Why pay attention to our habits?

For those truly wishing for inspiring effect, it takes willingness for deep contemplation, which can lead to transformation.  Transformation is not only for oneself, but for those who witness it. In other words, our transformation can set an example for others through inspiration, thus leading other people to their own transformations. This level of contemplation however requires self honesty and seriousness.  Contemplation into our habits allows us to reflect upon our lives mission and self commitment to change, to benefit other. The text indicates that through the power of deep and profound contemplation, looking at habit close up and far away, enables a spiritual “power” to rise in us, “influencing others without their being aware of how it happens.”

This week’s question provoke the following hexagrams:
The original is Wind over Earth; 20
The expansion is Heaven over Fire; 13
The kernel is Earth over Earth; 2 BY WAY OF Mountain over Earth; 23

While we may not have the intention or motivation for our own transformations to impact others, they will.  This is important to reflect upon because the laws of karma will place us in various environments, and our influences upon other people becomes critical to our own karma and spiritual practices and Path. Reflection and contemplation upon one’s habits is a transitional time, and can lead one to cultivate new, more beneficial habits. Ideally, we are motivated to always bring benefit in some way.  This motivation comes from an inner strength to cultivate beneficial habits.

Something important to note when contemplating upon habits, is that generally speaking, one benefits most by being in fellowship.  Why is this? It is through the power of interaction with other that the true test of habit presents itself, thus allowing the space and time to see one’s faults in order to change them. Therefore it really does further one to be engaged with fellowship; developing a perseverance for the Path.

We spend our lives endlessly in search of happiness, becoming tiresome.  It is through a perseverance for the Path that we can reach our ultimate goal of enlightenment.  A key to reaching this goal is constant evaluation of our habits, so yes, it is important to pay attention to them. Through this process we gain clarity and proper discernment.  We need our spiritual friends for interaction and engagement, and we need our Teachers for guidance through troubled waters. Cultivating new habits brings breadth and purity to our character, enabling support and the ability to bear the obstacles that one will encounter along their spiritual journey.

Lastly, the ultimate outcome does not come by running away, rather, one must remain still with devotion.  There are times to be active, and times to contemplate, and with the guidance of one’s Teacher, and spiritual friendships and fellowship, one can ride the ebb and flow of a turbulent ocean.

Have a wonderful week, enjoy your practices and contemplate deeply and profoundly upon your habits, because it is important, and it matters.

Learn more about the I Ching on the I Ching page!


1/24/10   Sunday

This is an interesting and complex day.  Sympathy and compassion run high, and creativity is strong as is the desire to escape. Men and those in authority have a first rate chance to stabilize a group, to set up a partnership and to solve a long-standing problem effectively.  There is a way out of a box and you have found it.  Today you could have an “aha!” experience where you discover the answer to a puzzle. You could suddenly do something that works out very well.  And then here is where you need to exercise caution.  Buoyed up, excited about having just solved something, you could want to do MORE, to solve more issues.  You feel as though you are “on a roll.”  But the next issue you “solve” will be a mistake.  Stop at one solution, don’t press for the second and all is well.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Online Support for Dharma Practice

Guru Rinpoche
Guru Rinpoche

Here are some online practice supports for Dharma students


@ahkonlhamo – Musings and tweachings by Jetsunma

@kunzangpalyul – Kunzang Palyul Choling updates on practices, events, and other news

@palyulmedia –  Updates about webcast teachings and teachings available at palyulproductions.org

@kpcstore – updates on new Dharma product arrivals at the Mani Jewel Store

www.tara.org – Find out about Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, Kunzang Palyul Choling and its many activities and schedule of events, the Palyul Lineage, Buddhism and Buddhist Practices, and live broadcasts

www.PalyulMedia.Smugmug.com – A photo gallery of Lamas, Deities, and activities around Kunzang Palyul Choling and the Palyul family.  Downloads are free.  You can also order prints.

www.Ustream.tv/PalyulMedia – watch video teachings

www.youTube.com/KunzangPalyulCholing – watch short teachings and music clips

www.PalyulProductions.org – an online source for video DVDs, audio MP3s, audio CDs of teachings, practice books in book form or downloadable PDFs, as well as other Dharma supports.

www.JetsunmaMusic.com – Listen to Jetsunma’s music, read her poetic lyrics, and enjoy the music blog

Mandala Messenger – Sign up for KPC’s regular newsletter to find out about upcoming events and sangha news

www.kpcstore.org/– Online store for Dharma supports

KPC’s bookstore – Dharma books

www.stupas.org – beautiful images and descriptions of Stupas


1/23/10   Saturday

Ah, you have decided what you want to do and it involves spending money.  Time to go shopping!  Men and women could disagree on WHAT to buy but they are united in the desire to go shopping, go out to dinner, live luxuriously.  Be careful not to include too many people in your outings.  You could find yourself disagreeing about where to go. Today you want to spend time with groups and people you care for but too many people spoil the picture. You could make a positive business decision that seems out of sync with the rest of the day’s activities, but this decision is solid and will stand the test of time.  Your thinking is correct and you know it.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Tulku Migyur Dorje
Tulku Migyur Dorje

A teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

It is essential to keep at one’s practice daily. But also keep progressing, accomplishing each stage before moving to the next.

Starting with contemplation of the Four Thoughts, Ngundro, Three Roots, Tsa-Lung, Togyal and Trekchod. This method assures progress and good rebirth.  All these, the Treasures of the path, are best learned within one’s Lineage, under the guidance of a truly accomplished Master.

All these teachings and more are conferred at the Palyul Retreat Center in New York. Soup to nuts! And we are guided now by His Holiness Karma Kuchen and the Heart Sons.

It is difficult to have these profound teachings all in one place. The month long retreat in New York every Summer is not to be missed. Concise!

And there we have fully accomplished Masters to teach and ripen our minds. How extraordinary, pure Lineage transmission here in the US for all!

For more information about Palyul Summer Retreat, visit Palyul.org


1/22/10   Friday

Escape!  You are ready to run off for your dream weekend.  The faster the better.  You want to hide somewhere and leave your problems behind. Fantasy has a strong pull today.  Make plans to spend time near water, to see movies that inspire you or take you into a different realm.  Music and art are favored today.  Later in the day you still have the urge to move fast but you can’t decide where you want to go or what you want to do.  You’re spinning your wheels.  You could find yourself saying, “I want to do something but I don’t know what it is!”  Stick to your previous plan or you’ll become confused and frustrated.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Star Child


Bright, shining

Star child

Tripping, dancing

In the light

Who are you?

I am

The lover; the beloved.

The father and the child.

The voice and the song.

The kingdom is mine!

Playfully, joyfully fathered by

All that is

I am born

Into glory!

I am glory!

Born to soar,

I hold in my hand

The seed and the fruit of forever

What a joy to cherish

This moment.


To see in myself

The promise.

The song of love, sung

By me, for me.

Born in light

I am light;


Pure, perfect crystalline


Becoming, multiplying, forever.

I am bathed

In exquisite joy –


One with Infinity

Star child!

By Alyce Mulloy

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo


1/21/10   Thursday

You are ready to surge ahead today but you meet an obstacle early on.  After that you are free to go go go!  Doctors and all medical professionals are highlighted.  If you need a physical examination, a dental or counseling appointment, go ahead and schedule one. Those in the helping professions are especially good these days.  You could find the doctor of your dreams, the counselor who really helps you and the dentist who knows what your problem is.  If you are hospitalized it will be a good experience.  Medicines are effective and illnesses are favorably healed.  A new cure for a previously untreatable disease could be discovered.  A heart to heart talk with a woman can clear up a problem.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


1/20/10   Wednesday

Men and people in authority experience a new burst of energy today.  Friends are helpful and loving.  A sense of compassion for those who are suffering is in the air.  You are more willing to get out there and help those in need.  You feel less group oriented and more oriented toward helping.  Consider where you feel compassion the most:  is it toward children, animals, those who are sick, poor, oppressed?  Find out where you feel most strongly about helping others and become involved.  At the same time watch your dreams and fantasies closely for new information that comes to you, they could be showing you the future.  Guard against escapist behavior, feeling sorry for yourself, or engaging in criminal activity. It’s time to help others, or you could become the one who needs help!

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


1/19/10   Tuesday

Intuition is especially accurate, and good friends are willing to spend time with you.  Men are busy wrapping up last minute business and may be too busy to help due to prior commitments but they should still pay attention to their hunches. Women and children are full of dreams and new ideas.  A beneficial outside force is entering the picture and it is opening a new door into a previously blocked situation.  You are looking in one direction for a solution to a problem and the solution sneaks up behind you!  Help comes from an unexpected and generous source.  You could sell something for a good price.


The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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