
5/6/2010     Thursday

Spend time with good friends or groups today.  You have been pulled away from your chums and today you reconnect.  Go to a movie, relax, have a meal out.  A dreamy vibration is present.  Pay attention to your imagination and your dreams.  In this instance information comes to you from many directions, rational and mysterious.  You can invent something or have an “aha” moment.  Learn how to use a new machine or gizmo that you thought was not for you.  A new door opens.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


5/5/2010     Wednesday

A bit of a bumpy stretch appears today.  A disagreement is best negotiated in private.  Be generous toward the person who is spending time on business or financial matters, that person needs a break.  Things seem aggravating and frustrating, but a bit of rest and fun changes everything.  Something looked at too long can become confusing, and the obvious becomes incomprehensible.  Pull back and you will see the solution.  The great Albert Einstein said, “The only really valuable thing is intuition.”  Relax, use your intuition, and the answer comes. Someone can tell a joke that holds the answer.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


5/4/2010     Tuesday

Inspiration, excitement and real progress characterize the events of this day.  You are serious minded yet inclined to see the good side of things.  Head toward the wide open spaces, look outward and upward and you will feel relaxed.  This is a working day. You are busy moving forward and mediating the activities of the day.  Progress is made, good job!  And, of all things, love is in the wings.  Just when you least expected it!  Accept the friendship and love that comes your way, it is sincere.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

The Nyingma Lineage

The following is a brief synopsis of the Nyingma lineage and some key terms:

“Nyingma” means “Ancient Ones” and is sometimes referred to as the Ancient Translation School.  It is the oldest of the four remaining Buddhist lineages in Tibet, the others being Kagyu, Sakya and Gelugpa.  There are different lineages because of different historical transmissions of the Dharma from India to Tibet.  The Nyingma transmissions of the 8th and 9th c. came primarily through Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche), Vimalamitra, and Shantarakshita (Khenpo Bodhisattva).  Two characteristics distinguish the Nyingma from the other lineages:  dividing the path into nine vehicles (the highest vehicle, Dzogchen, or the Great Perfection, is also unique to Nyingma), and the revelatory teachings of terma.

Terms to Know

Hinayana: The “lesser vehicle” compromising the overt teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha on ethics, concentration and meditation which produce the result of an Arhat or “enemy destroyer” (one who has overcome the enemies of hatred, greed, and ignorance)

Mahayana: The “greater vehicle,” or path of the bodhisattvas.  This path comprises teachings both given by Shakyamuni Buddha both overtly and in more secret ways, which were later revealed by Nagarjuna and Asaga.  Motivated by the compassionate intention to lead all sentient beings out of samsara, the bodhisattva follows a more profound set of ethics, concentration, and meditation according to the teachings on the six perfections:  generosity, ethics, patience, perseverance, concentration, and meditation.  This path leads ultimately to liberation as a fully enlightened Buddha.

Vajrayana: The “indestructible vehicle.”  Sometimes called the path of secret mantra or the tantrayana.  This is a path of meditation and yogic techniques designed to radically accelerate the time it takes to purify the mind of obscurations and karmic defilements.  Those who accomplish this path are called siddhas – it also leads swiftly to the state of Buddhahood.

Tantra: Essentially the same as Vajrayana, but listed separately to remove some confusion.  In the Western spiritual marketplace, tantra is sold as a method for achieving spiritual bliss through sexual union.  Though such teachings exist in the anuyoga canon of the Nyingma, they are very rarely practiced, and require a yogi and yogini who have completely transcended ordinary desire, received the permission and proper transmissions from a qualified lama, and are for the purpose of subtle purification, not ordinary blissful feelings.  Anything else is a corruption, and spiritually pointless.

The word tantra means “continuity” and refers to the continuous uninterrupted perfection inherent in all phenomena.  It therefore refers to those teachings that take such a view as the basis for practice.  Tantra is also used as a word for the actual text in which such teachings are written.

Kama: The orally transmitted teachings of sutra and tantra translated at the time of Padmasambhava and Vimalamitra.

Terma: Literally means “treasure.”  It refers to the teachings and sacred objects hidden by Guru Rinpoche and his consort Yeshe Tsogyal to be discovered at the appropriate time for their beneficial use.  They include both physical and non-physical treasures (“sa-ter,” or earth treasures, and “gong-ter,” or mind treasures).

Terton: Means “treasure revealer,” or one who discovers terma.  All tertons are the prophesied incarnations of one of Guru Rinpoche’s 25 heart disciples.  Tertons have been revealing terma from the 10th c. to the present day.

Mahayoga: The “generation stage” of practice.  This is the first level of inner tantra corresponding to the seventh of the nine Nyingma vehicles.

Anuyoga: The “completion stage” of practice.  This is the second level of inner tantra, corresponding to the eighth of the nine Nyingma vehicles.

Atiyoga: The “great perfection stage” of practice, also known as Dzogchen (a contraction of dzogpa chenpo).  This is the ninth of the nine Nyingma vehicles, which itself has three divisions.  The third is called “mengagde,” or esoteric instructions.  This is divided into two practice methods:  trekchod and togyal.

Important Names

Padmasambhava: This means “the lotus-born.”  He is also known as Guru Rinpoche.  He was the emanation of Shakyamuni Buddha appearing for the purpose of propagating the Vajrayana teachings.  Dwelling in India for 1,000 years, he went to Tibet at the invitation of King Trisong Deutsen, tamed all the negative non-physical forces, established the first monastery (Samye Ling), extensively taught a select few disciples, and left hidden spiritual teachings and objects (terma) for the benefit of future generations.

Trisong Deutsen: King of Tibet in the 8th and 9th c. who had unified the country.  Wishing to establish the Dharma in Tibet, he invited many great masters from India, chief among them being Padmasambhava, Vimalamitra, and Shantarakshita.  He sponsored the translation of the entire Buddhist canon from Sanskrit to Tibetan, thus ensuring its safety.

Vimalamitra: Invited by Trisong Deutsen specifically to bring the inner tantra teachings, in particular Dzogchen.  This body of teachings is known as the Vima Nyingthig, or “heart essence of Vimalamitra.”

Shantarakshita: Abbot of Nalanda, the greatest Buddhist University in India, invited by King Trisong Deutsen to establish Tibet’s first monastery.  When he could not accomplish this, he was the one who recommended inviting Padmashambhava.  He established the hinayana and Mahayana teachings, giving profound guidance to the first Tibetan monks, as well as the general lay population.

Yeshe Tsogyal: Daughter of Trisong Deutsen, a wisdom Dakini who was given to Padmasambhava by the king.  She became Padmasambhava’s chief consort and closest disciple.  Having perfect recall, she recorded all his teachings and helped conceal them as terma for future generations.

For more information about Buddhism, visit

Recommended Reading:

  1. The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche
  2. Lineage of Diamond Light, Crystal Mirror 5, Dharma Publishing
  3. Masters of the Nyingma Lineage, Crystal Mirror 11, Dharma Publishing
  4. The Lotus-Born, Yeshe Tsogyal
  5. Guru Rinpoche:  His Life and Times, Ngawang Zangpo
  6. Masters of Meditation and Miracles, Tulku Thondup
  7. Crazy Wisdom, Chogyam Trungpa
  8. Sky Dancer, Keith Dowman
  9. Buddhist Masters of Enchantment, Keith Dowman
  10. Dakini Teachings, Yeshe Tsogyal
  11. Advice from the Lotus Born, Padmasambhava
  12. The Lives and Liberation of Princess Mandarava, Sangye Khandro

The Suffering of Yushu

For some remarkable pictures of the earthquake damage in Yushu and recovery efforts, go to
Caution: some very graphic content. Also, be sure to read the comments.

To get some idea of the situation in Yushu County, Tibetans make up 97.25% of the population while Han Chinese only 2.56%. Other nationalities only make up less than 1%. This does not include some 50-60,000 nomads who do not live permanently in Yushu.

From Collective Responsibility:

As news of the Yushu earthquake disappears from the world’s front pages, survivors’ needs increase. Those in Yushu still lack blankets and tents. Temperatures are dropping and there is insufficient fuel for cooking and heating. Yushu has no electricity and is still in darkness. People have only meager food supplies and are drinking water from unsafe sources.

* A jacket costs 2 USD.
* A blanket costs 2.40 USD.
* A toothbrush costs 0.15 USD.
* One ton of coal costs 51 USD.
* 20 * 500ml bottled water 2.20 USD.
* Flashlight: 2.90 USD.

If you can make even a small donation, please visit:

Apart from the needs of those in Yushu, patients and their families in Xining are also suffering.

Below are the number of patients in Qinghai hospitals:

* Qinghai Province People’s Hospital: 186 patients
* Armed Police Number Four Hospital: 83 patients
* Qinghai Province Red Cross Hospital: 69 patients
* Qinghai University Hospital: 172 patients
* Qinghai Province People’s Second Hospital: 127 patients
* Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Hospital: 18 patients

This total of 655 people does not include accompanying family members.

Below are accounts written by Xining students describing the situation here and in Yushu.

I received information about the earthquake from my brother who is a teacher in Yushu. At about 5:00 a.m on the fourteenth of April a low magnitude quake woke people up, but many people then went back to sleep. Later that morning the big earthquake came. At that time many students were reciting lessons outside, by the walls of the school buildings. They were crushed when the walls fell on them. Some female students were going to the cafeteria to collect boiling water to make instant noodles, and the cafeteria collapsed and killed them. Despite all these terrible things, many people survived. They did not have any food for three days. After three days, instant noodles arrived and the people, almost starving, happily ate them. Now people are cold; they don’t have enough clothes, or blankets, or anywhere to stay.

I went to the hospital to help earthquake victims. Although I am Tibetan I couldn’t communicate very well with the patients because we speak different dialects. Nonetheless we could understand each other. People are just bringing them bread to eat and water to drink. They need some good food. The clerks at the hospital told me that many people are volunteering, but they still need qualified, professional, helpers.

I went to the hospital to volunteer with my classmates – we spent one night there. There were many patients in the hospital. Some of the patients could not move, eat, drink, or go to the toilet by themselves. When people were awake they were nervous and when they were asleep they had nightmares. One man I helped had bruises all over his face and he couldn’t move his legs. The patients in the hospital still don’t have any clean clothes and what they are wearing has already become dirty and caked with blood.
Three of my female classmates are from Yushu. After the terrible earthquake they lost many relatives and friends, not to mention property. Luckily their parents are still alive. Now those three women are working busily in the hospital, day and night. They have been staying up all night to help the patients from their hometown and cannot attend classes as usual. When they come back to school from the hospital they just fall on the bed and sleep. Patients in the hospital have nothing now. I hope many warm-hearted people will stretch out their hands to help them.

There is a girl from Yushu in the dorm room next to mine. She lost her mother in the earthquake. Since then she often calls out her mother’s name and cries. Sometimes she stays silent for a long time. We don’t know how to comfort her. Sometimes we want to talk about it with her, but maybe that will only make it worse. That girl is still going to classes, but she just sits there and we don’t know if she really knows what is going on her around her.

Tsering and Tsemdo
We talked to one earthquake survivor who helped us to distribute supplies we took to Yushu from Xining. He told us, “I woke up when the earthquake occurred at around 5 a.m. I knew that an earthquake was occurring and wanted to get up but I felt very sleepy and stayed in bed. My wife also felt very sleepy and stayed in bed. We were never so sleepy in our whole life – it was very strange. When an earthquake occurred again at 7:49 a.m., our house shook and I woke up. The house continued to shake and I grabbed hold of my grandson and wife, jumped up from bed, and ran outside. Our house collapsed just as I stepped out of the door. Something heavy hit my head and I passed out. When I woke up I could barely see because my vision was blurry. As my sight came back I could only see dust. I heard the sound of houses collapsing. After the earthquake, my daughter and son-in-law were trapped in the rubble and died but the rest of the family was OK. Many other people have died.”


5//3/2010     Monday

Agreement exists between parties in a negotiation; both sides recognize the value of the deal.  Everyone gains, and everyone understands the need to press forward.  A cool feeling pervades, a sense of doing what needs to be done given the situation. A financial arrangement is agreed on. A man or important person can be argumentative.  Think of Albert Camus’ words “In the depths of winter I finally learned in me there was an invincible summer,” and be at peace.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


5/2/2010      Sunday

Deep and serious issues draw you beneath the surface, and armed with the knowledge you have gained, you make outstanding decisions.  Emotions are steady and up to the task ahead.  A fortunate happening, a stroke of worldly luck, moves you forward in a way that gains the respect of those you admire.  After a time of feeling “up in the air” you have returned to earth and it’s just what you need.  Steadiness, stability, the ground beneath your feet; this is what you need today.  Do something earthy.  Dig in the garden, fix the roof, prune the trees.  Visit a senior citizen or a long- term friend.  These things bring you comfort.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


5/1/2010      Saturday

This day presents you with confusing options.  Be careful not to overestimate your abilities, beware of committing yourself to a project you can’t fulfill.  Sometimes wisdom involves knowing your weaknesses as well as your strengths.  Choose carefully today, because you are choosing your future.  Remember Robert Frost’s words, “Two paths diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”  You will not go back and make this decision again.  A pivotal day.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


4/30/2010     Friday

The speaking person keeps running into disagreements and this is angering.  Are you the speaking person?  You could be presenting your ideas in a way that invites disagreement.  Or else you aren’t letting others have a chance to express their ideas.  Speak your piece and then listen.  Something happens that uplifts your spirits, gives you a boost.  Someone is willing to partner up with you, and this works well.  Opposing opinions that respect each other can be more productive than two who think exactly alike.  Look to the distance for ideas, you are expanding your horizons!

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


4/29/2010     Thursday

Families are happy today.  An intelligent woman, child or relative comes up with THE THING that solves a problem.  Someone is quietly working behind the scenes, and that person has your best interests at heart.  Rely on that person, that beneficial force, and you will proceed with confidence and energy.  An unexpected event turns circumstances in your favor.  However avoid becoming so enthusiastic and confident that you stop paying attention.  You could miss or forget something important!  It’s like counting from one to ten over and over.  If you lose your place, start at one again.  This helps today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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