
A difficult adjustment has just been made, whew!  It was more than you expected, but it’s over.  This is an excellent day for communication of a personal or intuitive nature.  Your thinking is aligned with your emotions, and you can go forward with things that feel right.  A powerful, assertive energy is the overarching mode these days.  If you are part of the push, great.  If you are not, step aside so the sweep can happen.  These are new times.  Do your best to remain stable as you adjust your thinking to what is happening.  Life can change faster than the mind’s ability to process, and that is what we are seeing now. The Chinese curse “May you live in interesting times” applies here. If you play your cards right, success is possible. This is a productive day and one where you have the ability to offer great kindness and compassion to others.  Do so.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Embracing Change for a Better World

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I wonder if it is the aspect between Jupiter opposite Saturn that is giving me the brain drain. I suspect it may be. It is a generational aspect, every 20 years. And it also seems there is a tug between old, crystallized ways and new, more radical ways.

I hope so. Maybe government and corporate people will show transparency for a change! I feel strongly that is the way to go. Old institutions and “old thinking” people definitely hold us in a zone, and feel entitled to do so. When I see something or someone who refuses to listen or change it boggles my mind and angers me too (sadly.) When new ideas and ways of thinking develop they should never be smashed down. And the new thinking folks should never be bullied or called names. We are free to speak and share ideas as new ideas are needed! The world has so many problems.

Bullies, tend to try to keep those around them unchanging, sheep-like and safely mum. So it turns out bullies are the weaker as their emotional lives are maintained by putting others down. That is weak. And cruel. Especially to those trying to learn, and formulate their own ideas. We must be encouraging, not suffocating new ideas by blowing them down. No one has the right to do that, corporations or governments as well. We have the right to evolve as thoughtful people. The world requires it. The times require it. The nuclear crisis in Japan is a prime example. To save face Japan will not tell us the truth, and we have the right to know. Similarly our own government, here in the USA, does the same. To what extent we may never know.

No, I am not a rabid conspiracy nut. But I see something is very wrong with this picture. We should have full disclosure, especially about those things which affect our health and our thinking. I hope this Jupiter (expanding) and Saturn (crystalizing, unchanging) duke it out (it is us of course) and we come up with new ways. Respect, tolerance, compassion, spiritual depth, open mindedness, these ways that lead us forward and do not support secretiveness and bullying, harmful domination of others, etc; may these things, having had their day, allow the rest of us to have ours!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


3/29/2011      Tuesday

Consensus!  Agreement!  A deal is negotiated, at last!  It’s a good day to put yourself in the public eye and to speak of things that offer encouragement to others. If someone has been shamed or defeated, give that person time to make amends or depart in peace. Don’t kick any one who is down. An old matter is successfully wrapped up, and long awaited news can come.  A new leader can suddenly appear, not someone you might have thought of.  If the person is optimistic, broad minded and able to relate to almost everyone, it’s a go!  On a different front, matters of health and creativity are in the final stages of completion.  Move quickly to wrap up outstanding issues. Finish creative projects as soon as you can, time is running out here.  A change is coming, and things not finished will remain unfinished if you don’t act immediately. Al Batt said, “It is easy to sit up and take notice.  What is difficult is getting up and taking action.”  Well?

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


3/28/2011      Monday

This is an excellent day to build a group consensus for action.  And action is still the name of the game.  Men and women get along famously, and friends from afar let you know they are on your side.  You almost can’t fail, if you keep your eye on your goal and remember that two sides must be satisfied for success.  The power of the old regime, the old guard, in any situation, is declining.   The new way of thinking, the upstart, is gaining power.  The question arises:  if the old goes, what replaces it?  Today is a combination of forward action and decision-making.  Everyone’s wishes need to be taken into consideration.  Those who have worked hardest have the greatest say.  No calling the shots if you haven’t done the work!  If you find yourself in an isolated position, if nobody agrees with you, consider that you may not be in tune with the times.  Change.  Make your deal while the other side is in a good mood, before they lose patience.  Beauty is still beautiful.  It’s good to take small breaks and enjoy whatever inspires you.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Prayer Works:Pray for Japan and the Earth

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Asking all people to have faith in prayer and not feel hopeless. If everything, every effort in Japan is hopeless, even then prayer works!

Please don’t forget that, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, in their great compassion hear our cries. All faiths, call upon your faith and help. Each of us has our own beliefs. Doesn’t matter. Call on your faith to see us through. We all need each other to do the right thing for the earth.

Blessings and love to my brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers in Japan. Pray for Japan. Pray for the earth, for Libya. We are one people.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Today is the Day to Renew Prayers for Japan, the Earth and Humankind

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Today is the day to renew our commitment to pray for Japan, for the earth, for human kind. I feel the Japan nuclear situation is growing more dangerous every day, that Tepco and Japanese government are trying to save face by not admitting how bad it is, and how little they know about getting it to stop. When the reactors are cracked and leaking, it is catastrophic. So I ask my students and followers to pray, to go to the stupas and pray, recite mantra, etc. We must all, every faith, park the dogma and join in prayer round the globe as one family.

Prayer is amazingly powerful especially when many people pray together with pure intention to heal others, and the planet. And we may find ourselves relying exclusively on prayer as nothing else seems to be working. I beg Japan to reveal the exact situation so we the people can know what to do and what not to do. It is our right to know, as I’ve said – and who knows? We may actually figure something out for ourselves! I think of Dr. Michio Kaku, who feels the only thing to do is bury it all with concrete, gravel, antidotal chemicals, sand, more concrete as was done with Chernobyl. They cannot save the reactors- they are only poison now.

Jetsunma recommended the following prayers for Japan and for the earth:

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


3/27/2011      Sunday

If you get through the early part of today without a disagreement or being misunderstood, count yourself as lucky.  The tide turns toward evening, and you start having fun.  Any medical issue resolves well, and you’re quite sensitive and creative.  A hunch or intuitive perception about a problem is very accurate.  Exercise is excellent today, especially swimming.  You have become sensitized to others in a new way, and your ability to detect and understand people’s difficulties has really expanded. Someone lets you know that they are aware of all you’ve been through, and this is a great comfort to you.  A new form of beauty is present in the world; you can see it.  Spend time enjoying art, music, poetry, or any form of creativity that interests you.  Do something that relaxes and inspires you. Have fun. This has been an intense time.  Joe Namath said, “When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun.  And when you have fun, you can do amazing things.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

One World: Let the People Speak

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Today I have a down mood. Watching what is happening worldwide is hard to take. Japan hiding info we need, in the Middle East giving more than we can use. Everywhere there are terrible events and dramas.

One theme I see is secretiveness by those in power. Any info we get is from regular people. I sincerely hope our government is asking questions, someone has to. So I guess I am worrying a lot. Worry is useless unless it spurs one to action. As in praying, or offering some relief. I work at Prayer, but I wish I could stop the wars, leaking nukes etc. One person cannot manage very much. But governments and groups of people can. That is why it is so hard to hear about these issues. They are fixable, but we refuse to change ourselves, our views, and so then government will not change. Government is us. Even if we feel impotent, we are the people and government should be serving our interests. We have lost our way, governments now work for themselves and are therefore hard to trust. We aren’t getting news. We are getting propaganda from hierarchies who are in self- protection mode. We are playing games with our planet and the sentient beings who live here. This is wrong, unethical and immoral. Government is a good example, but not the only one. For business and institutions to keep secrets and do wrong without consequence is not acceptable.

We must speak out and demand information about everything that affects planet earth. Especially things like ecological disasters which eventually affect us all. We are world citizens and we have the right to know! Secrets lead to disaffected people, disempowered. So nothing changes and the people never get to speak. This does not work for planet earth and her people. We have ideas that should be allowed to see the light of day! We aren’t stupid, we actually think and create. And so we must think of a way through this habit. What are we thinking?! Let the people in! Let us speak!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Prayers for Venerable Gyaltrul Rinpoche

We received the following communication from the sangha of Venerable Gyaltrul Rinpoche, one of Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo’s root teachers. At Jetsunma’s request we are sharing this information with you:

Dear Students and Friends of Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche,

While Ven. Yangthang Rinpoche was at ODD, he was consulted about what practices would be best to enhance and extend Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche’s life and general state of health. He indicated that if 10 million Vajrakilaya mantras were accumulated in the next year that that effort may have a significant effect on Rinpoche’s life span, removing obstacles to his health and well-being. Surely this is an outcome we all wish for and here is a proposed method that we can contribute to and help make it happen.

While 10 million seems like a big number, if at least 40 people can accomplish 1000 mantras per day that would yield more than 25,000 per month, per person…or 1,000,000 per month for the group….and then in 10 months, 10 million can be accomplished. If one uses the short Dudjom Tersar daily practice of Vajrakilaya accumulation of 1000 mantras may require just 20-30 minutes per day. So consider that! But you can also do more or less according to your time.

Additionally, our sanghas can gather as a group at the centers, and prayers will be requested from monks & nuns in monasteries in Tibet, Nepal & India. But if we, the students, can collectively accomplish this, then we can be certain that we have fulfilled Yangthang Rinpoche’s guidance and anything more will serve to bolster our accumulation.

Gyatrul Rinpoche gave this outreach effort his support as it will involve many of the sangha and will help him as well as remove obstacles to all of our lives and practice. He said “Excellent. Go for it. This clears everyones obstacles–it’s a collective karma anyway, so go ahead and begin”.

Please reply to this email indicating what you can commit to accomplishing. If many of us can do 1000 per day that would result in a minimum of 25,000 per month. If you feel like you can do more, that is also fine, and of course, if you prefer to commit to a lower number, that is fine as well. Once a month we will send a reminder email out to which you can send in your monthly totals so we can keep track and keep you posted.

Please feel free to forward to other practitioners.

Orgyen Dorje Den

2244 Santa Clara Ave

Alameda, CA 94501

Email: [email protected]

For those who do not have the Vajrakilaya Empowerment but wish to offer prayers in support of the long life of Gyaltrul Rinpoche, Jetsunma has said the 7 Line Prayer may be accumulated. You may also see the Long Life Prayer for Gyaltrul Rinpoche.


3/26/2011      Saturday

Be quite careful how you approach others today.  You are enthusiastic, and others are formal, inflexible and inclined toward conservatism.  If you push too hard, you’ll be pushed back.  Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “Be sincere; be brief; be seated.”  This is excellent advice for today.  Be careful.  If you act precipitately, you could actually offend both sides of a negotiation, not unlike a cop called to a domestic dispute who becomes the target of aggression.  Tiptoe into situations and be respectful of everyone.  If you are the one who is taking offense, if the shoe is on the other foot, calm down and consider others’ deepest wishes.  Today the mediator’s suggestions are all wrong and can actually make the situation worse.  What to do?  Relax and enjoy life. Take a break. Artists are especially creative, and all forms of entertainment are favorable. Plus, your friends still love you!

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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