
3/8/2011       Tuesday

An appeal to a powerful person can work.  Letting someone know that others care for and look up to him/her has an impact. Disinformation, or speaking without understanding the entire picture, is something to be avoided.  Don’t generalize or base your plans on wishful thinking.  A helpful friend or group from afar will come through for you, unless you tell them they “should” do something.  They will vanish if judged or pressured.  The emphasis remains on those who are suffering, and it is important that people with the ability to help, do so. Again, avoid judging others or telling people what they should do.  Remember, if you start thinking that you know what somebody else should do, they might start thinking they know what YOU should do.  It’s a game everybody can play.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Contemplations on Love and Compassion

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Imagine! The iron in our blood and planet both came from a dying star. A sun! We consist of that.

Imagine! The light in our eyes, the Bodhicitta, the sweetness of love, this is the essence of Primordial Nature; Buddhahood!

Just suppose we were fully awake – would we see that we are the seed, the path and the fruit? We are the gift to be given.

If we could abandon pride and ego would we finally be the light of the world? What stops us from turning it over?

If we knew the future Buddha to be in the far future would we follow the Buddha Dharma without snark, do our best?

If we for some reason experienced hatred and judgment can we still keep the commitment? Can we still love?

As His Holiness the Dalai Lama says, can we see those who make war with us as a blessing? If we contemplate Karma we can. All arises within mind.

If we treat animals and sentient beings as inferior we demonstrate that we are dull in our practice and have poor qualities.

Today I saw Jada, my sweet Queen Pekinese has cataracts and is nearly deaf. Impermanence is happening now. Commit virtue!

I respect, love, cherish and would do anything for those who love and respect those less fortunate than us!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Let the Circle Be Unbroken

At the invitation of Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo, Khenpo Tenzin Norgay was in Sedona the weekend of February 25-27 for several events, including an Amitabha empowerment at KPC’s Amitabha Stupa, several talks on the significance of the stupa and the sacred land upon which it is built, and even a guest appearance at the Sedona International Film Festival to answer questions at the screening of a documentary movie called Journey from Zanskar: A Monk’s Vow to Children.  The weekend’s events were a great success, drawing large audiences despite the chilly February weather and the competition of the film festival.  But the event at the stupa on Sunday, February 27th, provided a special treat to those who braved the elements.

Sunday – Dakini Day – dawned to a world of white with fluffy fresh snow blanketing the town and the red rocks.  Such a snow is considered a blessing by Tibetans, but it seemed an inauspicious start to a day that was planned to feature a talk by Khenpo at the stupa and a song offering by Hopi Indians.  It appeared that the Hopi would not be able to make it to Sedona as all roads leading from the Flagstaff area were closed.  In addition, the wet, rapidly melting snow had turned the dirt road leading up to the stupa into a quagmire.  This meant that no vehicles would be able to drive to the stupa to carry heavy equipment like a PA system or a generator to power the planned webcast.  In view of the situation, it was decided to change the schedule and replace the planned talk with a Shower of Blessings practice, which is the heart practice at KPC, and including a sang (smoke) offering to purify negativity.

By 2:00 the warm sun had melted much of the snow, and the clouds had long since abandoned the sky to the brilliant Arizona sun.  A group of about thirty people had assembled, many of whom had never participated in any kind of Tibetan Buddhist practice.  Partway through the practice, to everyone’s surprise, word arrived that the Hopis were indeed on their way and were expected shortly.  The practice was speeded to finish by the time they arrived.  As people were enjoying the food offering that is a part of the practice, Ruben Saufkie Sr. came walking up the hill with his two young sons.  They were seated on the stage next to Khenpo, and Ruben and Khenpo talked for several minutes.  People were invited to come and sit close to the stage, and Ruben then repeated what he had shared with Khenpo.

Ruben said that he personally had been out of balance for many years, caught up in the throes of alcoholism, disrespectful to everyone, out of control.  But then he looked into the eyes of his children and recognized the same look of fear and hopelessness that he had experienced as a child, for both his father and grandfather had also been alcoholics.  This realization caused him to reexamine his life as a father and as a Hopi.  His Hopi elders gave him the teachings to help him overcome his addictions and to return to balance.  As he emerged from his addictions, he also began to see how the Hopis as a tribe were also out of balance and that this was destroying them.  The population has shrunk to a mere 13,000, and out of over a hundred clans, only less than thirty survive.  Disagreements between individual Hopis and Hopi villages abound on how the Hopi nation should cope with the modern world.  What Ruben came to realize was that Hopis should return to their original teachings of how to live life in balance, that they needed to move out of their egos and return to their hearts as this was the seat of power and balance.

Ruben’s mission now, as he explained, was to do everything he could to restore this balance, both in the Hopi nation and the world.  He said he began with his own life and family, and that he was now reaching out to his fellow Hopi and to those beyond the reservation.  This has often resulted in attacks by other Hopis, accusing him of just pursuing money, consorting with non-Hopis, and not caring about his people.  Ruben said that this has been very painful for him and there have been times when he has felt like abandoning his mission.  When he received the invitation to come to Sedona to participate in the events with Khenpo, however, he felt like a new door had been opened, and his enthusiasm to continue was renewed.  On Sunday morning he saw the snow and heard the traffic reports, but he felt certain that this meeting was meant to happen, so he set out.  As he and his sons approached Flagstaff, a pure white hawk flew directly over his car, so he felt certain that everything would be auspicious.  And indeed, I-17 was reopened by the time he got to Flagstaff, and he was able to safely drive down the mountain to Sedona.

Ruben then talked about the location of the stupa and explained how this area had been known to his people long ago.  They thought it was extraordinarily beautiful, but they chose not to live there because they knew that someday someone would take the land from them for its beauty.  After a short stay, they proceeded on their way to their permanent home on the Hopi Mesas, which are shaped like a hand.  He said that building a stupa in this place is a wonderful way to honor its sacredness.

Then Ruben and his sons donned their traditional Hopi dress and prepared to sing.  First Ruben blessed the stupa, Khenpo, and the audience with condor and eagle feathers, representing the 500 year-old prophecy of the coming together of the ancient teachings of the North (eagle) with those of the South (condor) – in other words, the joining of the ancient wisdom of the Indian tribes of the North, such as the Hopi, with those of the South, the Incas, Aztecs, Mayas.  Then he and his sons formally introduced themselves, first in Hopi, then in English.  They proceeded to sing several traditional Hopi songs dedicated to bear, deer and other native animals, accompanied by drum and rattle.  The songs evinced the beauty of the high windswept mesas where the Hopi found their permanent home, evoking a feeling of ancient wisdom and a connection to the earth that has been largely lost in our modern, hyperactive world.

Several photographs taken at the time of the songs reveal miraculous images of rainbow light and bindus – small orbs of energy which, according to Khenpo (who took the picture seen here), are signs of the auspiciousness of the two traditions coming together.  Jetsunma, who followed the day’s events closely via texting and photographs,  added, “Here are two Ancient Tribes returning.”  She went on to say, “This is so auspicious!!!  I cannot tell you!”

The ancient prophecies are coming true before our eyes.  EH MA HO!

This article was written by Thubten Palzang


3/7/2011        Monday

Emotional volatility is present in women, and men are sensitive and looking for a peaceful conclusion or else for an escape hatch.  Behind the scenes energy and covert action is most promising in these times.  Be wary of attempts to urge you into action.  Respond with optimism, but use your intelligence.  Brash action is appealing, but it can come to a bad end. Think.  Be mindful of what you are up against.  On another front, love is present in the form of friends or supporters.  People who genuinely care for each other are the best hope for today.  A consensus is growing among people, and new group energy is being built, one based on affection and caring.  This group will succeed.  Alfred D’Souza said, “For a long time it has seemed that life was about to begin – Real Life.  But there was always some obstacle in the way…something to be got through …then life would begin.  At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.”  Your life is happening.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Shining Lake of Crystal Tears


Arya Tara, Noble One

We bow down to your Lotus Feet

And beg you to remain enthroned

On the Lotus Throne within our hearts

We, your daughters and sons

Offer you the essence of whatever purity we may possess in the three times

Please accept the nectar of our pitiful practice

Please bless the potential of all our hopes and aspirations

And guide our lips and blind eyes

To suckle at the breast of the Sublime Bodhichitta

Mother Tara, protect us, now and at the time of our death.

Sooth and cleanse our minds of the sickness and fever of worthless distraction.

Hear us, Holy One, even though our very voices are tainted

With fear and slothfulness, weakened by Samsara’s spell.

Oh Mother, when we have caused you sorrow

How will you then appear for us in Nirmanakaya form

Through endless aeons for our sake –

How, Mother, will this occur

When our hearts and minds turn inward

With darkness and lack of caring for the suffering of others?

Oh Mother Tara, Holy One, Perfect One

We are lost.

Now more than ever darkness comes

And we are overcome with our weakness and poor view.

Yet you remain for us

Blessed Mother, Holy One, this very day

We make our hearts and minds your home

We beg you to come in glory

And to remain with us

With your Supreme Beauty, Sublime Power and Faultless Light

Until we are inseparable

And Samsara is emptied

Colophon:  Written by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, August 24th, 2004 Sedona, Arizona, when one of Tara’s daughters herself had fallen under Samsara’s dark spell

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


3/6/2011     Sunday

Charge!  You are ready to blast off today.  Emotional enthusiasm, a general feeling of expansive good will, propels you straight into a wall!  Do not directly confront authority, no matter how optimistic you feel, no matter how certain you are of success.  Stop.  Instead, aim your energy toward friends and groups who care for you.  You won’t be disappointed here.  Old timers, people that have been around so long they take things for granted, are in no mood to agree with upstarts.  Be self-protective.  Don’t be the Chinese student who sat in front of the tank and was run over.  Stay behind the scenes, with your close supporters.  Margaret Thatcher said, “Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides.”  Don’t be a target; stay on the sidewalk of the issue.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


3/5/2011     Saturday

Emotions rule!  Find a compassionate person and talk things over.  You are able to express what’s on your mind and someone else brings out the best in you.  Sensitive communication is the name of the game.  A type of healing is possible that flows through speech or through hands.  Open yourself to this.  Written material is powerful.  Hands on healing is possible.  Secrets sensitively revealed can open doors.  Out in the open, go ice skating, skiing, or to parties or fairs.  Have a yard sale.  Things that trigger the imagination sell best, and beauty is most appealing.  Call old friends, and make new friends.  You are so sensitive you may wish to escape, which can open the door to behavior you could regret tomorrow.  Don’t do anything tonight with someone you just met who seems too good to be true.  S/he is, you will discover tomorrow.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

The Tenth Throne Holder

The Fourth Karma Kuchen Rinpoche, Thegchog Nyingpo

(1908 – 1958)


The fourth Karma Kuchen Rinpoche, Thegchog Nyingpo was born in the fifteenth rabjung year of the Earth Monkey (1908). He was recognized in accordance with the prophecy of the fifteenth Karmapa Khakyab Dorje and authenticated by Drodul Lama Azom Drugpa. After being enthroned as the tenth Throne Holder at the Palyul Monastery, he began his study in sutra and tantra and received all the lineage transmissions from the second Drubwang Pema Norbu, the Dzogchen Khenpo Rigdzin Odzer, Jamgon Tai Situ Pema Wangchog Gyalpo, Drodul Lama Azom Drugpa and Kathog Khenpo Legshed Jordan. He excelled in all the teachings he received and attained an all-encompassing mind that merged with the true nature of transcendental reality. Soon after the completion of a three-year retreat during which his main practice was Ratna Lingpa’s Three Kaya Accomplishment, Thegchog Nyingpo commenced his service to all sentient beings by giving teaching, transmission and empowerment to a multitude of followers. During his lifetime, he commissioned the making of many thangkas and statues, having scores of Dharma texts printed, old temples renovated, new constructions erected, and gave generous support to a great many sangha communities elsewhere.

When Thegchog Nyingpo was fifty-one years of age, he decided it was time for him to pass beyond this world and transferred his life essence into the body of rainbow luminescence leaving nothing tangible behind.

Reference:  Pathgate Institute of Buddhist Studies


3/4/2011 Friday

Powerful yet subtle action is present today. Men and women are in accord, and something new can be imagined and set in motion. Water is the strongest of all the elements because, though gentle, it always finds a way. An astronaut observing earth from above said, “Our planet should be called Ocean rather than Earth, since it’s clear that it is primarily made up of water.” The energy of water, flowing, nourishing everything, is dominant. Listen to your hunches; help others. Medical devices are beneficial, and doctors are excellent. Music is inspiring. Spend time near water, go for a swim or take a bath. Eat soup. Be like a fish today and float gently through the world, no rough edges.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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