Extraordinary Blessings – What Is a “Tulku?”

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I am frequently asked about my status as a tulku, and throneholder for the Palyul lineage. It means, for one thing, that I have been reborn into my lineage many times. Even to the point that my predecessor Ahkon Lhamo first helped found this lineage. This is one reason I defend my lineage, Palyul, as though it were my mother and my child. It is both. So many lifetimes I have practiced and prayed with Palyul, and been part of its growth.

Further back, my rebirths can be traced to Lhacham Mandarava, the spiritual consort of Guru Padmasambhava, and supported His life and strength as is the duty of a consort. Now in this life I am a tulku and throneholder for Palyul, which I will never abandon at the cost of my very life.

So the question I am asked is, “What is a tulku?” And “what is unique about them, and their blessing?” I’ve been taught that a tulku is accomplished for many lifetimes. But the bottom line is a tulku in considered a Nirmanakaya form of the Buddhas. They are awake and in a state of pure recognition of the primordial wisdom ground of being. There are other levels of the Buddhas such as Sambogakaya and Dharmakaya.

At the time of Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s parinirvana there were so many signs of his accomplishment! It was undeniable. Buddhas appeared in the sky, rainbows. His body remained supple, luminous and scented. It was known that he clearly was then Dharmakaya Lama. Here in USA and other western countries this is not well understood. In fact, westerners disparage tulkus, not seeing that their very appearance depends on the student’s view and karma! Many want to do away with tulkus entirely, and would prefer the scholars lead. Not necessary, we have many scholarly intellectual types. What we need are the accomplished with the signs and legitimacy of Lineage and accomplishment. If westerners try to do away with their tulkus, (and some “out there” Buddhists even deny Buddha’s supremacy and method) then the Vajrayana from Padmasambhava and Tibet would be finished.

What was whole and afire with wisdom and compassion would then be an empty sack filled with air. Ordinary, just a bag. We would have students with some knowledge and no wisdom would be teaching those with neither. How sad! The lineage of puffed up egos would be what is passed forward. Lineage would be meaningless, and the last stage of kaliyuga would be here. Where the awakened Buddhas would no longer be found, and if they were, would not be seen or understood. That would be the dark time, waiting for the next Buddha, a mighty “Lion of Dharma” to appear. After so long wandering in a state of non-recognition, due to the blessing of this king of Buddhas would surely awaken; under his mighty tutelage the next turning of the wheel of Dharma will occur. EMAHO!

Yet we still must be mindful and cherish the treasure of Dharma, of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas (with real Bodhicitta) that we have now. They are the spiritual treasure of the world. Our heritage! We should protect and treasure what we have. And respect what it took to bring this sacred gift to the world, to the “relative cosmos” we share. Learn to see what is your greatest jewel in this life. Never abandon the blessing and purity of Dharma! Homage to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas! Homage to Palyul!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


2/22/2011     Tuesday

Blockages are still in place, but an open door appears in a different direction.  A sensitive, thoughtful and compassionate person or group is open to you.  Behind the scenes negotiations are excellent, and intuition is the name of the game.  Act on your hunches today.  A supporter is present, someone who understands and appreciates what you do.  An emotional appeal, showing that you care for someone (be sure that you DO), can make all the difference today.  Remember this as you go about your business.  Medicines are effective and worrisome health issues can be well resolved.  Someone can tell you a secret, or something can come out unexpectedly, that solves a problem.  Catherine Deneuve said, “Opportunities are often things you haven’t noticed the first time around.”  Start noticing things.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

The Seventh Throne holder

The Seventh Throne Holder

Pedma Do-Ngag Tenzin Ngesang Chokyi Nangwa

(1830 – 1891)

Gyatrul Rinpoche was born amid many extraordinary phenomena into the household of a Chinese Emperor’s minister in Gyalmo Tsawai-rong in the fourteenth rabjung year of Iron Tiger (1830). His birth was prophesied in Terton Sangngag Lingpa’s revelation. Since the young boy exhibited signs of pure awareness and demonstrated accomplishment in Tsa Lung (Subtle Energy Qigong) from an early age, Karma Gyurmed had no trouble recognizing him as the incarnation of Kunzang Sherab. Blessed with incredible faculties in reading, writing and perception, the young Gyatrul Rinpoche could remember the many incarnations from his past life as Rongton Shung-Gya, Shakya Gyaltsen and Kunzang Sherab. He could also give an accurate description of the Palyul Monastery from memory of his previous life. At ten years of age, he received the Nam Cho Ngöndro practice from Lama Sangye Yeshe. Two years later, he arrived at the Palyul Monastery and was duly enthroned.

The young Gyatrul Rinpoche received from Karma Gyurmed all the transmissions of kama and terma of the Palyul tradition, then spent three years in the practice of Ratna Lingpa’s three kaya mind accomplishment. After taking his full ordination (gelong), he spent two years at the Palpung retreat centre with Jamgon Lodro Thaye from whom he received guidance in Sanskrit, poetry and literature. He went on to receive from Jamgon Lodro Thaye other profound transmissions and empowerments such as Rinchen Ter Dzod, Dam Ngag Rinpoche Dzod and Dukhor Wangchen. Gyatrul Rinpoche also received from Jamyang Khentse Wangpo all the transmissions of Longchen Nyingtig, Gyud Lug Phurba, Yonten Dzod and the two traditions of the view and practice of Bodhicitta – that of the ‘Profound View’ passed down from Manjushri, and that of the ‘Vast Conduct’ passed down from Maitreya.

It was said that Gyatrul Rinpoche was watched over by many dharma protectors during his practice. Through his tireless effort and the support of his Yidam, Gyatrul Rinpoche was able to assimilate the understanding of a great number of Buddhist Doctrines and frequently gave the impression that he knew them by heart from memory. He continued to manifest signs of authentic accomplishment and pure awareness in both generation and completion stages of Dzogpa Chenpo. Gyatrul Rinpoche devoted his entire life to propagating Buddha Doctrine. He gave ordination vows to thousands of monks; repeatedly gave many cycles of transmissions and empowerments to countless disciples; printed many scriptures and sponsored the construction of Stupas and temples.

On the twenty-second day of his sixty-second year (1891), Gyatrul Rinpoche entered into a serene state of meditative equipoise and passed into the pure realm. His body was placed within a newly completed two-story Stupa next to the Vajrasattva temple.

Reference:  Pathgate Institute of Buddhist Studies

Gyatrul Rinpoche’s current incarnation is Gyatrul Rinpoche. Known in recent times for his connection to Dhomang Monastery, a branch monastery of Palyul, he currently heads centers around the world, practicing the Nam Chö revelations as well as the Dudjom Tersar.


2/21/2011      Monday

A direct obstacle stands in the way of something you really want today.  Don’t bother throwing yourself at the problem, or trying to persuade it to change.  Accept this setback gracefully, and use the good things that are available during the course of the day.  Intelligence is paramount.  People are so smart it’s wonderful, but don’t use verbal or mental acuity to lash out at those who don’t agree with you.  George Herbert said, “He who cannot forgive others destroys the bridge over which he himself must pass.”  Creativity is highlighted today, and it’s an excellent time to give appreciation to those who have been loyal. Longtime friends and helpers should be recognized today.  If you don’t reward good behavior, it goes away.  Find someone to reward.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


2/20/2011     Sunday

A sort of squeeze play is going on.  You want to move forward, and you’re excited about the new.  At the same time, an authority figure seems to be blocking your progress.  Asking others what they think about the situation, or talking about different “sides,” isn’t helpful today.   You could feel mired in indecision.  Step back, make your plans, and wait several days before moving ahead.  Activity is blocked, and there is lack of consensus.  Sometimes when you can’t make up your mind, the right choice hasn’t appeared yet.  So, relax, talk a lot but don’t expect to come to a conclusion.  Agitated words can be present.  Debates can be stimulating.  Spend time with people you enjoy talking with, since that’s what will be happening no matter where you are. Charles Buxton said, “The rule in carving holds good as to criticism; never cut with a knife what you can cut with a spoon.” Beware of driving too fast.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

The Sixth Throne Holder – Karma Gyurmed

The Sixth Throne Holder
The Second Karma Kuchen Rinpoche,
Gyurmed Ngedon Tenzin Palzangpo
(1794 – 1851)

Karma Gyurmed was born at the foothills of Me Chu Gang in Me Shod in the thirteenth rabjung year of the Wood Tiger (1794). His birth was prophesied by Duddul Lingpa’s Terma revelation. Acting in accordance with the advice of the thirteenth Karmapa Duddul Dorje, the monks of the Palyul Monastery were able to identify the reincarnation of Karma Tashi, the First Karma Kuchen Rinpoche. After Karma Gyurmed was enthroned at Tai Situ Rinpoche’s Palpung Monastery, he started his study of Buddha Doctrine in earnest. The range of transmissions Karma Gyurmed received included those of the kama and terma of the Palyul tradition, the Kham tradition, the Longchen Nyingtig tradition, the Kathog tradition, the Dzogchen tradition, the Jigme Lingpa tradition, the Duddul Lingpa revelation, and many others. Karma Gyurmed went on to incorporate the Longchen Nyingtig’s Three Roots practice of Lama, Yidam, and Khandro into the Palyul tradition.

Similar to his root guru Karma Lhawang, Karma Gyurmed preferred to spend his time in solitary retreat. His principle Yidam in his Three Root practice was Vajrakilaya and he had frequent visions of the full assembly of all seventy-five deities of his Yidam. In one pure vision, he received a visit by Guru Rinpoche who instructed him to introduce the Mendrub Accomplishment Ceremony (the tantric ritual of making dharma medicine) into the Palyul Monastery. Karma Gyurmed also started the tradition of performing the Lama Cham of the Eight Manifestation of Guru Rinpoche, on the tenth day of each Losar, in accordance with the pure vision of Guru Chowang (1212-1270).

Karma Gyurmed’s accomplishment in the Dzogpa Chenpo enabled his disciples to heighten their insight simply by hearing his voice. He sometimes performed miraculous activities for the purpose of removing the mental defilements from sentient beings, such as reading the thoughts of their minds, and in one case left a foot print indentation in a rock by the hot spring of Tilung.

On the twelfth day of the fifth month of his fifty-eighth year, Karma Gyurmed instructed his disciples to prepare a host of offerings when he became aware of the presence of the Buddhas of the three times around him in every direction. The following day, Karma Gyurmed dissolved his mind into the pure realm of truth. His life-like body shrank to the size of mere eighteen inches in height while the sky was filled with extraordinary cloud formations and rainbows. Gyatrul Rinpoche built for his root guru a temple and a two-story Stupa of gold and copper into which the body of Karma Gyurmed, the second Karma Kuchen Rinpoche was placed.

Reference:  Pathgate Institute of Buddhist Studies


2/19/2011     Saturday

The desire to escape is very strong today, as is your creativity.  You could choose a creative escape.  Do something for someone you love.  Help someone who needs it.  Your mind is fast, accurate and extremely perceptive.  Act on the hunches you get!  Your thinking is in tune with others’, and if you ask people what they are thinking, you will find that this is true.  Call or communicate with others, reach out and make a connection. Be aware of a tendency to be too critical of yourself and your accomplishments. You might find fault with something that others appreciate.  Leonardo da Vinci said, “I have offended God and mankind because my work didn’t reach the quality it should have.”  Most people think they could do better, but that’s no reason to give up.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

The Fifth Throneholder – Karma Lhawang

Karma Lhawang was the nephew of Kunzang Sherab. He exhibited signs of recognizing the true nature of mind and demonstrated adept attainment in Dharma practice since childhood. His early years were spent at his uncle’s former quarters atop the Dzong-nang Mountain where his root guru Karma Tashi transmitted to him all the teachings and essential practices of the Palyul tradition.

As the fifth Throne Holder of the Palyul lineage, Karma Lhawang had little interest in the running of the monastery. Instead he preferred to immerse himself in the pure nature practices and spend most of his time in solitary retreat. The day-to-day administrative side of the monastery was left to his disciples Ah Sam and Lama Wangchug, while Karma Dondam, a heart disciple of Karma Tashi was tasked with the maintaining of the lineage of empowerment and transmission.

Karma Lhawang exhibited many signs of pure mind accomplishment consistently throughout his life until it was time for him to depart for the pure realm.

Reference:  Pathgate Institute for Buddhist Studies


2/18/2011    Friday

A policy change is made that puts you in tune with the times.  Today is a great day to organize things, tidy up, balance your checkbook, rearrange your pantry, and do other work.  Work is fun, and you intuitively do the right thing.  During the day a change occurs, and you become less group oriented and more sensitive to the suffering of others.  Something captures your attention, and you feel sympathy for others. Sadness is in the air. The drive to pull in, to spend time alone, is very strong. Music, art, and all things associated with mysticism and emotion come to the fore.  Someone may ask for help; do your best.  You intuitively know what is needed in the situation.  Pay attention to your diet today, your insides are more sensitive than usual.  If you’re cooking, make a conscious effort to be cheerful, and give yourself and others a “happy meal.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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