
5//3/2010     Monday

Agreement exists between parties in a negotiation; both sides recognize the value of the deal.  Everyone gains, and everyone understands the need to press forward.  A cool feeling pervades, a sense of doing what needs to be done given the situation. A financial arrangement is agreed on. A man or important person can be argumentative.  Think of Albert Camus’ words “In the depths of winter I finally learned in me there was an invincible summer,” and be at peace.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


5/2/2010      Sunday

Deep and serious issues draw you beneath the surface, and armed with the knowledge you have gained, you make outstanding decisions.  Emotions are steady and up to the task ahead.  A fortunate happening, a stroke of worldly luck, moves you forward in a way that gains the respect of those you admire.  After a time of feeling “up in the air” you have returned to earth and it’s just what you need.  Steadiness, stability, the ground beneath your feet; this is what you need today.  Do something earthy.  Dig in the garden, fix the roof, prune the trees.  Visit a senior citizen or a long- term friend.  These things bring you comfort.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


5/1/2010      Saturday

This day presents you with confusing options.  Be careful not to overestimate your abilities, beware of committing yourself to a project you can’t fulfill.  Sometimes wisdom involves knowing your weaknesses as well as your strengths.  Choose carefully today, because you are choosing your future.  Remember Robert Frost’s words, “Two paths diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”  You will not go back and make this decision again.  A pivotal day.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


4/30/2010     Friday

The speaking person keeps running into disagreements and this is angering.  Are you the speaking person?  You could be presenting your ideas in a way that invites disagreement.  Or else you aren’t letting others have a chance to express their ideas.  Speak your piece and then listen.  Something happens that uplifts your spirits, gives you a boost.  Someone is willing to partner up with you, and this works well.  Opposing opinions that respect each other can be more productive than two who think exactly alike.  Look to the distance for ideas, you are expanding your horizons!

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


4/29/2010     Thursday

Families are happy today.  An intelligent woman, child or relative comes up with THE THING that solves a problem.  Someone is quietly working behind the scenes, and that person has your best interests at heart.  Rely on that person, that beneficial force, and you will proceed with confidence and energy.  An unexpected event turns circumstances in your favor.  However avoid becoming so enthusiastic and confident that you stop paying attention.  You could miss or forget something important!  It’s like counting from one to ten over and over.  If you lose your place, start at one again.  This helps today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

How You Can Help Earthquake Victims in Tibet

The Khenpo brothers, Khenpo Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche, old friends of KPC, have organized a relief fund to aid victims of the earthquake in Qinghai Province.

Donation page is at or mail donations directly to:

Padma Samye Ling
ATTN: Kyegu Earthquake Relief Fund
618 Buddha Highway
Sidney Center, NY 13839

from the LA Times, April 26, 2010

A Tibetan writer who had signed an open letter critical of the Chinese government’s quake relief efforts in western Qinghai province has been detained by police, according to a family friend.

The writer, who publishes under the name Zhogs Dung but whose real name is Tagyal, was among eight authors and intellectuals who signed a letter dated April 17 that expressed sorrow for the disaster that left more than 2,000 people dead — most of them Tibetan — but also urged wariness of Chinese government relief efforts.

Last Friday, a half dozen police officers showed up at the Qinghai Nationalities Publishing House in the regional capital of Xining, where he worked, and escorted him away, according to a blog post written by a friend. They searched his home and library, confiscating his computers.

Afterward, they showed his arrest warrant to his wife, and asked her to bring bedding for him. When his two daughters went to the police station they were not allowed to meet with him, the posting said.

There was no way to independently confirm the account. On Monday, the Xining Police Department refused to answer questions regarding his whereabouts, saying it had no comment. The police referred questions to the Ministry of Public Security.

The letter urged people to help victims by offering food, clothes and medicine but warned them not to donate funds to relief organizations, warning of possible corruption.

“Better to send (money) to the disaster zone with people you trust, because nobody can say there is no corruption,” said the letter, which was posted on several websites, including the overseas, which is critical of the Chinese government.

“Just as the news from the mouthpiece for the (communist) party organizations cannot be believed, we dare not believe in the party organization, which issued the order stopping people from going to the disaster zone for political reasons,” it said.

It’s unclear whether the open letter was directly connected to his detention. The Chinese government has been at pains to quash any criticism of its relief efforts in the Tibetan region, where a total of 2,220 people were killed, according to the latest government figures.

Beijing has sought to take credit for much of the rescue work, portraying relief efforts as a government undertaking in this remote Tibetan region where residents have frequently chafed under Chinese rule. Tibetan resentment over political and religious restrictions and economic exploitation by majority Han Chinese have sometimes erupted in violence.

State media largely played down the role of thousands of Tibetan Buddhist monks who worked alongside soldiers to rescue survivors and dig out the dead.

On April 19, the Qinghai provincial government had issued a ban against pornography and what it called “illegal publications.” According to state media, Zhang Chengwei, head of the anti-pornography and illegal publications office, said that pressure must be used to “prevent unlawful elements from using illegal publications to disturb social stability and to disturb and sabotage disaster relief.”

Zhogs Dung, 45, is considered a leading intellectual and thinker who in the past has written books that largely aligned with the Chinese government’s views on modernization, religion and culture in Tibet. However, he published a book this year that was far more critical of the government in the wake of anti-government riots in Tibet in 2008.

Robbie Barnett, director of the modern Tibetan studies program at Columbia University, said the book may have been another reason for the government to target him.

Zhogs Dung was seen by fellow Tibetans as an “official intellectual” who took the Communist Party’s view, for which he was widely criticized. But a few months ago, he quietly published a book called “Distinguishing Sky from Earth,” in which he said the March 2008 riots, the largest anti-government protests in Tibet in decades, were a turning point for Tibetans and their national spirit.

In the book, he advocated “non-violent resistance” to obtain greater rights for Tibetans, Barnett said. He seemed to sense he was crossing a dangerous line, saying he expected to be arrested for his views.

“Here was someone who had supported the government. Now he himself is being detained by the state. This will be understood as China losing even those it could have allied with,” Barnett said.

China is hugely sensitive to issues regarding ethnic rights. A Mongolian rights activist who had been invited to speak before the United Nations in New York was arrested on April 18 at the Beijing airport, according to a U.S.-based rights group.


4/28/2010     Wednesday

Surprising events occur today.  Things keep popping up unexpectedly that deep six your orderly plans.  You must proceed carefully toward your goal while continually factoring in new information.  Adjust, adjust, adjust.  You can do it.  You will be tempted to metaphorically kill the bearer of bad news, but do not. You will be bearing bad news someday, so mind your karma.  Think of Maharaji’s words, “The whole universe is your home.  All are your family.”  Treat others well. You are learning new skills of flexibility that will save you one day.  Interesting.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


4/27/2010     Tuesday

Art and inspiration permeate the day. Something quite beautiful and touching can be created.  Groups devoted to helping each other through problems are extremely effective today.    Deep conversations are productive, and again the voice of kindness is present. Think of Teilhard de Chardin’s words, “Some day, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity…we shall harness the energies of love. Then, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”  (thanks Ted)  Behave as though you just discovered fire!

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

How to Handle Crisis

From a series of tweets via @ahkonlhamo

This is a nightmare. Bella is critical. Beloved Tex is in endstage at hospice, and I’m flat out with a wrenched back. I hoped to see Tex and Marissa, but I can’t walk.

Trying to breathe, watching the mind process this. When there is so much sorrow and stress it is hard to see around, over or through phenomena.

Bella may not have long. Tex has two days or so. We are scrambling to pay large bills, and the hate I’ve had thrown at me, I must pull back, breathe. Relax mind.

Karma ripens much worse if mind’s upset. The root and display are not separate.  Rest the mind on AH, the point of arising and non-arising. Same. Nondual view.

Sometimes cause and result can be shifted, but not erased. We cannot be so compelled by appearance that we are powerless. We are primordial space.

For Tex, the karma is exhausted. For Bella, not so much, so prayer is essential. For Tex, he needs to be guided through the bardo. I prepare for that.

If I let myself stay in an emotional blender I will be no use. So I watch my mind, breathe for Bella, guide Tex to a good rebirth.  OM MANI PEDME HUNG

Today the skies do my crying, the wind does my sighing, yet even now gentle rains call forth new life from the very earth.

From The Epoch Times, Sunday, April 25, 2010

From The Epoch Times, Sunday, April 25, 2010

Beijing Sidelines Tibetan Monks’ Heroism

The first rescue efforts at Yushu in the aftermath of the earthquake on April 14 were initiated by hundreds of monks from nearby Tibetan Buddhist monasteries. In the few days that followed, nearly 10,000 monks arrived in Yushu, forming the largest rescue team there.

The monks rescued the injured from collapsed buildings, took care of the survivors, and prepared food for the hungry. They cremated the dead bodies and held prayers for those who had passed away. In orphanages whose care-takers had fled, they took care of children.

While survivors expressed their gratitude to the monks, the Chinese regime seemed deeply unsettled by the influence monks and the Buddhist tradition continue to have in Tibet, despite the 50 years of rule under the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) atheist ideology.

Monks were ordered to leave the region, and Politburo Standing Committee member Li Changchun instructed the Propaganda Divisions to make no mention of the efforts made by Tibetan monks, and to “promote the People’s Liberation Army, paramilitary police, police’s role” and the “guidance” from the Central CCP, State Council, and local CCP leadership.

Wen Jiabao, the regime’s second-in-command, visited the site three days after the earthquake and had to admit that the Tibetan monks contributed much to the rescue efforts, but his statement was not covered by the Chinese state-controlled media.

In the hours of TV coverage during the National Day of Mourning, no monks were shown, while the efforts by the People’s Armed Police and the military were continually touted.
Propaganda Downplays Tragedy

Reports from the affected regions tell a different story. The Chinese rescue forces did not arrive until the day after the earthquake, and their rescue efforts were not intense. Foreign aid, including from countries with much earthquake relief expertise, such as Japan, was turned down. A rescue team from Taiwan was eventually allowed in, but they could only arrive 72 hours after the tragedy struck.

While the official explanation for turning down foreign help was limited transportation capacity and logistical challenges, the real reasons could lie in things the CCP wishes to hide.

Locals say the regime is downplaying the death toll. Monks and rescue workers put the number of deaths at over 10,000, while Beijing gives a statistic of just above 2,000.

Following the Sichuan earthquake, the regime had announced that school buildings would be constructed to withstand magnitude 7 quakes. In the area near the county seat of Jiegu, nearly 85 percent of the buildings collapsed, including many schools, resulting in the deaths of many children.

Some believe the Richter scale magnitude was manipulated to 7.1 to avoid having to explain why the schools, many of which were built recently, did not meet the earthquake resistance standards. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake measured 6.9 on the Richter scale.

The population of Yushu is 97% ethnic Tibetan and among them, there is much dissatisfaction with Chinese rule. Several locals refused to shake hands with Wen during his visit. “You visit as if you were the leader of thugs, not to show your genuine love for the people. We do not have enough aid,” a monk shouted at Wen, according to a Radio Free Asia report.

Beijing has also been trying to hide that local Tibetans and monks are hoping the Dalai Lama would visit the region. Tibetan monks had been conducting prayers for their spiritual leader to arrive.

The Dalai Lama, who was born in Qinghai Province, where Yushu County is located, sent letters to console the residents and had expressed his wish to visit the affected regions. Despite it being a great opportunity to ease Beijing-Tibet relations, China did not respond to the request.

Leading Chinese earthquake experts, including Shen Zongpi, Yu Xianghong, and Zhang Deliang, had issued warnings that an earthquake may be forthcoming in the region. The China Earthquake Administration ignored the reports and announced on March 9, “There will not be any destructive earthquakes in mainland China in the near future.”

The Yushu earthquake has been one of the most devastating quakes to hit China in recent years, second only to the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.

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