Prayer for Mental Clarity

The following is from a twitter conversation between Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo and a follower on twitter:

Student: need your advice. I am so nervous to face my exam tomorrow. What should i do? is there a pray for it and to get success maybe?

Jetsunma: Hi, a good mantra to recite for memory, mental clarity, wisdom is to the great Manjushri. mantra: Pronounce “OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHI”

Student: Thanks a lot! It can be read anytime or just before doing something?

Jetsunma: Any time at all!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


Listen for a hidden matter that is revealed.  A financial or emotional supporter is nearby just waiting for the right moment to step in.  If that is you, pay close attention to the nature of things.  Do others need help now, seriously, or are you listening to repetitive complaints?  A beneath-the-surface energy enables you to determine what is true and what is false.  It’s a great day for detectives.  The case can be solved.  Continue talking with everyone about everything!  A sudden love or source of joy appears as if from nowhere.  Love is everywhere.  A conversation with a woman or child provides crucial information.  Make a will, if you haven’t.  And continue to learn new things. Leonardo da Vince said “Just as iron rusts from disuse, even so does inaction spoil the intellect.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Use Your Heart

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I hope and pray all people will come to see that kindness is the way. Most trouble can be avoided if we are simply good hearted. Bitterness and meanness poison just about every situation. If people would communicate skillfully and with respect nearly all arguments can be solved without war or hate. Only when one’s very life and livelihood are threatened, then legal council should be sought for advice.

In general, no resolution is ever possible with insults, snarky talk, or childish cruel jokes or rants. It is possible to grow up and grow in the capacity for compassion with practice. If we care about any sentient beings, we must care about all, as we are all of the same nature. So the obsession with harming others is a strong indication that this is not well understood. From the view of say, Lord Buddha’s extraordinary awakened state, there is no “place” where one life “ends” and another life “begins.” There is only the empty and complete display of the primordial ground of being. Beyond that, we are not separate- not in being, not in distance, and not in time, as these are all relative, where the absolute nature is unchanging, and fulfilled at once.

Relative view can be a real mess, and discord results when one has no healthy boundaries or indulges the ignorant, ordinary monkey-mind to do as it pleases. We are not here for that. We are all, in ultimate view, Buddha in physical form. How well the “light” shines through one’s “window” depends entirely on how well we clean and keep the “glass”, and this is our true job. We must see all as it is. Not as our habits dictate. You can change, you can do better. You are Buddha! Never forget that. Use your heart, and stand tall for the sake of all!


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Six Realms of Cyclic Existence

An excerpt from a teaching called How Buddhists Think by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Most people, however, fixated as they are on self-nature, experience hatred, greed, and ignorance.  This is the content of their mindstream.  We all have a great amount of self-concern, craving, desire, and grasping, which Buddhists consider a form of greed.  We have abundant anger.

You know you have anger; everyone has anger, which Buddhists consider a form of hatred.  And we have ignorance, which in Buddhist terminology signifies the lack of awareness of the primordial Wisdom State.  It means the lack of being awake as the Buddha is awake.

In the Bardo, some of the latent karmic potential, or the karmic seeds in our mindstream, will ripen.  For instance, if we have hatred within our mindstream, we will perceive it externalized as some kind of demonic entity––and respond with fear.  And we will try to take rebirth as soon as possible.  We will go compulsively into the next rebirth.  So it’s very possible that we take rebirth in an undesirable form.

Even if we achieve again the precious human form, we might be reborn in poverty in Calcutta, or as the offspring of parents who have AIDS.  And we ourselves could have AIDS.  There is no way to predict how karma will ripen.  This is the unpredictability of cyclic existence.

Of the six realms of cyclic existence, the human realm is considered the most precious––because it is the only realm in which we can practice Dharma in order to achieve Realization.  In all the other realms, preoccupation with immediate experience is too tight, too intense––so much so that one cannot meditate, contemplate, or practice.   This is true even in the higher realms.

The highest realm into which we can be reborn is the realm of the long-life gods.  The suffering in this realm is actually related to pleasure.  You may think, “I’d like to suffer like that,” but in this realm pleasure really is the source of suffering.

To be reborn in this realm requires tremendously good karma, but also involves the karma of pride.  (It is your pride that will, despite a great accumulation of positive causes, keep you from being born in an Enlightened state.)  Positive causes produce the experience of great pleasure which prevails in the long-life god realm. The scent there is an overpowering experience, sensual and erotic, healing instantly and completely.  Any sense––touch, taste, sight, hearing––is so potent that one is completely intoxicated, completely consumed by it.  The gods in this realm are extremely, excruciatingly beautiful.  Their bodies are sweetly scented; their skin, exceedingly pure.  They swim in nectar-like water; everything they taste is the elixir of life.  And they live for thousands of years.

Some people may think: “How do I get into that place?”  But there’s a catch.  When the thousands of years of their god-realm karma are exausted, these beings begin to change.  Suddenly they are no longer so sweet-smelling.  Then the other gods and goddesses start to move away from them––as far away as they can.

Soon the god-realm beings whose good karma is depleted become aware that they are deteriorating.  No longer are they quite so beautiful; their “high” is wearing off.  They realize that they’ve used up all the fortunate causes they had accumulated for aeons.  Since they have a touch of clairvoyance, they can look down and see that there is nowhere to go but to a lower rebirth.  And they get no help from the other gods and goddesses, who are still absorbed in their intoxication.  This is the most pleasurable rebirth.  You suffer only as it ends.

Immediately below the long-life gods is the realm of the jealous gods.  The causes for being reborn there are power-hunger, competitiveness, and jealousy.  There is much wealth in this realm, and intoxication too, but of another sort––intoxication with power.  There is continual warfare––and the suffering which comes from it.  There is suffering, but also pleasure.  The jealous gods are very powerful, very demanding.  They engage in battle with other gods, and they sometimes become involved with other realms in order to use them for their warfare agenda.

Some say that the Old Testament God Jehovah is actually a jealous god, exhibiting the characteristics of this realm––wielding destruction and demanding exclusive allegiance.

The realm below the jealous gods is the human realm.  In this realm, old age, sickness, and death are our main sufferings.  If we live long enough, all of us experience them.  One cause for being born human––instead of appearing miraculously in the state of Enlightenment––is doubt.  Everyone in the human realm experiences doubt.  You must look at yourself as if from the outside and recognize that doubt is an obstacle to your practice.  We have the habitual tendency of only believing what we can see and hold in our hands.

We may not believe that there are non-physical realms.  Well, we’ve heard of them, and think they may possibly exist.  We think we may have lived before, but we don’t know for sure.

Right below the human realm is the animal realm, in which a rebirth results from “dullness.”  The word actually translates as “stupidity,” but we hesitate to use that term because we all love animals.  Here however we are focusing on the consciousness of animals and their inability to absorb the teachings needed to achieve Realization.  They can’t reason, they can’t be taught in the way humans can.  They’re tightly reactive, completely involved in their experience of phenomena, without any spaciousness between event and reaction.

A tiny bit of spaciousness is the difference between us and animals.  Unlike them, we can consider and formulate in a creative way some kind of impression and response.  An animal’s inability to do this is termed ignorance, or stupidity, or dullness.  Animals are preyed upon by predators, pursued and eaten by one another.  They are often at the mercy of humans, who eat them or use them for their own purposes.  Animals suffer greatly from all that.

Below the animal realm is the realm of the hungry ghosts.  These beings are not visible to our eyes, but we have information about them: the Buddha in his omniscience saw and described them.  The cause for being reborn as a hungry ghost is grasping or desire.  With very small mouths and very big stomachs, these beings are weak from hunger and hardly ever able to get what they need.  They suffer from physical and other kinds of hunger and cannot be satisfied.  They have the unfortunate karma of strange, mixed perception.

When you drink a cup of tea, it tastes like tea to you.  (To long-life gods, it would taste like the most exquisite nectar.)  Hungry ghosts would experience it as pus or another equally horrid substance.  Their perception is askew because of their greed and desire.

The lowest rebirth is in the hell realms.  The main causes for being reborn there are hatred and anger, and the suffering is tremendous.  Who can claim a mind free of anger and hatred?  If you’ve ever had a frightening nightmare from which you felt you could not escape, then you have the potential to create the phenomena of a hellish realm.  It’s the same.


© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

To download the complete teaching, click here and scroll down to How Buddhists Think


Kind words with generous intent stabilize things today.  Diplomacy is present, and how you speak to others really matters.  Do your best to point out the good things you see in others today, as opposed to rushing in with criticisms.  An important conversation full of pleasantries, seemingly insignificant, can change the course of matters.  Education and learning are highlighted.  At the very least, keep up with the news if you can’t actively undertake a discipline of study.  What you learn now will play an important role in your future, and you will thank yourself someday for stretching your mind now.  Benjamin Disraeli said “As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information.” Are you informed?

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

For the Benefit of All

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I haven’t been on twitter so much in a teaching or connecting capacity, as I am required to testify in this upcoming case between the US Government and William Cassidy, with others involved. I would prefer not to testify but there is no choice. I am the main victim, and my Ordained Sangha. It is sad it has come to this. But this is a criminal case, and laws have been broken. As well as hearts and even spirits. Many of us have suffered greatly. And grieved for Buddhism here in the west. We have done our part, screen shots, every bit of cruelty, every single threat. All these three horrible years. Now the FBI has taken this as criminal and due process is underway.

My motivation is not punitive, but a hope that hate-filled people will think before harassing women or anyone for whatever reason. I hope Buddhist Sanghas everywhere see they need not accept such abuse. Nor will I, nor should any other woman. Cyber stalking and threats, all forms of it should be eradicated from Buddhism, Dharma, and any true spiritual path.



May virtue and compassion prevail!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

United States v. William Cassidy 8:11-cr-00091

Dialogue and critical thinking are valuable gifts we share as sentient beings. Freedom of belief and freedom of expression are valuable rights we cherish in our democracy. Hatred and violent threats, however, are neither valuable nor right. In recent years, Jetsunma and KPC have been threatened repeatedly and made the target of hateful, homophobic and misogynistic epithets.These threats were reported to law enforcement and, following a full investigation conducted by FBI and U.S. Department of Justice, federal criminal charges were filed in the case of United States v. William Cassidy, 8:11-cr-00091 and he has been charged with cyberstalking.

We understand from law enforcement that, as part of that criminal investigation, search warrants were executed upon the residences of both William Cassidy and an individual named Andrew Wilson. KPC has no comment on these matters and possesses no authority over the ultimate outcome of this criminal case. The matter now is up to the courts and our criminal justice system. KPC has cooperated fully with law enforcement requests and will continue to do so.

What matters remain in our hands and in the hands of all responsible, peace-seeking and law abiding citizens is our own behavior. Persons seeking the path of truth do not taunt and seek to hurt others through hateful and demeaning epithets directed at women and sexual orientation.  That is not an esoteric concept but common decency. Hatred and fear wear many masks in our world but their true face is eventually revealed. We call upon all to engage in healthy dialogue  and critical thinking free of hatred and fear. Love, forgiveness and acceptance are the way of  peace and enlightenment.

Overcoming Life’s Obstacles

An excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo called Turning Adversity Into Felicity

Ours is not a religion that believes you can get through a room full of obstacles—which life basically is—without turning on the lights and seeing where the things are that you might trip over.  Our religion is one where we turn on the light, we look with our eyes, we do not absent ourselves from the responsibility of clear thought, of the reality of cause and effect relationships, of engaging in those practices that will clear the obstacles.

In our lives, perhaps, we might suffer from the loss of fortune.  Let’s say that we have a certain situation where we were very wealthy, we had everything that we needed, and suddenly bam! Misfortune hits.  It happens, doesn’t it?  It happens a lot.  Misfortune hits and suddenly we are no longer wealthy.  Perhaps it isn’t about money.  Perhaps it’s about relationships.  At one point, for the women, the prince rides up on the white horse and everything looks like it’s going to be happily-ever-after, you know, the Dream.  For men, the Queen of Sheba has landed in our lap somehow, and here she is with all her blazing glory.

So maybe that kind of thing has happened.  But eventually we will find that the cloud definitely has another side to it.  It has a silver lining, yes, but it has a little rain in it as well.  For many of us, we would experience some loss.  Perhaps we might think that we have everything we need, and then simply it is lost.  That might occur with our health.  Many of us, we don’t plan to die, we don’t plan to get sick, but suddenly, perhaps even at a point where we thought we were young enough and sturdy enough to have been healthy, we find that our health slips and we can no longer rely on our health.  And then, for others of us that survive all these other things without too many disasters, eventually we will get old and we will die.  So there are these situations that must be dealt with.

Now when we deal with them, should we just paste some sort of unthinking, syrupy, positive statement on top of it and therefore make it acceptable?  Should we say, “Ah, well, you know I’ve lost the great love of my life, but hey, it’s not so bad.  What’s the big deal?  I can do this!”  Or, “Once I was rich and now I’m poor, but hey, I’m a positive thinker and wealth will come to me soon, I’m sure.”  Do we think like that?  I don’t think so.

We are taught by our teachers to engage in creating the causes by which our suffering might end.  Clearly if you do not have enough fortune or money in your life, the causes by which that might come to you have not been created, or they haven’t been created in sufficient amounts.  So we turn to the guru, not with an empty prayer of, “Gee, hope you’ll land a few thousand in my box.  Just stick it in the mailbox.  I’ll pick it up tomorrow.”  You don’t pray like that.  You don’t pray to win the lottery.  That isn’t how it goes.  In our religion, the difference is that we actually pray for guidance and we use the teachings that the teacher gives us and we begin to create the causes by which we can overcome the obstacles in our lives.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo


Something serious has appeared and you must take people’s fears into consideration.  Spend time talking things over and comforting people who are worried.  Kind words carry the day today.  Take time to discuss things with your partner.  This person may have been carrying a heavy burden so long that you take it for granted.  Offer to pick up the slack.  Beware of piling more responsibility on someone who is already doing too much, and beware of “passing the buck”.  Step up to the plate and shoulder responsibility.  Recognize those who have been responsible.  Sometimes we become so accustomed to people’s support that we forget to thank them.  It’s a good day to acknowledge the efforts of others.  And it’s a great day to tell people you love them.  Elie Wiesel said “Words can sometimes, in moments of grace, attain the quality of deeds.” If you can’t do something for somebody, you can offer kind words.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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