The Second Throneholder

The Second Throne Holder
Pedma Lhundrub Gyatso
(1660 – 1727)

Pedma Lhundrub Gyatso was born in the province of Do Kham in a place known as Seng-gang in the eleven rabjung year of the Iron Rat (1660). His birth was prophesied in Terton Duddul Lingpa’s Vajrakilaya Terma as the reincarnation of Sogpo Lhapal, one of the twenty-five disciples of Guru Rinpoche.

From the age of eight, Lhundrub Gyatso started receiving all the Nam Chö empowerments, transmissions and secret instructions from Vidyahara Migyur Dorje [who lived at Mugsang Monastery]. At age sixteen, he went to the Palyul Monastery to receive more profound instructions on personal attainment from his uncle, the Vidyadhara Kunzang Sherab. By the time he was twenty-five, he came into direct experience with the true nature of mind. Under the continued guidance of his uncle, Kunzang Sherab, who transmitted to him the Secret Oral Transmission lineage, Lhundrub Gyatso advanced his accomplishment with great enthusiastic perseverance. He took on the responsibility of transmitting the sutra and tantra at the Palyul Monastery after Kunzang Sherab dissolved his body into the pure realm of ultimate truth at the age of sixty-four. When Lhundrub Gyatso was fifty-four years old, he became the second Throne Holder of the Palyul Lineage. Under his charge, propagation of Buddha’s Doctrine flourished in all directions.

At the age of sixty-eight, on the tenth day of Saga Dawa in the year of the Fire Sheep (1727), Pema Lhundrub Gyatso entered into a state of meditative equipoise. Then his body dissolved into the sphere of clear light while loud thunder reverberated and streaks of lightning lit up the sky. During his cremation, rainbows like treasure vases and wish-granting trees appeared in the sky and the images of deities could be seen clearly in the smoke. Many precious bone relics were found in the ashes.

Reference: Pathgate Institute of Buddhist Studies


1/27/2011     Thursday

A first rate idea has appeared, a solution to something that has gotten stuck.  In your excitement, it could seem as though you charged right into a brick wall!  But today, a way around that obstacle is beginning to appear.  A bit of time, and a bit of strategizing, is in order to fix things.  Women and children are very, very shrewd and can give you a solution to something.  Don’t fall prey to unrealistic fantasizing, but do keep an eye out for the open door that suddenly appears.  Surprise is a theme today, and the surprise is in your favor.  As is romance, love, and all that jazz.  Organizations are invigorated, and friends are enthusiastic to the point of aggressiveness.   Definitely stick with your friends. William T. Sherman said, “Grant stood by me when I was crazy, and I stood by him when he was drunk, and now we stand by each other.” These two Generals won the Civil War. Friends don’t have to be perfect as long as they share goals.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Offering Mudra


Water for drinking and for bathing, flowers, incense, scented water, celestial food and sound are all offered.

Lama Pema Rangdol, head umdze at a Palyul Monastery for many years and now living in NYC, visited KPC Maryland to instruct students in the Rigzin Dupai Tsog Practice. This is an excerpt from that training.


1/26/2011  Wednesday

A change occurred during the night, and something that was slowly moving forward is now moving backward. Hmmm. This means you have more groundwork to cover. You can feel mentally discouraged, and negative thinking or speech can be in the air. It’s fine to talk about your concerns, ignoring things doesn’t help. Look deeply into the situation, feel your frustration, and make a new plan. Water is the most powerful element because it always finds a way. Water moves around obstacles and keeps on going. Be like water today. If there’s a block, flow around it and look for the open path. Old loves are in the picture, and enthusiastic energy is still present. Keep going.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

How to Deal With Hate

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I’ve been asked by a young follower what to do about anger and hate. First, forgive yourself, as you are a young lady, and growing up is in truth a time of wild emotions, a time of exploring them. Hormones fly around, and we are not so able to control either one. However, start now to learn about emotions.

Even if someone is mean to you think about this: all sentient beings wish to be happy. Even if they act out, they are trying to make themselves happy by being negative. They don’t understand how to be happy so they try abusive behavior to feel powerful.

Now think about this: All beings want to be happy but they are mostly suffering with a few bright spots here and there. When people suffer they often strike out at others. But really, they are unhappy and insecure. Perhaps their parents didn’t teach them courtesy and ethics. Maybe something awful has happened to them and they take it out on others. But always they are insecure, and maybe jealous of you. Even adults can act out violently when they are insecure and jealous. So the first step is to understand they are suffering, want to be happy, and don’t know how.

It never helps to be nasty back. It is bad for you and them, and makes things worse. Instead, apply an antidote. If they say cruel things, pray for them to be happy (and leave you alone!) Don’t take their hate personally. They are very unhappy and need help. You must be as kind as possible even when they are horrible.

Remember they are basically the same as you. You also want to be happy and bravely asked how! You are moving forward and they are stuck in hate still. So think, “I am so blessed to know what to do.”  Then think, “the haters do not know what to do.”

When you understand that, you can have some compassion for them. You can see you have grown up quite a bit by praying for your enemies. They have not come as far as you on the path, so you have compassion. You are developing the virtue of human kindness by tolerating with understanding why they do as they do. So it is important not to react to hate. Let it be as it is. You aren’t doing the hating anymore.

Whatever happens is their problem not yours. When they hurt you, let it run off you like water off a duck’s back. Be the good, mature, kind young lady like you know you can be! In the end it doesn’t matter what they do, it matters what you do! Your job now is to build compassion and character as you grow. If you do, you will naturally draw to yourself good friends, and people of quality!

You are seeing the face of suffering, and their opinions are worthless. Suffering drives them. Let loving kindness drive you to happiness!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Vidyadhara Kunzang Sherab

The First Throne Holder
Vidhyadhara Kunzang Sherab
(1636 – 1699)

Kunzang Sherab was born in the province of Do-Kham in the region of Bubor on the eleventh rabjung year of the Fire Rat (1636 A.D.). He showed great capacity of compassion as a small child and would not cause harm to even the smallest creature under any circumstances. His connection to Dharma was so strong that he could memorize a great score of prayers at a tender age. With enthusiastic effort, he applied himself diligently in his practice and in the process actualized realization of the instruction he received and showed signs of accomplishment in his practice.

A new monastery was built by King Lhachen Jampa Phuntsog (King of Dege Kingdom) and Trichen Sangye Tanpa near the ruins of a previously existing monastery. They invited Kunzang Sherab to serve as the Head of the new Palyul Monastery and later it was named Palyul Namgyal Chanchub Chöling. Encouraged by his guru, Terton Migyur Dorje to fulfill prophecies by Guru Padmasambhava, Kunzang Sherab, at the age of thirty, assumed the position as Head of the Palyul Monastery on the eleventh rabjung year of the Wood Snake (1665 A.D.).

Through skilful means and compassion, he guided many sentient beings towards the path of Dharma and nurtured a great number of disciples who displayed signs of success in their practices. Several even attained the rainbow body.

On the fifth day of the first month of the year of Earth Rabbit (1699 A.D.), Kunzang Sherab dissolved his body into the pure realm of ultimate truth at the age of sixty-four. Although it was the coldest month of the year at the time of his passing, the weather suddenly became very warm and spring-like. Shoots sprouted and buds flowered out of season. When his disciples and monks from the monastery performed offering prayers in his honor, many experienced an extended period of clear light awareness. During the subsequent cremation ceremony, clouds of auspicious signs and rainbows filled the sky. The bone relics at the completion of the cremation included the skull embossed with the syllable AH. These relics together with the Longsal Terma of Avalokiteshvara were placed inside a Stupa erected in honor of the Great Vidhyadhara.

Reference:  Pathgate Institute of Buddhist Studies

Kunzang Sherab’s current incarnation is Ven. Gyaltrul Rinpoche.

Genyenma Ahkön Lhamo, sister of Kunzang Sherab, while not a throne-holder, was a great practitioner, who accomplished her practice to completion. She was instrumental in helping her brother stabilize the Palyul Lineage. She was also a heart student of Terton Migyur Dorje and it is said that there were so many nuns who followed her that the hills of that region still bear the name of “Drongmar Teng” (the red knoll village). At the time of her death her entire kapala (skull) flew out of the funeral pyre and landed on the seat of the throne of Kunzang Sherab. Emblazoned in the kapala were the Tibetan symbols of the sublime original nature – and there was an “AH” at the very crown. This kapala was kept in the monastery and used during special ceremonies, like Drubchen, by the successive throne holders. It was considered one of the most sacred relics. While still in Tibet, H.H. Penor Rinpoche used to meditate on the kapala, making prayers to meet this Dakini if she were in the world today. He later found her in America. A piece of this skull relic resides at KPC, a gift of H.H. Penor Rinpoche to Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo, who His Holiness recognized, and enthroned as a Palyul Lineage holder, as the reincarnation of Genyenma Ahkön Lhamo.


1/25/2011     Tuesday

A disturbance may have occurred during the night.  Perhaps you woke up wondering if you were mad to do what you did yesterday.  Self-doubt may plague you, but an enthusiasm that just won’t quit is in the picture.  Follow the path of enthusiasm and you won’t go wrong.  A governmental agency or authority figure may not agree with something you propose, or they may come down hard on you.  Listen carefully to the message and commit to follow the instructions.  The planet of love is friendly toward the planet of long-term security, so you can stabilize something you love.  Not everything goes your way, of course, but you have the heart to move with whatever comes.  Epictetus said, “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” You are confident that no matter what comes, you can succeed.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Terton Ratna Lingpa

Langdro Lotsawa returned to Trushul in Lhodrak,
You revealed the profound treasury of the four Kharchu Communions
Amongst your twenty-five treasures, your activity touching us all:
Homage to Chogyel Ratna Lingpa.

Ratna Lingpa 1403-1478/79. A reincarnation of Könchok Jungney of Langdro, he was born August 2nd 1403 to Dode Tar and his mother Sitar Men. At a very young age this great emanated master began having visions of Guru Pedma Jungnay and at the age of 27 received his first inventory cache directly from the great Guru himself. By 30 he extracted his first treasure cache and went on to discover 25 cycles of hidden treasures.

Of the many writings attributed to Terton Ratna Lingpa, the most well-known is the Nyingma Gyüdbum – A collection of scriptures belonging to the Three Inner Tantras, gathered by Ratna Lingpa and re-edited by Jigme Lingpa. Others include Dzepa Chuchig – The Eleven Deeds of Padmasambhava, and Sangye Lakchang – Placing Enlightenment in the Palm of the Hand.

Within Palyul, Terton Ratna Lingpa’s most practiced terma is that of Phurpa Yangsang Lame -The Most Secret and Unsurpassable Dagger. This is more commonly known as Ratna Lingpa Phurba (Vajrakilaya). Others include: Tukdrub Yangdü; Tukdrub Yangnying Dupa; Tsasum Drebu Dontri – Essential Instructions for the Accomplishment of the Three Roots; Yidam Tsasum Drildrub; Tsedrub Sangwa Dupa, and others.

Reference:  Wikipedia


1/24/2011 Monday

Things are exciting. Someone is ebullient and ready to tackle the world! Follow your leader whoever that may be, or follow yourself if you’re the enthusiastic one. Still, you need a well thought out plan. Listen to the person who has the big picture in sight. It is never appropriate to lose your mind as you engage in activity; don’t get busy just to get busy. No running around in circles because you have energy. Plan, discuss what needs to happen and do it, if it seems reasonable. As Wayne Gretsky says, “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” Take a shot! The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Renunciation and Compassion

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Two years before the parinirvana, Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, my Guru told me he was no longer useful to sentient beings, that he would go. Shocked to my core I begged “please Holiness, we need you. We are not ready. Palyul is not ready; and you are our Father.” The heart sons came, and I know they must have begged also. To a living Buddha like His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, there is no reason to live if not liberating beings.

Actually I feel the same way. When I know my work is done, my usefulness is over, I too will want to go, and return swiftly to benefit sentient beings again. So it is with the way of the Bodhisattva. There is no attachment to the world per se. The world is beautiful, but also temporary, filled with cruelty and selfishness. Unkind. So it is like a costume party gone very wrong. There is no point in staying. The music stops, the balloons deflate, the food turns, there is nothing left, nothing but the dancing dead, dreaming. Renunciation is seeing this clearly and losing affection for the narcotic quality of samsara. Just that – seeing through the hallucination.

When the view is understood we recognize the empty nature of all phenomena, and of all beings. Each being, while lost in this dream, has within them the seed of Buddhahood. We have the seed, but have not awakened. So it is still a seed. When anyone tells you we are inherently awakened, they are deluded or fooling themselves. We have the seed but it is dormant. We have to grow it, ripen and mature it. When you see a worm on the ground, can you point at it and say “awaken! Now! Do it! It’s simple! No effort, all magic!” No, and you will look like a lunatic as well. The worm is, however equal in nature to every Buddha. The difference? The worm is still asleep, ignorant. No recognition. No ripening. No method no path. Someday, the worm in a different form will meet someone who has a connection to Dharma and will lead the way. Then Wormie will find the Guru and the path; method. And hopefully at that time will be in a form with a full array of faculties and the inclination to practice. There is no instant “Aha!” in recognition. In Dharma it is step by step, practice and accomplishment. For now, we must pray for them – the wormies. We must have the kindness to help them on their way…

We spend so much time in pride and arrogance pretending to be Guru or convincing others we are so accomplished. How does that help? It doesn’t. We need to awaken, feed the hungry, benefit beings. Then we have the power and heart to lay down the ego trip, stop explaining how enlightened and great we are, and show the great concern of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for all beings of all shapes, colors, species – all. It is this great compassion, this awakened Bodhicitta that is the difference between wormies and Buddhas. Secretly there is no difference. It is the outer relative reality that is different. But wormie is still a worm; and we the elders of his great “cosmic” family. They are our children, brothers, sisters. Just as we walk the path we must do so by bringing every being with us.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

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