Practical Advice on Giving Rise to Love

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I feel as Buddhists we should not waste time making judgments about others. No grudges, no hate, no excuses.

As Dharma practitioners we should deepen in Bodhicitta and wisdom and abandon self-absorption and hatred. Or quit whining about your life.

As Buddhists, we must endeavor to help and love others, not just ourselves. Serve so others don’t suffer. Just love.

If we give nothing to anyone, do not respect others, need attention, are uncaring about other’s feelings and hearts, we are not Buddhists.

Never ruminate or whine if you are judged and slandered. Apply the antidote as the Buddha taught! Empathy and compassion for all!

As His Holiness the Dalai Lama teaches: one needn’t be Buddhist to practice ordinary human kindness for a better world.

Americans love to eat out, go out to movies, and then eat more. Fix a healthy meal at home and play chess. Take the money saved and feed the poor.

We must abandon the ivory tower of preening ourselves with big words and pride. Climb down and do anything to help all beings!

Bodhicitta arises when we contemplate the conditions and sufferings of all beings! In private, in our inner space, love is born!

On our way to a lovely meal and evening out, we pass the homeless, a mangy, starving dog, a bully beating a child. We don’t even slow down.

Humility is hard. We start by allowing others their dignity. We continue when we see it was never ours to allow. Ice the cake with generosity.

Humility is hard. First we lift all others above our own heads. Then we recognize the Buddha in them. The icing on the cake is love.

To all of you who earnestly seek awakening and the birth of Bodhicitta I love you! Weak or strong I raise you up. I am your servant!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


2/26/2011     Saturday

You have inched past a blockade, but be careful, it could come back if you rejoice too soon!  Wait until the obstacle is no longer in your rear view mirror before you celebrate. Someone is 100% on your side, and this person is powerful!  Be demure, accept favors gracefully, and don’t behave in a wild manner.  Talks with others are extremely helpful and productive.  Be sensitive, and follow your intuition in all cases.  Beware of a wild, irresponsible person who needs to be tolerated but shouldn’t be taken seriously at this time.  News from afar is unsettling.  Foreign things and people are both sensitive and erratic.  As the day progresses, a settled energy appears and real progress can be made.  If a public position is offered, accept with caution.  Be aware that you can accomplish good things, and at the same time you are making yourself vulnerable. Angie Papadakis said, “A leader who keeps his ear to the ground allows his rear end to become a target.”  Wise words.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

The Eighth Throne Holder

The Third Karma Kuchen Rinpoche,

Orgyen Do-Ngag Chokyi Nyima

(1854 – 1906)

The third Karma Kuchen Rinpoche Do-ngag Chokyi Nyima was born in Ahlo Khateng in the fourteenth rabjung year of the Wood Tiger (1854). His birth was prophesied by a letter left behind by Karma Gyurmed, which clearly indicated the location of the birth. As befitted the birth of a great lama, light of rainbow colors suffused the sky and awe-inspiring resonances echoed through the air.

The fourteenth Karmapa gave Do-ngag Chokyi Nyima the Refuge Vow and soon after he was enthroned as the eighth Throne Holder at the Palyul Monastery. After he received the full ordination (gelong), he was given the formal name Orgyen Do-ngag Chokyi Nyima. Transmission from many sources including those of the Palyul tradition were given to Do-ngag Chokyi Nyima by Gyatrul Rinpoche, Washul Lama Sonam Namgyal, Khang-nang Lama Tashi Phuntsok, Dzogchen Dorje Rabten, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, Lhatrul Pedma Garwang, Drubwang Drodul Pawo Dorje, and many other eminent masters of the time.

Do-ngag Chokyi Nyima’s mind was full of compassion for all sentient beings. Much as he wished to be in solitary retreat, he opted instead to follow his root guru Gyatrul Rinpoche’s advice and devoted his life to propagating Buddha Dharma. Regardless of how busy his schedule was, his personal practice started daily without fail at three in the morning. His successful attainment of having the mind inseparable from the four elements enabled him to perform many extraordinary deeds, which were deemed miraculous by others.

In the fifteenth rabjung year of the Fire Horse (1906), Chokyi Nyima dissolved into the pure realm of clear light. He was fifty-three years old. During the cremation ceremony, cloud formations resembling large tents manifested across an otherwise cloudless sky, accompanied by a mild shower of light rain. A large number of bone relics were found on the ground. These were gathered together and placed within a Stupa of gold and copper that was constructed to the left of the Avalokiteshvara temple.

Reference:  Pathgate Institute of Buddhist Studies


2/25/2011     Friday

Have a serious conversation with an older person, a woman, a child or a family member.  You can dispel the confusion someone is feeling and help him/her get back on track.  A conversation with a man or an authority figure can clear up a problem.  If a problem remains unsolved after many attempts, change the person who has been handling it.  A new individual with a new outlook can open doors.  Sometimes it isn’t “no,” it’s “no to that person.”  Check to see if this is the case.  Certain forward activity is blocked, and it’s the cause you want most to succeed.  Wait, send a new emissary, and see what happens.  J. K. Galbraith said, “There are few ironclad rules of diplomacy but to one there is no exception.  When an official reports that talks were useful, it can safely be concluded that nothing was accomplished.” Send a new official!

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Finding a New Well Within

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Things are splendid these days. And I am thrilled to be able to say so at last! We have endured some terrible times, to put it mildly. But now the light at the end of this tunnel is clearly visible.

Have any of you gone through horrible stuff that seems unending? It is hard to stay centered, hard to not be afraid, it is debilitating, ruins your health, etc. When the end can be seen it feels like liberation from chains and shackles being removed, although it really takes time to heal. I thought when some relief came I’d bounce right back. Not so. Takes time passing, medical help, counseling, learning to see yourself as whole, good, worthy, etc. I’m working on this, and I want to reach out to all and tell you if you are violated and attacked, your person or vocation, it will end. Nothing is permanent! You will recover! You can get help, emotional support, medical support, legal help, and you should nurture yourself, give yourself the love and self-respect you have lost. It is still in there somewhere, I believe.

As for myself I don’t feel I will ever the same. I will be well, but a different but it will have to be a new well. After so much hate and abuse it is not possible to be your “old self” again. It is damaged. So a new inner person must emerge. Again, it is still oneself. But changed. I feel, for me it will make me stronger. Must deal with bitterness, grief, rage, self hatred, feelings of betrayal, of being violated. That done we are free again to craft a good, wholesome, valuable life. One of benefit.

I want it all back, and will do all it takes to be well and real in every way! Thanks for listening!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


2/24/2011     Thursday

Nothing much happens at first today, and then all of a sudden, a door opens!  You must act quite carefully, since the open door is surrounded by three false doors.  You don’t want to choose any of these.  The open door is big, expansive, and obvious!  The closed doors are subtle, tending to feed your ego, beguiling and seductive.  Stay away!  Try not to “spin your wheels,” perseverating about things that aren’t working.  What to do?  Be sensitive, thoughtful, and keep listening at all times.  A special sort of intuition is present.  Pay attention to the “vibe” you get about things.  If someone is saying “yes” but your intuition tells you they mean “no,” believe it.  Artistic creativity, medical treatments, and helping those in need, these things are highlighted today.  Criminals will get caught, so don’t go down that road.  Rumi said, “Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.  Cleverness is mere opinion, bewilderment is intuition.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


2/23/2011     Wednesday

You’ve gone underground!   You’re still waiting out a stalemate, but like water, when the way is blocked, you are finding another way.  You are accepting the block as real, and you’re checking other things.  What next?  Well, happiness for one thing.  Someone or something just lights you up with joy, or you may play that role for others.  Something is happening beneath the surface, things are re-arranging themselves, almost like a spinning roulette wheel that hasn’t yet come to a stop. You need to wait, and you need to enjoy other things.  A new element is present today.  Compassion and tolerance are blossoming in surprising areas, and this is unexpected.  An enemy may suddenly become a friend.  Be flexible.  Life can move faster than your ability to process it.  Be ready to have strange emotions. The first Queen Elizabeth of England said, “I must forgive, for I too wish to be forgiven.”  How about you?

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Extraordinary Blessings – What Is a “Tulku?”

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I am frequently asked about my status as a tulku, and throneholder for the Palyul lineage. It means, for one thing, that I have been reborn into my lineage many times. Even to the point that my predecessor Ahkon Lhamo first helped found this lineage. This is one reason I defend my lineage, Palyul, as though it were my mother and my child. It is both. So many lifetimes I have practiced and prayed with Palyul, and been part of its growth.

Further back, my rebirths can be traced to Lhacham Mandarava, the spiritual consort of Guru Padmasambhava, and supported His life and strength as is the duty of a consort. Now in this life I am a tulku and throneholder for Palyul, which I will never abandon at the cost of my very life.

So the question I am asked is, “What is a tulku?” And “what is unique about them, and their blessing?” I’ve been taught that a tulku is accomplished for many lifetimes. But the bottom line is a tulku in considered a Nirmanakaya form of the Buddhas. They are awake and in a state of pure recognition of the primordial wisdom ground of being. There are other levels of the Buddhas such as Sambogakaya and Dharmakaya.

At the time of Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s parinirvana there were so many signs of his accomplishment! It was undeniable. Buddhas appeared in the sky, rainbows. His body remained supple, luminous and scented. It was known that he clearly was then Dharmakaya Lama. Here in USA and other western countries this is not well understood. In fact, westerners disparage tulkus, not seeing that their very appearance depends on the student’s view and karma! Many want to do away with tulkus entirely, and would prefer the scholars lead. Not necessary, we have many scholarly intellectual types. What we need are the accomplished with the signs and legitimacy of Lineage and accomplishment. If westerners try to do away with their tulkus, (and some “out there” Buddhists even deny Buddha’s supremacy and method) then the Vajrayana from Padmasambhava and Tibet would be finished.

What was whole and afire with wisdom and compassion would then be an empty sack filled with air. Ordinary, just a bag. We would have students with some knowledge and no wisdom would be teaching those with neither. How sad! The lineage of puffed up egos would be what is passed forward. Lineage would be meaningless, and the last stage of kaliyuga would be here. Where the awakened Buddhas would no longer be found, and if they were, would not be seen or understood. That would be the dark time, waiting for the next Buddha, a mighty “Lion of Dharma” to appear. After so long wandering in a state of non-recognition, due to the blessing of this king of Buddhas would surely awaken; under his mighty tutelage the next turning of the wheel of Dharma will occur. EMAHO!

Yet we still must be mindful and cherish the treasure of Dharma, of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas (with real Bodhicitta) that we have now. They are the spiritual treasure of the world. Our heritage! We should protect and treasure what we have. And respect what it took to bring this sacred gift to the world, to the “relative cosmos” we share. Learn to see what is your greatest jewel in this life. Never abandon the blessing and purity of Dharma! Homage to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas! Homage to Palyul!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


2/22/2011     Tuesday

Blockages are still in place, but an open door appears in a different direction.  A sensitive, thoughtful and compassionate person or group is open to you.  Behind the scenes negotiations are excellent, and intuition is the name of the game.  Act on your hunches today.  A supporter is present, someone who understands and appreciates what you do.  An emotional appeal, showing that you care for someone (be sure that you DO), can make all the difference today.  Remember this as you go about your business.  Medicines are effective and worrisome health issues can be well resolved.  Someone can tell you a secret, or something can come out unexpectedly, that solves a problem.  Catherine Deneuve said, “Opportunities are often things you haven’t noticed the first time around.”  Start noticing things.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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