a more determined way.

When I see those of you who have taken ordination, I think you are the hope of the world. If you can remain emanating in the world always, even after attaining supreme realization, if your love is that strong that you change the prophecies, we have hope.

I also think of those who are newly starting, and those of you who are intermediate, and those of you who are choosing whatever particular path you choose. If you use the Buddha’s understanding, and come to a point of profound commitment and practice – if you consider love is your life, so that it will increase throughout every future incarnation – then you, too, are the hope of the world.

We must take this vocation very seriously. I don’t mean we have to walk around like somber people, with a terrible, woeful expression on our faces, or that we never get to have any fun anymore.  It’s not like that. But our sense of joy is the kind of joy that is born of the mind of compassion, the kind of joy that appears in the mind with the commitment to benefit beings at any cost, the kind of joy that knows there is an antidote to suffering. That kind of joy is stronger than human joy and human sadness, because those things come and go, day to day, up and down, in and out.

I suggest you choose to live a lasting life of love, rather than one that is impermanent and superficial. In doing so, come to know something that doesn’t vary. Know something that grows from a tiny seed into a profound sense of bliss, which, as it grows, produces the kind of realization that can let you at last be someone who can truly help sentient beings with the right medicine.

You are at a crossroads in time now. Tremendous opportunities are coming your way. They have come your way. You are at a point very rare in cyclic existence. It is now possible for you to make this choice. It was not possible before. You should take this time very seriously, and consider deeply whether you will cultivate the mind of compassion every moment from now on for the rest of your life, and in all future lives to come, knowing that this is the only end to suffering.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo


3/13/2010    Saturday

Eccentric!  This is the perfect day to dress up and attend a Star Trek Convention, or to spray paint your hair blue.  Invent something!  It will succeed!  You are confident and full of personality.  You can catch the eye of someone who appreciates your sense of fun.  At the same time you have a special sensitivity and speak in such a compassionate and perceptive way that others are helped by your communication.  Imagine having your problems solved and your questions answered by someone dressed up in a goofy costume!  But it can happen today, so don’t count anybody out.  Answers come from strange sources.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


3/12/2010    Friday

Friends are friendly today, and you’re feeling group oriented.  A group can achieve something that a single person can’t possibly manage.  Like picking up a car that has run off the road, or pitching in to help finish a job before a deadline.  “United we stand” is today’s motto.  A project is building up steam; a course of action is developing.  Plan carefully and watch the details.  Lao Tzu says “Attend to little problems before they get out of hand. For the largest tree was once a sprout, the tallest tower began with the first brick, and the longest journey began with the first step.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


3/11/2010    Thursday

If you “mouth off” around a superior you will regret it.  Authority figures are feeling conservative and will not appreciate your brash attitude.  Apologize if you have spoken inappropriately.  You are so excited about the new forward motion in your life that you could act a little goofy.  Be silly or exuberant in private, among close friends.  You could stabilize a relationship with a woman, even set up an enduring partnership today.  Artists and those who help others are particularly successful today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


3/10/2010    Wednesday

A wonderful rush of energy characterizes today.  A blockage is released, and you are free to move ahead in an area that has been held up since December.  If you have been waiting for someone else, that person is now willing to go ahead with the plan or else will free you to move on.  Action!  Start exercising, call people, come up with new plans, reach out and move forward!  Inspiration comes through unusual sources…intuition, hunches, and daydreams.  This is good.  Take action, and you’ll be glad you did.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


3/9/2010     Tuesday

Today is a day to make progress.  An obstacle still seems to block your happiness, but today that obstacle can be bargained with.  Find out what the other side wants; be willing to negotiate and give a little, and you just might come up with a successful agreement.   You are more down to earth and less assured of success which makes you more clear headed in your dealings.  See the big picture, the long haul, and take things one step at a time.  You won’t go wrong.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Rebirth of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche

I wonder where Kyabje Penor Rinpoche will be born. I cheer for US, but I know how horribly American Tulkus are maligned by westerners.

So I would not wish that ugliness on HIM. Oh, I pray HE is born where HE is safe and loved. I was recognized by three Great High Lamas.

Kyabje HHPenor Rinpoche, Kyabje HH Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche in his last incarnation, and H.E. Dzonang Rinpoche and still there is gossip!

I pray that High Lamas come from every corner of the earth to recognize Kyabje Penor’s precious incarnation so all arrogant gossips are Quiet.


3/8/2010    Monday

A tricky day, early, presents itself.  Something loved is not gained, and it is possibly irretrievably lost. Shakespeare said, “I hold the world but as the world…A stage where every man plays a part, and mine is a sad one.”  If you look outward you may see obstacles blocking your progress, but if you look within a source of great happiness is there.  Sometimes inspiration goes hand in hand with loss, and wisdom is the prize you weren’t even looking for.  A fantasy is unmasked, and you must let it go.  This opens the door to reality.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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