
4/24/2010     Saturday

Harmony exists between men and women, despite an outburst from someone.  A powerful person changes today, accepts reality and is willing to move in a different direction.  The anger came from the realization of the need for change.  A volcano erupts, informing us of subterranean pressures that we were unaware of.  After the explosion, a peaceful time comes and things are on a more stable footing all around. Lucky you if you miss the blast.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Speaking Of Love

A teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo (via @ahkonlhamo)

Why do I speak of LOVE? Because I AM in love! With the sublime Bodhicitta- the truest, purest life beyond life LOVE. Fill the earth! Love.

My daughter is not adopted, she is cherished and LOVED! My dogs are not rescued, they are gifts. They rescue ME. Our flock is no burden.  Our flock is a joy, a beauty, sentient beings that need love and teach us to FLY. We are filled with the JOY of helping others!

Happiness cannot be known by those who have no Bodhicitta in their hearts, no LOVE. May all be healed by sublime Love!!!

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo


Information compiled by Thubten Palzang:



Some relief supplies have begun to arrive in the earthquake-stricken areas of Yushu County, Qinhai Province, China (Tibet).  The first truck along with a group of volunteers from the Tibetan Village Project (TVP) arrived in Yushu on April 17.  The TVP has set up a website for those wishing to donate to relief efforts,  The TVP is an NGO (non-governmental organization) working to promote sustainable development in Tibet while preserving their cultural heritage.

The home monastery of Thrangu Rinpoche in Tibet was devastated by the earthquake.  The learning center collapsed, killing as many as 30 monks and students.  Donations to assist the monastery rebuild can be made at the Himalayan Children’s Fund

One side effect of the earthquake has been to further polarize the national identities of those affected.  The Chinese are reporting 1,400 dead while Tibetan sources claim the total is closer to 10,000, and the Chinese are taking credit for the relief efforts while in fact much of the rescue work was done by Tibetan monks until the Chinese arrived several days later.  Meanwhile the Dalai Lama has requested permission to visit the area.  Tibetan inhabitants of the area, who far outnumber Han Chinese, have also request permission for him to visit.  The Chinese government, however, is unlikely to grant such a request.  The area around Kyegundo has been an epicenter for anti-Chinese activism since the Chinese army invaded Tibet in 1959.  For further background on this volatile situation, go here.


4/23/2010     Friday

A woman will confuse you today, and a love relationship could leave you wondering what went wrong.  Don’t worry. You are about to find a solution to a situation or relationship that has been puzzling you.  The answer lies in a mystery, something more convoluted than you imagine.  But you will enjoy working through what lies ahead.  Darkness or nighttime is your friend in this puzzling situation.  Courage!  Move ahead and all goes well.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Our Nature Is Love

A teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo (via @ahkonlhamo on Twitter)

The poison of HATE fouls the Beauty of LIFE.

The poison of HATE desecrates the pure nectar of Dharma.

The face of HATE is so ugly that it makes haters themselves UGLY.

The damage caused by HATE is equally damaging to the perpetrator as it is to the VICTIM!

The sickness of HATE only makes the Hater even SICKER.

To HATE is to murder one’s own heart and mind. Our nature is Bodhicitta…LOVE!

Hatred, greed, and ignorance are the three main root poisons. If hate isn’t destroyed in this human rebirth, then WHEN?

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Earthquake Update-How To Help

Before and After Image of Jyekundo City

Article compiled by Thubten Palzang:

The severe earthquake that struck Yushu County in Northeast Kham (now China) on April 14, 2010, destroyed or severely damaged towns and monasteries in the area. Jyekundo Dondrubling Monastery, located in Jyekundo City near the epicenter, was severely damaged. At the time of the earthquake, 44 monks at the monastery who were in the midst of sojong (ordained confession practice) inside the monastery were killed. Monks at nearby Chekyeku Monastery, which is larger than Jyekundo, were also in the midst of sojong when the earthquake hit, but they were practicing on the veranda and were able to escape injury except for two young monks, not old enough to take full vows, who were inside the temple and were killed. In the city of Jyekundo itself, which has about 80,000 inhabitants, as of April 17 there were 1,484 reported dead, 417 missing, 1,394 severely injured, another 12,088 injured, and 80% of the residents are homeless. A school there collapsed during the earthquake killing all 115 students and teachers inside. The county hospital in Jyekundo was also destroyed.

The birthplace and monastery of Ayang Rinpoche, of the Amitabha Foundation and a good friend of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche (His Holiness performed the Kalachakra in Rochester for the Amitabha Foundation in 1970) is also located in Rima, the actual epicenter of the quake. A new clinic and boarding school sponsored by the Amitabha Foundation are also located in Rima. There are no reports yet on damage and casualties in Rima.

Yushu is located in the Northwest corner of Sichuan Province, several hundred miles northeast of the main Palyul monastery. The nearest Palyul branch monastery is Tarthang Monastery, home to Tarthang Tulku, about 211 miles to the west of Jyekundo. No reports of damage or injuries have been heard from there as yet.

The remoteness of the affected area has impeded aid reaching the victims. The airport as Jyekundo has reopened, allowing aid to be flown in. Much of what aid is available is coming from monastery stores in the area, particularly food and medical assistance.

As of today (April 21), the number of known dead is approaching 2,000. The International Campaign for Tibet is supporting earthquake relief efforts. Contributions can be made at


4/22/2010     Thursday

Financial considerations dominate this day.  You feel your wallet measures your worth. Do tend to your bills, but bear in mind that a financial solution is possible. An open door appears and beckons to you.  Oddly, a pride issue could prevent you from taking advantage of a sincere offer.  A longstanding relationship is soon to be blown into life again.  Don’t fan the flame if you don’t want the fire.    You are still required to balance the dull with the unexpected. Give both your fullest attention.  Don’t cut anyone off.  You will miss them later.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


4/21/2010     Wednesday

Early in the day a breakthrough occurs!  Good news!  Hooray!  Then change occurs and men and women are out of sync.  This does not undo the breakthrough, fortunately.  That is here to stay.  Disagreements about finances and money matters can cloud the day.  Pride issues come to the fore, and it’s important to respect and acknowledge the good others have done.  If something has gone in a direction you don’t like, speak up but remember George Washington’s words “Wherein you reprove another be un-blamable yourself, for example is more prevalent than precepts.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Pure Offerings

That which arises from the Body, Speech and Mind of the Buddhas cannot be treated like ordinary possessions. They are extraordinary.

That which we ourselves have set aside to honor the Body, Speech, and Mind of the Buddhas cannot be used in ordinary ways.

That which has been honorably, nobly offered to the Buddhas cannot be taken back, including sacred vows and blessing offerings.

That which is honorably and properly consecrated according to one’s Lineage may not be un-consecrated at will. Not done properly? No problem.

We must finally discriminate between the ordinary and the sublime! When a gift is given to Tsawei Lama it must remain so to avoid lower realms

All I have accumulated, every drop of merit, commitment, property, land, all extraordinary and pleasing belongs to Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche!


4/20/2010     Tuesday

A stable energy permeates the day.  It’s a good day to shop and to deal with financial matters.  Spend time with women and children you are especially fond of.  An emotional benefactor is in the environment.  This person cares for you and will do everything possible to help you.  Someone is compassionate and understands what you want to do and how hard you have been working to accomplish your goals.  Such a relief to be understood and appreciated!  You are STILL in the midst of a balancing act where two wildly different agendas must be taken into consideration.  Hang in there.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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