
Do not speak against a kind and good man or authoritiy figure, even though the temptation is present.  Someone is working hard for the good of all.  If you’re feeling cranky, write a letter and don’t send it.  Don’t tease well meaning people. You feel like misbehaving today, but remember your karma.  A very good person is trying to solve issues, so respect the efforts that are being made.  On another front, if you drive somewhere you will get lost, lose directions, or else come at the wrong time or on the wrong day.  Mistakes abound!.  The open door lies in the direction of imagination, music, film, and relaxation.  Respect the times, and don’t attempt anything brand new.  Mercury is retrograde! Anonymous said,  “Some people march to a different drummer-and some people polka!”  You aren’t even on the same page as others, so take it easy.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Karma and Purification on the Path

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I personally know a story about a young lady who took robes of ordination as an Ani years ago. Deep habitual tendencies caused her to fall off her path and break the vows very seriously, more than once. As a lay woman she continued the pattern, there was so much rage in her, the events seemed neurotic, obsessive. She was determined to ruin her Teacher, as she imagined the downfall was her Teacher’s fault. The breakage seemed to spiral and worsen until she lost friends, and suffered terribly, as did the ones she attacked. It was a terrible mess! But she went to other Lamas and asked for advice, and to become their student. All told her she must return to her own Tsawei Lama and make amends.

How terribly difficult when so much damage to so many had been done. But she persisted. Correcting lies, doing purifying practice, applying the proper antidotes. She went to retreat and was welcomed and treated kindly. Her Guru had already taken her back. Except for one elder Lama who, when she served tea, poured it on the ground and said “you may not serve me!” as he himself had witnessed what she’d done personally, and had known the effect on all. She accepted and bowed low, wondering why everyone didn’t treat her just the same. But it was through that Lama’s activity she was instantly able to see the depth of her betrayal and was able to make confession without leaving out any details at all. She was given kind instruction from His Holiness Palyul Karma Kuchen Rinpoche and is now taking advanced teachings, much happier and her mind continues to be freed from the imprisonment of the cycle of hatred, greed and ignorance. Stage by stage she grows more free!

She repeatedly asked why she was so compelled, so intensely obsessed with harming her Teacher and Dharma. The answer, repeatedly, was a real kicker. In past lives she had made up her own path and convinced (skillfully) others to follow and practice what she taught. So in this life, although she is skillful and brilliant, it was impossible for her to keep the robes of the Buddha or to follow the path of Buddhism nicely or purely. It will take time to repair, but she is diligently applying herself. She was instructed to tell truth always and make an unshakable commitment to never behave that way again.

There is always a way to purify mistakes, but so much better to never make them in the first place. To try to teach a made-up path that causes downfall for others results in great mental instability and even insanity. Emotional equilibrium is lost. And it continues into future lives. Suffering of others is experienced by the false teacher. You will always know them by their current lives and experience. Sadly, still ignorant, they cannot see it for themselves. Karma is real, if you believe it or not. And you are experiencing it right now, and will continue until Supreme Enlightenment.

One more thing. I am so proud of her. And love her so deeply, she is a miracle.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Cause and Effect: Examining Circumstances

The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso on Ngondro, given at Kunzang Palyul Choling:

There is not one single sentient being who wishes to suffer.  That is very obvious.  Even scary animals, ghosts, and evil spirits don’t really mean to harm anybody.  They are in search of some kind of happiness.  They are looking for some kind of peace.  An evil spirit or consciousness wanders here and there and creates some kind of problem for someone.  Then that person becomes possessed by the evil spirit and there are lots of disturbances, all due to the search for happiness, but without knowing what the actual cause of happiness is.  How can one really have actual happiness?  How can one really have a peaceful life?  How can one have a happier life?  One has to understand the actual cause.  Due to ignorance, all sentient beings do not know that. Each and every sentient being wishes for happiness, but not knowing the cause of happiness, all kinds of karma, actions, thoughts, and afflicted mind, arise and worldly things are done which result in problems and suffering.

I think that Americans really don’t like to hear about suffering in the teachings.  You like to hear only about having a happy and prosperous life, about enjoyment.  You are always trying to find some kind of modern technology, some different way of doing things, because you are really trying to find happiness.  Maybe if I climb a mountain, I can enjoy life more.  Or no, maybe I’ll go bungee jumping!  That may be more enjoyable and will bring some happiness.  In that way, everybody is trying each and every thing just to experience happiness, just to experience some kind of peaceful mind. There are so many religions, so many masters, so many yogis who have appeared. When a Hindu teacher comes, then everybody goes there and listens to the yogi teaching about prana, some kind of breathing, some kind of meditation, because they think,  “If I go to this teacher, maybe I can get some kind of solution so that I can be happier.  Maybe I can have some kind of path.  Maybe I can really get something so that I can maintain a happier life.”

So everyone does whatever we do 24 hours a day. And whatever we are doing, whatever we talk to people about, it’s all in search of peace and happiness.  Not knowing the actual cause of happiness, one thinks something else may help, so one creates all kinds of karma, causing problems which ripen for oneself.  It is like a reflection, or an echo when you shout in a cave.  The same ego shouts back to you.  When you look in the mirror and make a face, the image makes the same face back at you.  In the same way, the actions one has done to other sentient beings, ripen back.  This is the cause of samsara, or cyclic existence.  Whatever peace or happiness is attained is very temporary and limited.  While worldly peace and happiness is temporary and of short duration, at the same time, one experiences lots and lots of difficulties, lots and lots of problems. One experiences suffering and struggles very hard before one can have a little bit of peace and happiness.

So experience one’s own life and others’ lives.  Sit aside and watch the universe, watch sentient beings. Watch how all these sentient beings fare.  Everything is the result of one’s own karma or whatever action one has done.  In this way, when one thinks about the suffering of sentient beings, then one could think, “How can I really apply some kind of method or practice so that I can become fully perfected, so that I may not have any more suffering—no miserable life, no birth, no death, no sickness, no old age?  How can I get rid of all this?”  There is a teaching which explains how one can really enter into a very strong practice, a practice which would produce results very fast, a practice which may have a very special skill, a special technique, so that one can have realization in this lifetime.  If one could really generate Bodhicitta or Awakening Mind, then one would feel like he really needs to get enlightened.


A serious and respectable person steadies a situation.  Give honor and deference to those who are deserving.  Someone has done a good job, and it’s important to mention their previous actions.  Be prepared to listen to details of times past.  You yourself could be reminded of something or pulled back to resolve an issue.  Try not to become frustrated.  A momentary indecision early in the day changes to a steady, confident mode of action.   An almost perfect alignment of emotion, imagination and action comes together.  An appeal to authority is productive if secret channels are used.  Do nothing openly, except dress snappily and behave well.  The action is all behind the scenes.  If you “act up” in public, you’ll be embarrassed.  Of course, as Doug Larsen says, “The only nice thing about being imperfect is the joy it brings to others.”  If you mess up, be philosophical. You just made someone’s day.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


A leader or a man makes a decision in the next few days that is based on solid reality.  Do not be impatient with the slowness of the decision, it will be a good one.  Make no effort to influence or hurry up the decision.  An opportunity is at hand, and it needs to be considered carefully. A prestigious person is in the process of negotiating a partnership, and every piece needs to be in place.  A sense of going backwards is apparent.  Something must be re-done.  Don’t sign contracts, and try not to buy anything of importance that you haven’t already settled on previously.  Be especially cautious about brand new issues that arise, they will come to nothing.  You will definitely be dealing with past  errors.  George Soros said, “There is no shame in being wrong, only in failing to correct our mistakes.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


If you wake up grumpy or moody today, let it  pass  Today’s a bit dicey, and you might find yourself in a squeeze play.  A partner needs you, you want to be free to do your own thing, the boss expects something else, and home makes demands on you!  What to do?  Use your imagination!  Go to the movies, sing a song, engage in visualization practices, or use your mind and rank order things.  Mind and imagination are the open doors today.  B.W. Proctor said “Oh , the summer night has a smile of light, and she sits on a sapphire throne.”  Activities that work best today take you away from, rather than in to, tricky issues that arise.  Escape!

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


You may feel you want to say “one more thing” today. If you do, it will change the situation entirely and a new more harmonious atmosphere will prevail. Good job! Stating the case helps in this instance, and a situation of opposite opinions can be resolved.  After the exhange of comments, emotional volatility is present.  If this describes you, see it as a side effect of the recent build-up of activity.  If someone else becomes emotional, be sympathetic. Sports, athletics and pageanty of all kinds are really nice today.  You are still encouraged to present a good face to the world.  “While you’re on earth, shine like a star, brighten the corner wherever you are!” as Mavis Staples says.  Who knew that dressing up and behaving courteously could solve life problems?  It can, today!

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


This is a happy day.  Business, technology and romance are all highlighted.  Women and children express themselves in a concise, accurate fashion.  If you want information, ask a woman or child and you will get everything you need to know…chapter and verse!  Men are loving and generous, and leaders are magnanimous, almost to a fault.  A bit of overdoing can happen.  The best way to approach someone today is through their expertise, not through their pocketbook.  Favorable contacts are made, pay attention to the people you meet!  How you appear is critical these days, so put your best foot forward.  Dressing up is an excellent way to honor others.  Mark Nepo said “One key to knowing joy is being easily pleased.”  Be easily pleased today and things go well.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Generating the Motivation

The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso given at Kunzang Palyul Choling on Ngondro:

Motherly sentient beings are spread throughout this universe.  As much as space has expanded, so sentient beings are extended throughout space.  We cannot perceive the edge of space, and in the same way, we cannot perceive the numbers of sentient beings.  Visualize the countless sentient beings that exist in this universe, and in the thousands and millions of other universes, which are also filled up with thousands and millions, countless, sentient beings.  Visualize and understand all sentient beings as one’s mother. And taking them as one’s mother, then generate compassion, realizing and experiencing the suffering of all sentient beings—all the different kinds of suffering, all the different kinds of obstacles, all the miserable lives.  Experience all these for oneself.  If one really tries to experience that, there is no way that one cannot generate compassion. You must generate compassion for all motherly sentient beings.  When you have compassion, then you really want to know how to help all these sentient beings. “How can I benefit these sentient beings?  I need some kind of energy, some kind of power.  I need all the qualities whereby I can benefit all sentient beings so that they can be liberated from cyclic existence, from the suffering of samsara.

When one has this strong desire to benefit sentient beings, then there is a way, a possibility, that one can give rise to the Bodhicitta, or the Awakening Mind. One thinks, “Now I need to get some kind of realization.  I really need some kind of power or energy or noble qualities or omniscient mind.  I really need to get enlightenment.  Otherwise how can I benefit all these sentient beings?  How can I help them?  How can I liberate them from cyclic existence?”


Everybody’s feeling good right now. You’ll have to look long and hard to find a reason to complain.  Men and women are in sync, and kids are happy to join in.  The house of creativity, sports, kids, fun and love is highlighted.  So do something in that area.  You can enchant somebody, or be enchanted, by being yourself. Fall in love?  Why not?  A magnetic energy that can resolve differences and put everybody in a good light is pervasive. If you’re a detail person or someone in charge of adding things up, do it with a smile on your face.  Be generous, be merciful.  You’ll overspend for sure to impress somebody.  But it’s worth it.  Mark Nepo said “In a world that lives like a fist mercy is no more than waking with your hands open.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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