A Toolkit for the New Buddhist Practitioner

The following is a collection of resources for all those who are new to Buddhist practice

The Basics

Back to Basics

Why I Chose Buddhism

To Be a Practitioner

I WON!  A Precious Human Rebirth!

Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand

Faults of Cyclic Existence

The Six Realms of Cyclic Existence

The Origin of Suffering

Turning Away from Samsara

The Four Thoughts and The Four Thoughts

The Eightfold Path

Give Rise to Bodhicitta

Aspirational Bodhicitta

The Four Immeasurables

Step by Step in Vajrayana

The Key to Happiness is Merit

Ten Virtuous Activities

The Importance of a Teacher in Buddhism

Why Lineage is Important

Lineage and Transmission

The Importance of Following an Accomplished Teacher

Evaluate Your Spiritual Teacher

The Nature of the Teacher

Who is Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo?

A True Dakini

The Student Teacher Relationship

Guru – Condensed Essence of the Path

Prayers and Practices

Seven Line Prayer

The Seven Line Prayer:  A Commentary

Refuge and Bodhisattva Vows

Refuge and Bodhisattva Vows by Jetsunma

The Bodhisattva Vow:  A Commentary

Twenty-one Homages to Tara

Chenrezig and the Six Realms

Compassion Retreat

Generating the Deity

How to Pray by Being

How to Meditate

Meditation Instruction by Khenpo Norgay

Supports for Your Dharma Practice

About Altars

How to Make an Altar

How to Make Offerings

Pure Offerings

How to Use a Mala

Introduction to Mantra Recitation

Other Resources

Karma:  It’s the Law

What is Enlightenment?

What is Dewachen?

Spiritual Technology

Why We Die?

A Few Words on Reincarnation

Advice for the Courageous Practitioner

Introduction to Buddhism – A Reading List

Online Support for Dharma Practice


12/22/2010     Wednesday

A setback occurs early in the day, or else you had a difficult night.  Move on, because the rest of the day looks good.  Happy emotional connections are present, and all home and family matters flourish.  Your intuition or hunches are right on the money.  If you think it, do it!   You can expand in a way that hasn’t been possible until now.  Remember, you are still handling matters from the past.  You can update your resume, re-write your proposal, and edit work you’ve done previously.  The next day or two are very important in your business or work plans.  Be ready, be prepared, and if something from the past finally comes to fruition, you will be standing there with a smile on your face and a plan in your hands!  David Campbell said, “Discipline is remembering what you want.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


12/21/2010    Tuesday

Emotions draw you back into something from the past.  Spend some time there, but do not stay.  Reminiscence is only helpful if you better understand what to do now.  There’s no help for the past.  If you try to re-visit the past, you will be disappointed.  You have a choice today.  You can nurse grievances from the past, or you can move forward with a plan.  The plan brings better results.  As the day progresses, love enters the picture.  People are especially attractive and appealing today.  Mount a charm offensive rather than a “my feelings are hurt” offensive.  Think.  Which would you rather be on the receiving end of?  Charm, of course.  Tact wins the game today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


12/20/2010     Monday

Pay close attention today, and you will avoid sudden trips, falls or mishaps.  Noticing details is crucial to success today.  You could discover THE THING that solves a problem you have been working on. You’re tempted to tell someone off or to set someone straight.  If you do, you will have to go back and apologize later. A self-righteous zeal is in the air.  Try to relax and let it pass.  For every position there’s an opposite position.  Try to keep the other side’s views in mind as you talk, talk, talk.  Will Henry said, “An open mind collects more riches than an open purse.”  Listen and learn.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Why Do People Lie?

Why do people lie, and what is the result? People lie because they are insecure, and their intention is at best to buoy themselves up or to pull others down. Often they feel they are unsuccessful, or haven’t had enough love, praise, etc. They feel the only way to break through is to break others down. In the end no one wins, least of all the liar. The liar gets the bad karma, the victim just gets hurt. What’s the point? There is no use.

Once a liar starts the lie, there is small chance that they will be able to turn it around. When one’s life, then becomes a web of lies it will occur not only now in this life, but the habit remains until it is purified. The work will remain to do until it is complete. Lies are wrong speech, meant to do harm and benefit only oneself. A liar can never be trusted until they purify.

Of course the bottom line is intention and compassion. If one lies continually there is no compassion. The intention is to harm others and distort or destroy truth. Lies can be debilitating. One develops a habit they cannot break and it eventually destroys them, ruins life after life and all wholesome happiness. A liar does not have Bodhicitta. They cannot attain enlightenment until the very habit is cleaned up.

The saddest thing about lying is that one eventually believes their own con, and then lifelong confusion results, a broken personality that lives in their own glass house, locked in a sea of relentless sickness. The more they lie the sicker they get. All to boost ego!!!

The jail house of their own making is all-pervasive. There is no love, no freedom, no comfort or happiness because the liar has only lied. That terrible weight will be theirs to bear alone. But there are no winners. That is because a seed rotten to the core cannot grow good fruit. And because we are all one in nature, everyone gets hurt. What a ridiculous way to live this short life. How senseless to live in one’s own lies. Like a baby condemned to live in its filthy diaper, no hope for change, and the pain never ends. So unnecessary when we have such great capacity! I choose love, life, a wholesome mind, pure speech, forgiveness and peace! And I wish you all the same.

Liars lie – let it go!

©Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo


12/19/2010     Sunday

Excellent communication day.  Call that person, write that letter, or email.  If you haven’t done your Christmas cards, today is the day!  You are witty and articulate, and full of excellent comments for everyone.  Good humor prevails today; take advantage of this time.  In the mood to mend fences?  Today is the day!  You and others are willing to forgive and forget. Go for a drive; see something new.  Think about your spirituality.  Play board games.  Mental activity is the theme of the day. And of course, if you care for others, tell them. Ben Hecht says, “Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat.”  It’s that kind of day.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Chime Tsog Thig

Guru Rinpoche and Consort Mandarava

Seven Line Prayer


On the northwest border of the country of Urgyen



In the pollen heart of a lotus



Marvelous in the perfection of your attainment



You are known as Lotus Born



And are surrounded by your circle of Dakinis



Following you I will practice



I pray you, come and confer your Blessings.



(Not translatable. Sacred words)

Chime Tsog Thig Mantra



The Chime Tsog Thig is a long-life practice of Amitayus and consort, Chendali, revealed by H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche. This is the practice accomplished in Maratika cave by Guru Rinpoche and Mandarava. Mandarava was the first of five main consorts of Padmasambhava, Guru Rinpoche. Said to be an emanation of White Tara, she was born a Princess in the 8th century in Northern India. At age 16, she and Padmasambhava together practiced in union in the cave of Maratika, fully realizing the longevity practices of Amitayus that had been hidden there as termas. The realization that came from this practice changed the course of spiritual history – making it possible to break the cycle of death & rebirth while in a human body. That practice, revealed by H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche, is known as “Chime Sog Thig.”


12/18/2010     Saturday

Men and authority figures are possessed by a wild, jumpy energy.  At the same time, looking in the wrong direction, you could miss an important opportunity that’s handed to you on a platter!  What to do?  Nothing.  Mercury is still retrograde, making all impulsive forward action inadvisable.  Oliver Herford said, “Many are called, few get up.”  Be one of the few.  Still, shopping you already planned goes well.  Likewise, social or compassionate visits are nice.  Stay low key.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Tsawei Lama 2

Jetsunma greeting His Holiness Karma Kuchen
Jetsunma greeting His Holiness Karma Kuchen

It’s raining now, but I can see
That soon the sun will be with me.
It’s pouring now, but I can tell
That soon the bliss will come, as well.

That kiss of sunlight, a warming spell
Reminds me that when darkness fell
It seemed I’d lost you for a while
But then the gift- your blessing smile.

I knew that it would take some time
That soon the glory that is your Mind
Will come again, and in a while
You will come as a precious child.

Oh, lead me swiftly to that day
When I can close my eyes and pray
When I will know in that secret way
He has come!  He is here!  The great display!
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