The Ninth Throne Holder

The Second Drubwang Pedma Norbu Rinpoche,

Pedma Kunzang Tenzin Norbu (Thubten Chokyi Langpo)

(1887 – 1932)

The second Drubwang Pema Norbu was born in the fifteenth rabjung year of the Fire Pig (1887) under the exact circumstances prophesied by the first Pema Norbu. “When berries bloom again on the juniper tree next to my residence, my incarnation will come again to Palyul.” A dream of Pedma Norbu by Do-ngag Chökyi Nyima caused him to remember the prophecy, and locate Pedma Norbu, who was recognized by Khenpo Ngaga and Jamgon Khomtrul.  Khenpo Ngaga said that in Drubwang Penor Rinpoche’s past lifetimes he had been Vajrapani – the dharma master, Gar Dampa – the king’s son, Damdzin Lhaje, Lhalung Palgyi Dorje, Terton Sangye Lingpa, the first Drubwang Pedma Norbu, Dodrub Kunzang Shenphen, the first Drubchen Rinpoche, and Phuntsog Jungney – the second Drubchen Rinpoche.

When Pedma Norbu was seven years of age, he was taken to the Palyul Monastery where he received a full range of transmissions and empowerments from Do-ngag Chokyi Nyima, Palpung Lama Tashi Chophel, Khenpo Gyalsten Odser, and other eminent Lamas of the time. When he was nine, Pedma Norbu had a direct vision of Padmasambhava and received blessings from him. He received full ordination (gelong) from his root guru Khenpo Ngawang Palzangpo and was given the formal name Thubten Chokyi Langpo. Under the guidance of his root guru, the Second Pema Norbu actualized the full potential of Dzogchen Togyal and exhibited signs of having attained the view of the clear light, which exists in all phenomena. He went on to receive Longchen Nyingthig transmission from Drodul Pawao Dorje, the Peaceful and Wrathful Manjushri transmission from Mipham Rinpoche, and the Choggyur Lingpa Thugdrub transmission from Jamgon Khongtrul Rinpoche. The devotion of the Second Pema Norbu to Do-ngag Chokyi Nyima was of such strength that even after the third Karma Kuchen Rinpoche had passed beyond this world, his precious guru still returned in a dream and gave the second Pema Norbu the entire transmission of the Kagyed Desheg Dupa over a period of three days. Following this he suddenly found he could now also speed read. He was 20 years old.

The second Pema Norbu was a scholar unequaled by his contemporaries. He was extensively schooled in the study of medicine, astrology, geomancy, poetry, Sanskrit, sand mandala construction and the ritual of chanting. He dedicated his life to propagating Buddha Doctrine in a diversity of dharma activities. When he was not in solitary retreat, he tirelessly gave teachings and empowerments to students, sponsored the new construction of temples and shedras, commissioned new printing blocks for the production of dharma texts, and made numerous generous offerings to support the sanghas of other monasteries. He gave the entire Rinchen Terdzod empowerments five times in that lifetime, as well as other large cycles of teachings and accomplishment ceremonies. In  1922, he opened the Palyul Shedra, fulfilling a prophecy by Terton Sangngag Lingpa, “In the Palyul tradition of accomplishment, a scholastic college will be born to propagate the sutras and tantras in a way that is unprecedented.” Fifty students enrolled in the first year. Pedma Norbu provided each one of them with every necessity. He sponsored the building of many monasteries, compiled vast numbers of teachings and practices, and instituted the practice of accomplishment ceremonies in all these locations. Through all these efforts he gave tirelessly of himself and his personal resources to sponsor these projects to completion.

In the autumn of 1931, the Second Drubwang Pema Norbu went into retreat at Khachu Trag. It was there he fell ill after he ate some food of questionable origin. His health gradually deteriorated. On the third day of the third month of the sixteenth rabjung year of the Water Monkey (1932), his mind entered into a meditative state of dhyana. He was forty-six years old. Khenpo Ngaga made many prayers wishing the second Drubwang Pema Norbu a swift rebirth and after some time awakened his heart disciple from the absorptive state of samadhi. At the cremation ceremony a few days later, the earth shook; rainbows filled the sky; wafts of fragrance were in the air, while ritual music materialized of its own accord echoing in space. The precious bone relics of the second Drubwang Pema Norbu were placed inside a one-story golden Stupa that was constructed next to the main temple.

References:  Pathgate Institute of Buddhist Studies

A Garland of Wish-Fulfilling Trees, by Ven. Tsering Lama Jampal Zangpo


3/3/2011      Thursday

Dream day, inspiration day!  Seek out your muse and get inspired.  Someone can fire you up with enthusiasm and get you moving again. Spend time with people who are enthusiastic about life, their energy will motivate you.  Artists and all creative folk are really cracking today.  If someone comes to you with a problem, set aside everything to help.  Don’t be a “fair weather friend.”  Someone else’s trouble can appear at a time that is inconvenient for you, but people need help when they need it.  Stretch yourself; help others.  Don’t be intimidated if an important person asks for your help, is vulnerable.  See everyone as the same; give the boss the same compassion you would offer a child.  You could be exactly the one who helps most.  In a different arena, a business issue can be solved as a result of careful, subtle action.  Do it right. Beverley Sills said, “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Start with Kindness: Cultivating Faith

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

When we see His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teachings, I cannot help seeing how His Holiness loves all, respects all religions and faith, and gently insists our true responsibility and work is kindness, tolerance, loving spirit, ethics, compassion, etc. His Holiness also states that dogma is less important. Oddly, although I so love lineage for its unbroken method, I also teach exactly that. What I am truly adamant about is Bodhicitta, or compassion.

I am sad to see there are so many in every in every faith that don’t appreciate the value of starting the path with kindness. I’ve found if there is no compassion, no Bodhicitta, there is no progress to make. It is pride that stops us, allows us to claim progress when there clearly is none. Progress is indicated by change and developing good qualities. Yet we see blustering haters with huge egos insist their way is the only way, and having graced the praying world with their sermons for 30 years! 40! Sat at the feet of Who-ha and Ding-dong and found the religion they can live with. It suits their agenda. I can only imagine how much ego and pride it takes to do that. In faith, no one should ever have an agenda. What, you want to wear gold lame’ and your choice of the women or men? Or wear robes and be as ordinary as you please. Or dress like a farmer and insist that is your claim to correct view. Is this the “Kabuki Theatre” of faith? We show our progress by demonstrating our loving qualities and truthful method. Claiming you are the real deal while being the judge, jury and executioner does not qualify. That is hatred and ignorance. Opinions are only opinions and should never be considered truth. We must never rigidly adhere to that, particularly when there is no kindness and love.

I feel, for instance for Waylon at Elephant Journal and a former blogger. Here is a war that is so petty it would be funny if not true. $1.00 – a dollar- to keep the journal afloat. The ex-blogger takes up wars and takes this one as a cause. Like Waylon is not supposed to pay bills and keep it going. Ridiculous. Small minds love small things, my mom said. She was actually quite correct. What do you sleep in? Your own poo-poo? The leakage of your neurotic notions? Why not gain a good heart and healthy mind and altruism to benefit all sentient beings?

See, faith and love are not about you. You don’t own truth. And you are not entitled to spew your false view or nastiness all over others. We can see, if you do, how flawed your practice must be. No good results! Yet here the grand proselytizer continues to offer others their lack of wisdom – while whining and strutting. We call this the “king baby” syndrome. Baby needs his milk, and must be coddled. Oh, don’t argue. “King baby” is ruthless as he feels he is a “king” above all. In my heart it seems to me that when I bow it is to the Three Precious Jewels, my Root Lama, Lord Buddha, Guru Padmasambhava. Not to needy ordinary people with way too much to say, and no love to back it up. I will not bend my knee to judgment and hate. I do not honor the needs of “king baby.” He is ordinary and he is a useless fool. All about actual pride in the pain inflicted. But he doesn’t matter. You do! You have the Buddha seed, and still have the time to grow it well. How can I help? All my life is about helping. Tell me what I can do to guide your path.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

A New World

By Thubten Rinchen Palzang:


It has become clear that the entire world is out of balance, and the only way to restore it is to return to balance.  Ruben Saufkie Sr, a Hopi singer and activist, is trying his best to do just that.  Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo, an American Buddhist teacher, is trying her best to do just that.  On Sunday,  February 27th, 2011 – Dakini Day – these two paths intersected at the Amitabha Stupa in Sedona, Arizona.  It was a most auspicious day for the whole world.

How do we return balance to a world that is increasingly out of balance?  Ruben says that it is vital for his people to return to the old ways so that they can return to balance and heal the social ills that threaten the very existence of the Hopi.  The same is true in Tibet where the Tibetan elders, the lamas and tulkus, see a return to the traditional Tibetan way of life as the only way to save their people.  But it is a hard sell.  Living according to the laws of Maasaw or following the Dharma is not easy.  It is hard work.  It means dealing with one’s own poisons, which is never attractive or fun.  The so-called modern world is much more flashy and appealing, particularly to the young people.  They fall prey to its allures and forget the old ways.  The result is suffering and the end of their way of life.

In the Hopi religion, it is said that the people came to this world, the Fourth World, when the people of the Third World had strayed from the teachings of Maasaw, the caretaker of the land.  Some Hopi  say that the people who had remained in balance in the Third World were led to the Fourth World, the present world, through a sipapu, or navel, located in the Grand Canyon, a rock that is still present in the Canyon.  Other Hopi say that when the people arrived in the Fourth World all they saw was water stretching in every direction, and the people had to make a long sea voyage before finding the mountainous shores of the new world.

Maasaw had been appointed the head of the Third World by the other deities, but he had become a little self-important himself and lost his humility.  The other deities decided to give him another chance in the Fourth World.  When the people arrived on the shores of the Fourth World, Maasaw told them to separate into clans and make a series of migrations guided by the stars.  Eventually they would meet the other clans again and settle in the center of the world.  Maasaw gave the clans sacred tablets to guide them on their journey.

Not all of the clans who began the migrations completed them.  Only those who “kept the door on top of their heads” open, those who understood the purpose and meaning of the migrations – purification, completed them and settled in their present homeland, the Hopi Mesas of Northern Arizona.

Many Hopi even today live the old way of balance, but many have been lured by the temporary pleasures of the world around them and have lost their balance.  The high incidence of alcoholism and drug abuse on the reservation and social problems including sexual abuse and domestic violence threaten the very fabric of Hopi society.  The situation on the Hopi reservation reflects that of other indigenous societies, including Tibet, where the people struggle to maintain their way of life in the face of “modernity”.  As cultural values fall, the people become lost and forget how to live in balance.   The Hopi believe that the people failed to live in balance in three previous worlds, and each time they had to start over again in a new world.  Is there to be a Fifth World, or can we finally learn to live in balance in this world?

Caretaking the earth and living in balance are two hallmarks of both the Tibetan and Hopi cultures.  Joining together the two cultures is something that has been foretold by prophecy and is said to be key to the survival of life on earth.  It is the sincere wish of Jetsunma and her sangha, along with Ruben and the other Hopis who are working to achieve this goal, that this auspicious meeting will be the beginning of a fruitful long-term relationship that will ultimately benefit all sentient beings.  Jetsunma has had a strong interest in the Hopi for years and has visited the Hopi Mesas several times.  She vowed to Ruben and the Hopi people that she will do anything to help them restore their balance, including building a stupa on Hopi land to help the process.

This may be a good time to remind ourselves of the Caretaker Vow written by Jetsunma nearly 25 years ago:

We the Caretakers of the Earth, dedicate ourselves to the liberation and salvation of all sentient beings.

We vow to work for the liberation of planet earth from the clutches of suffering, poverty, famine and death. We vow to return in whatever form necessary, under whatever necessary conditions, so that all earth creatures can be liberated from the ravages of cyclic existence.

We vow to work for world peace. We vow to work for the raising of all nations of earth into a state of union and ultimately into the blessed state of supreme wisdom, the wisdom that is beyond all description.

We vow to work toward a great Universal Quickening of mind and heart, leading all beings to a state of clarity, a state in which Chenrezig, the Buddha of Compassion, is enthroned within all hearts and within the planetary heart.

We vow to offer as food and drink to all sentient beings the clear, sweet Dharma so that they may feast and be satisfied at last. We offer our bodies, our speech, and our minds to be filled like bowls with Dharma that in our joy we will spill over into the waiting hearts of all our brethren. May their suffering cease forever.

To all the blessed Tathagatas, to all the root Lamas, to all the Sangha, to all the caretakers, grant us the strength to continue, the clarity to overcome self-cherishing, the determination to return forever until we are the last, and finally, the grace to find our way home.

May the Dharma take root in the West, on the Earth, and in hearts of all sentient beings. So be it.

May we all join in the fulfillment of these aspirations!  EH MA HO!


3/2/2011       Wednesday

Reconciliation today!  A breach is mended.  A solution appears where none seemed possible!  Someone loves you, and it’s mutual.  Friends appear to spend time with you, and someone can steady the situation with a brand new solution to an old problem.  Call or contact a good friend or supporter, express yourself.  A friendly “machine energy” is in the air. If you feel your favorite mechanical implement is your good friend, you are right!  A new discovery or invention makes everyone happy. Get together with friends today.  The dominant energy is still associated with helping, healing and compassion.  Do your part; offer hope. Loy Ching-Yuen said, “In moments of darkness and pain, remember all is cyclical.  Sit quietly behind your wooden door; spring will come again.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Coming to Our Senses

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hello All. We were worried that we would have to keep Barrymore (Carolina red bone coonhound) at our rescue. He is the strongest dog we’ve ever rescued. He is a monster hound. We think he has been crated a lot when young. He is clumsy, unable to read his environment hyper, doesn’t know how to play or relate. Here is the kicker- he doesn’t know to use his nose! His brain was made to sniff ground, to locate prey etc. He sniffs high, like that’s all he had from his kennel. We have been trying to help him use his nose, as I am sure it will re-boot his brain and instincts. We hide things low. He smells up. If he smells at all!

So far a Kong toy works best. We can put yummy meat in the middle and pack both sides tightly with vegetables, which he won’t work for. At first he couldn’t figure it out. Now he goes till it is gone! Next we will put lines of gravy or butter that he must sniff to get the prize. Next we buy raccoon piss and teach him how his nose works. I feel that his brain will unscramble. Last night he sat for two hours utterly calm and focused on sniffing out and eating his Kong, veggies and all!

I think he is an emotional wreck because he is not using his greatest sense and is unaware and confused. Fearful, like a blind child in a totally new, scary and huge environment. I feel for him. Even wonder if he was a medical test dog. He is not used to human eyes. Makes me want to cry for the cruelty we blissfully and ignorantly force animals to endure with no conscience at all. So you know I can’t give up on him. He has probably suffered more than most of us. Then he was to die after it all. So I will not give up on Barry’s fabulous heritage, nor will I permit him to live one more day without family, comfort and love. OM MANI PEDME HUNG!

It will take time and love. And soon, raccoon pee, which will likely do the trick. Won’t that be a day? When his natural intelligence again shines in his eyes because his nose is doing the job? Wow. Will I cry? Yep. Buckets. I believe that all sentient beings are inherently equal in nature. We all want to be happy, and are pretty clueless how to be happy, or create the causes for happiness. We are all equally Buddha, from the kings and queens down to the lowest worm. We are a little like Barrymore, I think. We just don’t see. And won’t shut up (baying) so we can see. Stop making so much noise. Use your innate capability and acquired method to work your own mind! Then we can all open our eyes and see the universe as it truly is. Breathtaking.


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


3/1/2011       Tuesday

A new energy is in place, one that is associated with paying close attention to problems for the purpose of solving them.  You would rather not deal with specific issues, but you must.  Be open to discussion, and if someone offers criticism listen in a non-defensive way.  Stay in your intellect rather than your emotions.  Ramana Maharshi said, “Correcting oneself is correcting the whole world. The sun is simply bright.  It does not correct anyone.  Because it shines, the whole world is full of light.  Transforming yourself is a means of giving light to the whole world.”  Things have shifted from group energy, where everyone in the group is in agreement, to problem solving, which is more personal and requires introspection.  As you do this, you grow into a more effective person!  Be grateful to those who help you improve, and if you’re the critic, be kind.  You’ll be on the hot seat soon.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


2/28/2011      Monday

A thoughtful, sensitive energy prevails today.  An odd lethargy is in the atmosphere, plus an awareness of the suffering of others.  You know people need help, and it’s hard to decide what to do.  Select the object of your attention carefully, and don’t dissipate your energy trying to do everything at once.  It’s possible to fall into “Piscean Paralysis,” a state where you’re so overwhelmed by the suffering around you that you don’t do anything!  Choose a person or cause that is close to you, and do your best to help.  Acts of kindness are greatly appreciated.  If you catch a cold, settle in with a warm bath and keep cozy.  You are emotionally in tune with the world around you, which makes you the right person at the right time to help others.  Teilhard de Chardin said, “The whole of life lies in the verb, ‘seeing.'”  What do you see?

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Ancient Tribes Come Together at Amitabha Stupa

At Jetsunma’s invitation Khenpo Norgey and representatives of the Hopi people participated at an event at the Amitabha Stupa in Sedona. The Hopis came to offer traditional songs at this land that is also considered sacred by the Hopis.

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

This is our Palyul Khenpo Norgay with Hopi representatives in ceremony together. This is sacred and beautiful.

This is Hopi Elder at the Amitaba Stupa. He made the Hopi Sacred songs, the story of the emergences. Powerful!

Oh, my. Here is where I start sobbing. Grandfather said the young ones were not picking up the sacred ways. Please offer prayer and share these precious Tibetan-Hopi images. May the ancient ones come together! EMAHO! AH HO! Please share the news of this meeting! These Ancient Brothers are precious caretakers of the Earth. Without them we are an empty shell. E H MA HO! Kye Ho! Ah HO! I am totally moved and filled with bliss to see this! The Hopi and Tibetan meeting, Ancient brothers!

Here is a cave opening, I dreamed the sacred stones were to your left as you look at it.

This is Reuben and his sons, apprentices to the sacred Hopi way.

Here is Reuben explaining how few Hopis are left and how so many have lost their way. Tears.

May these ancient Tribal Brothers Join for the sake of all sentient beings may our Elders grow in becoming. May we return to the sky, earth, rain and sacred fire together! Please forgive me I am thrilled and rejoicing at this extraordinary event.

As the meeting concluded, and communications from Jetsunma had been shared with Reuben, he stated, “We are connected all of us and we are connected again.”

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