Happy Memorial Day!

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Happy Memorial Day, I’m AWOL today, family over. We are having a barbecue and eating inside. Heat warning today and tomorrow. Steamy!

I wanted to show heartfelt gratitude to our service men and women, for our safety. You are our great treasure, and you never fail these United States of America. You give us your lives, your health, blood, every part. Though I hate war, I love and cherish you!

And I wish I could buy you all a beer! Muuuwaah! Hugs.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Contemplating the True Nature of the Guru

The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo called “Guru Yoga”

We should think in such a way that we know if we practice deeply enough, we will look at Guru Rinpoche and see that innate wakeful state which is the true face.

Guru Rinpoche said before he left, “I will appear as your Root Teacher.”  What that means is we should practice considering that the teacher who comes to teach us and gives us blessing, gives us empowerment, gives us commentary teaching, who makes it possible for us to practice the path, is actually an extension of Guru Rinpoche’s activity.  The teacher cannot be separated from Guru Rinpoche’s activity, and is Guru Rinpoche’s activity—an extension of miraculous enlightened compassion, enlightened intention.

If we, in our ordinary perception, separate the two and say, ”Oh, Guru Rinpoche is over here, and the Root Teacher’s over there, and I’m over there,” and practice in a superficial way, we won’t get very far.  But if we see the whole event as the miraculous intention of the Buddha, as enlightenment itself, if we understand that the path is inseparable from the benefit, inseparable from the nature itself, and if we understand this activity to be this enlightened process, inseparable from the true face, and we practice focused in that way, the blessing cannot be counted. It is incredibly profound.  It’s an entirely different process, really, than the kinds of ordinary activity that we always engage in.  We’re always working hard at something,,but that’s not the point.  The point is to see the face, to know the nature.  The point is to be awake.

If one uses the thoughts that I have just described, contemplating in the way that I have described, practicing Guru Yoga as I have described it, one dispels the delusion that comes from the fixation  on self-nature and phenomenal existence as being inherently real and solid.  By dispelling fixation, one can know the nature that can only really be described as “suchness,” that which is beyond.

So, I hope that you will take this into your heart and begin to practice.  Perhaps you can begin to practice the Seven Line Prayer and Vajra Guru Mantra. But most especially, I really hope that you will think in the way that I’ve described: understanding what is ordinary and what is not ordinary;  understanding what is of the world;  understanding what is part of the process of fixation and what is a direct display of the Mind of Enlightenment.  Thinking on these things and practicing accordingly, one can have great results.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


Today you feel energized, happy, chatty and fortunate!  It’s a busy day, both emotionally and activity-wise.  Remain engaged and keep communicating.  Emails, messages and calls keep you going.  Beauty is especially stimulating today.  Do your best to dress well and to look good; this has a major influence on your fortunes.  You and others are powerfully influenced by appearance and by impressive looking objects.  An unadorned treasure (you?) can be overlooked if you’re not putting your best foot forward. Don’t let that happen! Your appearance is your gift to the world. Pubililus Syrus said, “A fair exterior is a silent recommendation.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Keeping the Earth Sacred

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Today is hot and so humid! Barnsville is in the DC area. Get used to sweat, friends. It rained all spring and now we sweat it back. Tomorrow a severe heatwave. I wanna go with my pack to the beach. Or a lake. I really like cool weather (even cold) best. I’ll have fun as the planet warms. May have to head north. Alaska? A cold refuge. Freezer?

All funny talk except that the planet is warming. And soon we’ll all sweat. The wild critters suffer most when “Mama-Earth” shifts. The wild ones have ancient habits coded in their DNA. That is hard to change. Humans have changed so fast we cannot catch our collective breath. We don’t even feel so connected to the earth anymore.

I love nature. More than I can say. I wish I could live in space. Wind. Water. Fire. And in the land of Tara. Too bad this is Barnesville. Of course, the Land of Tara is a Pureland. And cool places will sustain us longer. And we must take care of the wild creatures. We must do much better by the land, water, air, and fire places and keep them sacred. Maybe then, we will live. Do all you can, beloveds…


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Understanding the Seed and the Fruit

The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo called “Guru Yoga”

What makes Guru Rinpoche’s teaching, his path, different from others, different from other activities that we could do in our lives?  Well, if we want to attain wisdom, why don’t we just go get a card in the library?  Why don’t we just read everything there is to read?  Why don’t we just go through every book in the world?  Would we become wise then? Not necessarily, even from an ordinary point of view, because we would not have done anything about dispelling the fixation on phenomenal existence.  We would not have done anything about dispelling the fixation on self-nature as being inherently real.  We would do nothing about the delusion within our mindstreams.  We would simply have accumulated information. I know lots of people that are smart, but not too wise from a Buddhist point of view.  That is because the things that you can read from the library, the things that you can do in the world, arise from ordinary circumstances.  They are compiled, or made up, of ordinary things.  They can be collected.  They are things in phenomenal existence.

What comes from Guru Rinpoche does not come from an ordinary place.  What we receive from Guru Rinpoche in terms of teaching and blessing actually arises from the state of enlightenment.  It therefore has an extraordinary source.  And you always get apple trees from apple seeds.  If what he offers arises from the mind of enlightenment, then it will result in enlightenment.  It will bring about enlightenment.  It has the capacity to do so.

There’s no way you can get that blessing other than through extraordinary means. You can’t pay money to get it.  You can’t pay someone else to help you get it.  You can’t take a pill to get it.  You can’t eat the right foods to get it.  You can’t work for 40 hours a week for so many years in order to get it.  You can’t collect it.  And so we practice Guru Yoga in order to increase our faith and our certainty and our confidence in order to receive the blessing that actually arises from enlightenment.

If we understand the nature of the Guru, if we understand the nature of Guru Rinpoche as being these profound things that I have described in brief, then we can understand that by practicing Guru Yoga, one can achieve extraordinary result that can be had through no other means. But in order to do so, one has to meditate and really concentrate on what that blessing is, how it arises, and what it comes from.  One has to see the reality of Guru Rinpoche as being something more than superficial phenomenal appearance.  One has to understand in a more deep and profound way.

So the blessing we receive from Guru Yoga then depends on us.  How much time are we actually going to put into this consideration?  And how are we going to view it?  Are we going to continue to view Guru Rinpoche as somebody out there somewhere separate from ourselves who did something that affects us now?  That’s a very limited, very superficial, very ordinary view and it won’t get us very far.  We have to think about the nature of the Lama.  We have to think that this phenomenal appearance of the Lama in physical existence is due to the miraculous extraordinary compassion that comes from a fully enlightened mind, that is inseparable from a fully enlightened mind.  And we must understand that nature as being totally and completely realized, totally awake.  We must understand it as being completely revealed in display form, emptiness and luminosity, emptiness and compassion.  When we look at the Lama, when we see Guru Rinpoche, this is what we should understand.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


Today starts out with a bang!  You get up on the right side of the bed, and happiness is in the air.  News is optimistic, and the feeling of success is everywhere.  Confidence! You have it.  Go out and get whatever you hanker for.  Today you have enough confidence and energy for ten people.  You can make a very fortunate deal, so get moving. Do your best to be active in the early part of the day, because as the day progresses you’ll slow down and want to relax and enjoy yourself.  You are steadily heading toward something favorable, or it is heading toward you!  Keep going in your current direction and your wish is granted.  The only way to waste this fortunate day is to do nothing.  Red Blaik said, “The champion makes his own luck.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Mental sharpness is present today.  Use your head, think things over, and speak to those you need to contact.  Communication is the name of the game.  Financial concerns continue to absorb you, and you are having a good time in this endeavor.  Make deals, reach out to others. Don’t feel bad about being careful with your money.  George Bernard Shaw said, “Lack of money is the root of all evil.” Pleasing speech is significant today, so if you’ve got something nice to say to someone, don’t wait.  Emotional energy is high, and someone can really inspire you and get you moving.  This is a good day for house cleaning. You will be utterly ruthless in getting rid of unnecessary things.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Moving Forward

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hello, all in Twitterverse. I’ve been gone all day to meetings and glad to be back. I don’t like Baltimore much but it was necessary.

I returned to see the haters have come back to torment me, except for the main one, who is now gone. But I must leave it to the law. It is right to go, or they can drag one through the sewer they live in. I won’t be like them. I won’t. I can’t imagine being like that. So selfish when the world is in such awful shape and people are hungry for pure Dharma.

And thankfully most people want the real deal, not a show. So I will continue the best I can, maybe take time away. Certainly for the Palyul summer retreat, to continue my practice and peace of mind. Also this summer I will be training to offer Empowerment. The Tulku, Lama Lobsang  will arive soon. He is the one Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche had been arranging since a year before His parinirvana. I have wanted more training, have asked for years, and finally he is coming! His Holiness Penor Rinpoche chose him for his pure qualities, scholarship and complete disinterest in ridiculous politics and games. I love that. I have no interest in them either. Politics has always been part of every religion, sadly. Wars have been the result. If one calls themselves spiritual, they should abandon such ridiculous habitual tendencies and tend to their practice. That is what the Gurus of every Lineage tell us. It was His Eminence Ponlop  Rinpoche that said, when my dear Michelle G. asked him how to repair the lies and damage, he said “Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, the purest of Gurus recognized Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo. He has said she is a Pure Lama. Therefore go back to her and repair Samaya!” He would not teach her. He sent her back. What merit she must have! How pure Ponlop must be! Amazing!

Anyone can see the Sun again, it never leaves. It is we who are dishonest and turn our faces away.


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


Wow, today starts off with a bang!  Do your best to think things over carefully before leaping into action.  This will be difficult.  Beware of racing right off into a mess, a situation that’s harder to exit than to enter.  Emotions are high, and the solution is the mind.  Think!  Once the agitated energy has passed you’ll see things differently.  Stay home, if possible, or stay with people you’re close to and comfortable with.  This isn’t the best day to expand or reach out to new people.  You, or they, could come across more forcefully than you realize.  Back off!  Wrongheaded thinking is afoot. A proverb of unmentioned origin says, “Good is when I steal other people’s wives and cattle: bad is when they steal mine.” Neither alternative makes sense today.  No stealing!

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Early in the day you can make a decision that is totally out to lunch.  You will look back and wonder what you were thinking!  Best advice is not to act precipitously.  Wait, stall, think things over.  In time the situation will seem different, less appealing.  However, the over-arching mode these days is financial improvement and growth.  Put your best energy toward managing your income, and do everything in your power to build your business.  An inspired advertising campaign or an imaginative presentation is successful.  Be business minded.  Love is in the mix today.  Someone cares very much for you and is willing to commit. Buy things for people, give gifts.  They needn’t be expensive, but give tangible items. “Things” convey a powerful message today.  Glady’s Stern said , “Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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