
1/5/2011       Wednesday

A worldly energy is at work.  Do everything in your power to move forward in your goals.  An opportunity may have presented itself last night, or perhaps you came up with a new idea during the evening.    Act swiftly in the morning, and then let the results play out during the day.  A happy message comes to you, some good news appears.  The energy changes during the day, and suddenly you’re inventive, cutting edge, ready to interact with groups.  Friends are helpful.  A loving energy is present today, just beneath the surface of everything you do.  Flow with it.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Understanding Cause and Effect

I’m not an astrologer, but noticed that lately we have seen some strong transiting planetary aspects. Today was Jupiter conjuncts Uranus, two powerful, relatively slow planets lined up together, and also both trine Venus. It actually is a good time to begin new projects, and new ideas blossom, new phases entered and risks taken. The land lays different. Change experienced in such a profound way is disconcerting and awe inspiring as well as frightening.

It is good to remember that Buddha taught all things are impermanent, and that was one constant we all experience; change. We are all born, and then die. In between are endless uncountable changes in our body, speech & mind. In fact that is one of the terrifying faults of samsara, the tide that relentlessly pulls us toward the end of the journey.

The character and results of this trip all depend on our karma and habitual tendency. If we were warriors, the habit of thoughtlessly hurting others remains. If we were thieves, the habit of feeling entitled to steal from others remains. If we were healers, the habit and knack for it may remain. If we were teachers, the habit of educating remains, etc. The character one builds will color our future lives. Our qualities can be carried forward and built on in every life. Likewise if the habits and qualities are meager and poor one can cycle down through lower rebirths for what seems like an eternity. Not one sesame seed’s worth of material wealth can be taken with you.

So we should balance our material needs with the richer, deeper wealth of spirit. We can leave material goods to our children. They should be comfortable. But if you are collecting lots of money and lovely stuff I hope you will give much to the poor. Give some money and stuff away. That is the only way to be sure you will be comfortable and provided for in a future life! Funny how that works, no?

An example: since I began my work I have never lived in a shabby or poor home. Whether mine or not; I am blessed with a safe, comfy, lovely home always. Is it because I am rich? Oh, far from it! But I always spend a good portion of time making nice homes for birdies, finding nice homes for dogs and cats, keeping my land natural for the beautiful wildlife. I am never without food for me and mine because I spend $300 on animal food every month. It is my joy! I wish it was more! Bird houses, bird food, deer food- I love doing this, have since childhood. With this money I could buy a new snazzy car! But my car is nine years old, runs well and looks just fine. I would rather feed wildlife. I love them; they are Buddha, every one. When I serve them I serve the Guru, the Buddha in all. At KPC we feed wild animals, rescue “anipals,” the poor and homeless, we will always be safe, fed and warm if we continue.

We know we will not live forever. We know we want to be happy and content in this and all lives. But most beings simply do not know how to create the causes. We deny cause and effect. We do not think in full equations. We are scrambled in our thinking because we do not understand our future is caused by our own thoughts and actions.

I know rich people who will be poor in the future due to selfishness. I know an amazing woman who is a good Buddhist nun and was a warrior in past lives. Though she has reformed (pun) she has a hole in her heart where her spear entered the heart of another in an ancient, meaningless war.

We do not see that what we do matters, and why and how, even more. We do not see that we dwell in our own mindstream. All phenomena is essentially empty of self nature, but it doesn’t seem like it and we forget the dream like quality of samsara, think it solid and act like we are not spiritual beings at all and there was nothing but this life, this need, this want, this desire and then we are lost. Please, wake up to your nature. Practice, contemplate and act as though everything depends upon your awakening! Because you are the one, and it does in fact depend on you and me.



Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


1/4/2010     Tuesday

Eclipse day.  Capricorn is highlighted from today through May.   Expect changes in your life, as well as changes with governmental organizations and authority figures.  A time of great energy and productivity begins, and an emotional home-based time ends.  You are ready to move out into the world!  A change in partners may occur, but you have strength and motivation on your side.  Indecision plays a role.  Make your plans; lower your head and charge!  If you change your mind mid-charge, no good comes from this.  Keep going.  The wind is at your back, and you have strong support.  Sure, there will be problems, but you can overcome them if you keep going.  John Wayne said, “Courage is being scared to death – and saddling up anyway.”  Saddle up!

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


1/3/2011     Monday

You meet a secret today, and you can feel you’re in over your head. Winston Churchill said, “If you are going through hell, keep going.”  It could seem as though a hellish situation is present.  Do not stop or stay still, keep going and you will come out the other end.  This could involve a mental process, a dream, or a physical situation.  Keep your wits and keep going.  Love, good humor and attraction continue to play a powerful role in your life.  Inspired investing, purchasing and spending can happen today.  If you have a good creative idea, go for it!  All creative pursuits are favored as are all medical cures.  Something can be invented that is a major improvement, and at the exact same time you could say something that makes you feel like a raving fool.  Be philosophical.  Tomorrow is another day.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Roar Against Suffering

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I do not understand cruelty, such as the murder of wonderful loving pets simply because no effort is put into adoption. It drives me nuts! Even people who have “anipals” and know what they truly are often care only about their own. I understand it is a learning curve to care for all beings. But the complacency is a sickness. Complacency is a death sentence for those weaker than us. It is a display of self cherishing.

We simply cannot put others before ourselves. I see it in my own Sangha. An innate selfishness that is evidently very difficult to overcome. We tend to use Dharma activity to boost our self-cherishing to a set of rules that start with “I can’t. Love to help but can’t” the great excuse. Anyone can convince themselves that they “can’t” because it is inconvenient to care for others. As Buddhists we have our armfuls of books, texts, big words we memorize, an intellectual materialistic grasping. But what is in the heart is what is truly important. We spout Buddhism and its exotic phrases. But the heart is as cold as ice. No Bodhicitta, concern for others, no love; we sit on our cushions and pretend we are great enlightened beings. But what kindness do we ever show suffering beings?

“I can’t” – our great gift to the world. This is the heart of what must change as it comes to the west. We don’t need regurgitated words! My parrot does that! What is needed is Dharma taken to the streets to bring benefit in this life. This moment. This opportunity. This is all ordinary reality, yes. But this is where beings are hungry! Beaten and abused! Alone with no hope! Lost in addiction! Cold and homeless… How can we do the intellectual ivory tower thing when so many sentient beings have Nothing? Simple, we ignore them, watch sitcoms and reality TV and forget. Live in our heads while we let our hearts and compassion to wither away until we die. I say, since we are here, and not someplace else, here is where we must help.

There are two main kinds of kindness; ordinary, of the world, which can be contrived from ordinary things. This is a necessity, to heal pain such as feeding and clothing the poor. Then we must practice deeply in Dharma so that we may teach them to help their own suffering. The difference is like giving a loaf of bread to a hungry person. Good, thank you. The more ultimate second view is to teach how to grow grain and how to make bread. Both are necessary – ordinary and extraordinary kindness.

We spend way too much time in our heads hanging out with talk and no time paying forward the kindness we ourselves may have known. We could all decide now to make the planet and her people better, stronger and freer of suffering. If we can stop puffing up our egos long enough, it is possible to live a life of service and joy. All beings, whether human or animal or any life-form, deserve our respect, our concern, our help and our love.

So open the door of the heart and let the fountain flow. ROAR AGAINST SUFFERING! What do we wait for? To be reborn with a better deal? This is the moment! These are the lives we must bring benefit to! Start NOW! There is no other time but the present moment of manifestation! Jump in! We need you.

Copyright ©  Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved



An excerpt from a teaching called How Buddhists Think by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

According to the Buddha, all that you perceive through your five senses, all your feelings, all the thoughts you take pride in, are based on delusion.  Essentially, this experience, this game, this scam, is a puff ball.   In fixation, we do not have the spacious, luminous view of our Primordial Wisdom Nature as it is.

Due to the distinction we make between subject and object, we react to every phenomenon we perceive with attraction, repulsion, or neutrality. And even neutrality is part of the continuum and leads to additional fixation, which leads to additional desire.

Even as you watch me drink a glass of water, you may experience a tiny bit of wanting water, and thus an infinitesimal amount of suffering. You may talk yourself out of this wanting, but then right away you want something else.  A minute cause-and-effect relationship has begun, and it remains part of you.

Such fleeting desires, no matter how small, distract us from an awareness of our Primordial Wisdom Nature.  The mind remains enmeshed, fixated on this subject-object experience.

Copyright ©  Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


1/2/2011     Sunday

Think before you speak today, and that will be so difficult!  You are inspired to speak out, to be heard!  You know you can convince others, and you will, but not in the way you imagine.  This is a good day to write your thoughts and perhaps read them to a friend before airing them in public.  Luckily, people are forgiving, and a kind, loving energy is present.  Forgiveness is a mode for the day.  Seeing the past with kindness and compassion frees you and others.  Be quite careful about driving near water or in the rain.  A situation involving water, clouds or fog could cause trouble.  Things can be lost, or a wrong turn taken.  Pay attention later in the day.  Try to be home before dark or at least travel on well lit streets.  Trust your intuition, and all is well.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


1/1/2011     Saturday

Happy New Year!  Optimism is in the air today.  You have long distance vision, and you’re looking to the future for what will come. Think big, and make far-reaching plans today.  If you haven’t done so yet, make resolutions for the year today.  Bill Copeland said, “The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never scoring.”  Set goals for yourself.  This powerful year gives you a real shot at scoring, but you must know where to aim.  That’s what goals are, a place to aim.  Call people you care for, engage in enjoyable and relaxing activities.  Welcome the New Year with open arms.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all my friends and followers! I hope all celebrations are delightful and safe. At the end of the yearly cycle I like to quietly think of what there is to accomplish this upcoming year. What to change, what to accept on a personal level. I also consider what is to be done in my vocation, our Temple, how to benefit sentient beings. And then I make aspirational and wishing prayers. Light a butter lamp.

One of the first efforts on the path of Vajrayana Buddhism is to make aspirational prayers. This deepens resolve, and sets the tone for the rest of one’s experience. Wishing prayers can be made up by oneself, and there are many in our tradition. These prayers should have goals. The goals are always altruistic in tone, such as a wishing prayer for the health of a sick person, or for world peace.

This begins the focus on Bodhicitta and on ordinary human kindness. Like an object being sent to the moon, where the settings of the launch determine where the landing occurs. These aspirational prayers are seeds, a focus aid, a determination, a choice we must make well, before we proceed. They help determine our result.

An extension of these beginning prayers is the combination of aspiration and mindfulness. Such as: as I walk thru this door, may all sentient beings enter the Door to Liberation. And: as I eat this food may all beings be nourished by the nectar of Dharma. As I give this clothing to the poor may all beings in every life have warmth and clothing. As I wash my clothes may all beings be purified by the precious intention of Vajrasattva and be free. As I study may all be able to perfectly learn Dharma, free of obstacles. As I go to work, may the labor I do be a blessing for all those W/O a way to feed their family. As I walk this road may all beings be blessed with strong legs and arms. As I progress on the path may all beings progress as well. So I hope you get the idea.

What is valuable is training in mindfulness and the habit of altruism and kindness. Many of us are unaware of surroundings most of the time, are not mindful. We do not notice if we go through a door or drive somewhere or have supper. What is the taste? What roads were traveled? Mindfulness is the method by which we achieve self-honesty, by which we learn to perceive deeply… and to attain the gift of kindness. We give rise to the Bodhicitta because we, finally, begin to understand the condition and fault of Samsara and the suffering of all beings. Therefore we learn to recognize the need for ordinary human kindness, and the ultimate need for all sentient beings to be liberated and free of cyclic existence. To be Liberated from pain and suffering in all forms. And ultimately to enter into the awareness and awakening of the precious goal, Buddhahood!

Happy New year to all! Let’s make THIS YEAR the one that MAKES A DIFFERENCE!



Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Jetsunma’s Collection of Tweachings for 2010

Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo frequently uses Twitter to teach Dharma.  We call these “tweachings.”  The following is a collection of Jetsunma’s tweachings for 2010.  Click on the title to access each post.

Happy New Year!

We Can Do It!

The Swiftest Path

We Are the Ones

Cultivating Awareness

Can You Change?

How Will You Live Your Life?

Why Do People Lie?

How Does One Learn to Forgive?

Roar of the Dakini

Unwind Obsessive Behavior

You Can Start a War… Can You Stop It?

Accomplishment on the Path

Empowering the Feminine

Longing for His Holiness Penor Rinpoche

Lineage and Transmission

Warrior of Compassion

Turning Away from Samsara

The Four Thoughts

Sincerity on the Path

Thanksgiving Message

Feeling Down?  Advice for the Path

Don’t Remain Trapped by Habitual Tendency

Letting Go of Ego

Guru – Condensed Essence of the Path

Advice from the Heart

Pearls of Wisdom

The Key to Happiness is Merit!

Navigating Kaliyuga

Dharma in the West

Cultivating Virtue, Pacifying Poisons

Lead Your Mind to a Pristine Point

Preparing for Death

Loving Kindness and Adversity

What Seeds Are You Planting?

Step by Step in Vajrayana

How Far Will You Go?

The Nonvirtue of Lying

Understanding Our Root Guru

Advice for the Courageous Practitioner

Peace for the Holidays?

Black Hole or Bardo?

The Freedom to Practice Dharma

Can a Woman Give Empowerment?

Unending Vow

What Are We?

Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand

What is Real?

Awake to Truth

Faults of Cyclic Existence

Love Like the Sun

Understanding AH

An Introduction to Mantra Recitation

Aspirational Bodhicitta

Courageous Compassion

Ethical Responsibility of a Teacher

Mother Earth

Keeping Love Alive

Liars and Beartraps

Twitter’s Full Potential

In a Nutshell

Three Root Poisons

How to Handle a Crisis

Speaking of Love

Our Nature is Love

Calling to His Holiness Penor Rinpoche

Letting Go of Hate

Worthy of Respect

The Power of Choice

Rebirth of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche

Remembering His Holiness Kyabje Penor Rinpoche

Homage to His Holiness Penor Rinpoche

Give Rise to the Bodhicitta

Walking the Talk


Advice for the Path

Using Twitter to Bring Love and Stop Hate

Feeding Wildlife in the Winter

Using Twitter as a Bonfire of Loving Kindness

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

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