
11/16/2010     Tuesday

Happy Day!  Peaceful, joyous, in tune with everything.  Things are going well.  You are emotionally expansive, generous and full of goodwill toward all.  Artistic pursuits are favorable, medical procedures are favorable.  A sense of dreamy relaxation is in the air, as well as a wish to escape from everything.  Don’t try to cut corners or slack off.  Don’t try to “pull a fast one.” An air of success tempts you to let down your guard in a way you’d never consider when things aren’t going your way. The Dalai Lama said, “Think of other people, serve other people.  No cheating.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


11/15/2010     Monday

What a day!  The perfect alignment of expansion and authority brings excellent progress today.  You can move forward toward a long awaited success.  Your goal is within reach.  At the same time you are excitable, moody and testy.  Tempers can flare, yours included.  Sometimes success is harder to take than failure, especially if your moods don’t line up with how you think you should feel. Focus on others.  Maya  Angelou said, “It  may be in fact utterly impossible to be successful without helping another person to become successful.”  Happiness lies in this direction.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Let Me Go

I live a life where I am speaking
And I’m trying SO HARD to speak the truth
Every day they say I’m lying
Oh no oh no LET ME GO

Oh sista I see you trying
But they will never let you show your light
Every day we see you dying
Oh no oh no LET ME GO

Let me go into the fire
Let me dance into the Light
I am here, my Love my Father
Let me come to Your Sight

Wisdom Well that I carry
You my sisters bear as well
All the scars we have married
Oh no oh no LET ME GO

Wasted time and sullied promise
Will we ever push on through?
Sometimes don’t know why I bother
Oh no Oh no LET ME GO

Chorus (again)

Half the world is screaming War and
Half the world cries out for Peace
Don’t you dream of worlds of gentle wisdom?
Oh, oh no, LET ME GO.

Let me go to fields of ripening jewels
Let me go to where I can  be me
Let me see the light’s Mandala
Brother, Sister, LET IT BE

I was born in wisdom fire
Must return so I can breathe free
I am here, but can you find me
Oh no oh no let me BE!

Oh no no no Let me go.

© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo


11/14/2010     Sunday

Dream day.  You want to relax, to sleep.  Go to the movies, go sailing, take a bath.  Do not take on a tough task.  You’re too soft today; you’ll get creamed.  You’re vulnerable.  Also, be careful that you aren’t hard on someone who needs to relax, who is feeling vulnerable.  Resist the temptation to push anyone today – yourself or others.  Music is favored, and everything to do with healing is particularly effective.  Feel proud of yourself if you were able to get out of bed or off the couch today.  Most favorable activities:  tending to the sick, watching TV, going to a movie, swimming.  Daydreaming.  Being really inspired by something that seems magical.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Preparing for Death

It seems really hard to believe this year is nearly over. Is impermanence moving faster these days? Must be. My pack and I are aging.

It is so strange. Of course we all know about impermanence intellectually but “getting it” is different. We see ourselves and others changing, but somehow remain convinced we and all else remain stable. Once my mother looked in the mirror and said “how did this happen to me?”

It is unfortunate that we have been protected from the reality of death. It is real, and part of life. Lord Buddha taught about the three human sufferings – old age, sickness and death. I’m at two out of three-LOL! No one escapes these things – which is why I keep harping on preparation for death.

What you do with your life should always go with an eye on our next rebirth. Great Lamas often leave amazing signs as to how to find their next incarnation. When His Holiness the Dalai Lama muses that he might be female next time LISTEN to him, he is a Living Buddha, Himself preparing.

Given this, it behooves us ordinary folk to make a MIGHTY effort. Before death, a Vajrayana Practioner should recite a BUM, or a MILLION recitations of Buddha Amitaba’s mantra OM AH MI DEWA HRI.  I have aspired to recite the Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche. I am bumping up on my million.

His Eminence Gyaltrul Rinpoche told me way back; when I got past 300,000 recitations I should come for the most profound essence of the prayer and Guru Yoga. I did.

The teaching was not long, but Rinpoche leaned in close and deeply with his eyes and told me absolute VIEW. What IS and is empty – the Guru’s face. To me it was a teaching not of words alone. It was a subtle but POWERFUL teaching by indication. But I “got” it and was satisfied.

That night he put me in HIS bed, and HE slept in the top altar room. I felt held by Guru Rinpoche once more. I know I never walk alone. Such a gift!

Different schools of Buddhism in Vajrayana have different emphasis and sometimes method. All are good. Some say one should emphasize accumulating the three Roots of accomplishment. The three roots are Lama, Yiddam, and Dakini.

In some methods it’s step by step. His Holiness Kyabje Penor Rinpoche taught like that, step by step. He said if one dives into Dzogchen without preliminaries it is like throwing a seed on stone. The mind is too hard and the precious seed cannot grow.

It is, if one has practiced well and deeply, TOTALLY evident when a pretender speaks intellectually about Dzogchen from a superficial understanding. It is the experience that is the juice inside the hard shell of the coconut. No intellectual teachings or understanding will suffice. So when Lamas give Dzogchen to new students or those of lesser qualities it is harmful. Those students may think they know but they do NOT know.

In the movie “AVATAR” the Mother Shaman says “It is hard to fill a cup that is already full”. And so it is with Dharma. To practice Dharma well and properly, to prepare for rebirth, one must empty the cup of EGO. Especially pride, and then it is possible to drink the Nectar; and be fully satisfied, ready to go to Amitaba’s pureland; or Padmasambava’s Copper Mountain; this is according to Qualities and Accomplishment, and FAITH. I would not recommend entering the Bardo without the Shield of Faith.




11/13/2010     Saturday

A disagreement can occur between men and women, or your male and female side could be out of sorts early today!  Apart from that, this is an excellent day.  You can earn, find or be given something of value.  You can be inspired and create something exquisite, and you can connect with someone who genuinely loves you.  Group associations are especially good; spend time with a group you love.  Jeannie Churchill said, “Treat your friends as you do your pictures, and place them in their best light.”  Remember the good things about the people you care for.  Tell them.  You have the ability to make people happy.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Loving Kindness and Adversity

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, known as @JALpalyul on Twitter:

My dear, much Beloved Tweethearts I haven’t been on much today. Follow Friday! But I’ve been quite exhausted and feeling low. Nothing happening in my reality to upset me, except the continuous stream of lying and hate that has come to me for years now. By those who readily admit they are bird dogging me, and digging through my underwear drawer for something “wrong” with me. When they can’t find anything wrong they just make it up!

So I find myself deeply sad and emotionally exhausted. I have no fight in me. They are amused but still beat a nearly dead horse and laugh.

I pray they will find their way spiritually and ethically, and stop wasting time. They both have heart disease and just do not understand karma, cause and effect. They cannot see through the hate long enough to know that in trying to destroy me and KPC they are actually destroying themselves.

I wish as a mother I could comfort them. Hold them and speak of truth, love, living and dying in a noble way. Wish I could heal them as only LOVE and TRUTH can do.

But the walls are up; I cannot get in to help. I can pray for them and I do – every day.

I have thousands of followers on twitter and on my Altar blog. They in truth have very few. But I cannot be satisfied until I see their pain end. I think of them with a sorrow so deep I cannot explain.

If a pure display of love is squelched it is beyond tragic as the world needs love!

I wish I could help them; however my experience is that if I show my gentle side I get knifed in the back by these two – over and over.

I didn’t sign up for Crucifixion in this life. Another faith, that.

I pray for the day they just stop. Maybe try to help people? Animal rescue? Volunteering to help others? Comfort those in hospice? Tutor a child? There are many ways to help. Then there is no time to beat people up. One can live a helpful and productive life. Not end up in jail with a felony record. A waste of life when there is Dharma available.

There is no time to waste! We are taught in the four thoughts that turn the mind: It is like going to a continent of precious jewels and coming back empty handed.

That is the most tragic thing of all; to waste this precious human rebirth, with all its endowments on gathering trash.

So for these people I pray:




May this heal all enemies to Dharma and bring joy to all!

What Seeds Are You Planting?

A person who will not hear truth cannot speak truth. Always check for yourself.

A person who sees no truth for themselves cannot relate truth to others.

A person who is only interested in creating a “popular” image and is indifferent to truth will never recognize truth from LIES.

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, known on twitter as @JALpalyul:

If a person is dying and refuses to prepare with honesty and truth, they will die an ordinary- not a noble – death.

The one that gives no comfort, kindness, truth or honesty will never see any of these in their next rebirth.

The one who gets sick will get better by offering love, healing, nourishment, kindness, service for others and prayer for their health.

Those who hold hate and resentment and do not try to purify it, will fall to the low hell realms.  And with a twisted mind will enjoy hate!

So much better to live a life of LOVE, character, honesty, right view, respect, generosity, and kindness. Never lie to put yourself up! These will carry over to next rebirth as HABITS.

Step by Step in Vajrayana

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo (@jalpalyul) on November 11, 2010

The Lama is used as a mirror-mind in Guru Yoga. If our view is clear without stain, we see the “face” of the Guru, and awaken to primordial wisdom.  If the mind is defiled, like with hatred and pride, there is no way to view the Guru’s nature and we are unable to awaken in Vajrayana.  If these statements bother you, examine what you may have missed. Guru Yoga? Prostrations? Mandala offerings? Vajrasattva? These are all meant to purify one’s mind.  Most every true Vajrayana practitioner will advise that one cannot miss even one step. The path is not easy.  One cannot just decide they are enlightened!

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

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