The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:
I just finished my afternoon practice and all is well. I am enjoying this time (‘cept the heat) and it feels healing. My mind is clarifying. Again, I feel stronger. The disturbance of the last three plus years is dissipating like smoke in the sky, and I’m grateful for the blessing and rest.
The Palyul family here looks happy with the practice and Dharma activity. People who are busy with Dharma generally are relaxed and joyful. This place is so precious, one of the many gifts given to us by Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, as we need retreat to deepen.
In ordinary life we become comfortable and complacent, forgetting that we must continually make progress until full awakening, until Buddahood. We must not become dull or self-satisfied, forgetting the Tsawei Lama, and puffing up with pride. Constant practice helps. A good practitioner is always the humblest of all, never bragging about themselves, just simply and quietly attending to the Liberation and Salvation of all sentient beings. That, after all is the point, of course as samsara is filled with suffering. That is why we dedicate all merit to others, and never do harm.
Sometimes a Lama gives a wrathful display, and that is to cut through obstacles. This is a blessing. Or to protect others from some sort of downfall. But it is always done in compassion and in the spirit of Bodhicitta. To be of benefit.
Tomorrow is Vajrasattva Empowerment, and Sunday is Nyingthik Yumka, which I hope to attend. What excellent good fortune! I have not seen the students here for some time, and those I have seen are continually increasing their good qualities. How wonderful to see this testament to Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s amazing work. His footprint in this world is peerless, really. We should never forget, always enthroning the precious Guru on the Lotus Throne within our hearts. Now we have here His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche, carrying on our Tsawei Lama’s good works. We are the most fortunate of beings! May His life be long and free of any obstacles until all beings are liberated! EMAHO!
Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo. All rights reserved