
Lots of activity on the home front!  You’re divided between the demands of your job and the demands of your home.  Don’t try to bring the two together (don’t bring your kids to work or your work home!).  Separate the two, work and home, work and home.  Someone genuinely loves you and is willing to commit to you. Romance is not only possible but likely.  Have a mid-week party!  You are able to wear two hats during this time…serious on the job and joyous in love and fun. Continue to dress as well as humanly possible.  Your entire situation can depend on making a good impression on someone you don’t even know is watching you. Mark Nepo said “Just as the warmth of summer can make a cricket sing, the qualityof being held enlivens the heart.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

A Treasury of Wisdom and Blessing

The following are some teachings from other Lineages:

Terton Sogyal Rinpoche: On Ignorance

Surely one of the most heart-breaking aspects of our lives is that we cannot recognize the fundamental cause of our suffering. Isn’t it curious how we can not detect ignorance at work? But, you see, this lack of awareness is exactly what ignorance, ‘ma rigpa’ in Tibetan, is.

For full teaching go to:

From Khenchen Palden Sherab: Cause and Effect

Now we shall explore the third attitude, the cause and effect system. This is also known as the understanding of the system of the cause and effect. Everything really depends upon the cause and effect system. The law of cause and effect is always working. If a cause and condition are present, there will definitely be a result. Results must come from their causes and conditions. Right causes and conditions produce right results or effects. This never alters. This always operates. If we don’t have the right causes and conditions, there will not be right results no matter how much we hope or expect them. If we have the right causes and conditions, definitely the right results will come. It is inevitable. Even if we say we don’t want them, the results will definitely show up. Inwardly everything is like this also.  Positive inward causes and conditions bring positive inward results. Negative inward causes and  conditions bring negative inward results. Mixed positive and negative inward causes and conditions bring mixed inward results or effects. Knowledge of the cause and effect system is very important in Buddhism. Karma is the name of this system. You are the one who gets the results of your own causes and conditions. You are the producer of your own causes and conditions; you are therefore the producer of your own effects. Whatever you do, the results will come to you. By understanding this system, we can learn the importance of having more positive attitudes. Reduce your negative activities, and learn more positive activities. This is the lesson of this line of the text.Cause and effect are inevitable.

For the full teaching go to:

From Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche: Cause and Effect

The third ordinary foundation practice is the truth of karma, cause and effect. Unfortunately, many deluded people believe that although death may be a very harrowing experience, after it has occurred, one is then completely free. Some believe that once you’re dead, things are all taken care of for you, as if somebody picks you up and puts you in a very enjoyable place where there are all kinds of pleasant entertainments. Other people believe that after death there is nothing, all experience just abruptly ends. There’s no good or evil, it’s just ashes to ashes and that’s that. Of course, such attitudes are the epitome of ignorance, and reveal a total lack of wisdom. It is utter delusion to believe that there will be no suffering, only pure enjoyment awaiting you after death. It is grievous that people do not realize that we are experiencing this life and its various conditions because of our conduct in previous lives.

Sometimes we think that once we are dead we will experience a very magical realm, and that even if we face suffering we’ll have the ability to immediately transform it. But how could this possibly be done? We should use our intelligence and other abilities now, while we have time, to see through our delusions. For instance, if it’s winter and you want it to be summer, no matter how much you long for the seasons to change, you are powerless to do anything about it. And if you are sick and want to be healthy again, you can’t just miraculously cure yourself. All suffering and experiences of the phenomenal world are caused by our habitual patterns and our karmic accumulations, and these are the materials with which you must work.

Furthermore, when somebody says that nothing exists after death, that you are free of suffering because you’re dead and it’s all finished, that is a very ignorant attitude. It’s something like standing before a blazing fire and telling somebody that if they close their eyes and jump into it, it’ll be okay. This will of course just make the situation worse. It’s a simple refusal to acknowledge reality, a wishful desire to escape the order of things. But it doesn’t change anything. It will only make reality that much more difficult to face. It’s also akin to playing around on the edge of a cliff, believing you won’t fall off. But then, once you’ve fallen, and you’re in midair, it’s completely useless to say to yourself, “Oh no, I hope I land softly.” No matter how much wishful thinking you do at that point, it won’t help you at all.

For the full teaching go to:

Contemplating this Precious Opportunity by Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso

The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso given at Kunzang Palyul Choling on Ngondro:

The Four Thoughts that turn the mind from samsara are very important.  Our minds are distracted by this world.  We practice a little bit, and then get distracted, thinking life is good — eating pizza in the restaurant, going to the beach on weekends, and enjoying ourselves.  It is really nice.  One could have a very happy life with one’s family, and eating, and experiencing all those happy experiences.  At the end of life, if one could not have the continuation of that kind of happiness in the next lifetime and many future lifetimes, one may get a little upset and think, “I should have done something.  I have just been going to the beach, the mountains, camping, bungee jumping, and all that.  I’ve spent my time doing all that, but I really didn’t do anything.”  Then all one’s karma ripens.  Whether you believe in karma or not, understand it or not, it doesn’t matter.  Whether you are a Christian or a Buddhist or a Hindu or a Jew or a Muslim, in cyclic existence, karma is the life process.  It is the nature of cyclic existence itself.  So that nature ripens to everybody.  Everyone experiences that.  After death, if one has to bear all different kinds of suffering, then one may experience some regret.

This is how one has a very happy life.  You can have entertainment, but at the same time have a kind of entertainment which really makes sense, which you can carry with you.  On weekends, you could come here and participate in a tsog offering or a puja or some kind of a practice.  While you are doing the practice, you may experience some minor problems with your knees or sitting or doing prostrations, but still you are bearing some karma and having some purification.  After all, you could have something you can really carry with you after death.  It is as the Buddha, who is fully enlightened, has explained.  Jetsunma has also explained all this a number of times.  The important thing to realize here is that this precious human birth is one in which one could really become involved in practice, in which one could become involved with the Dharma teachings, in which one could really become involved in Dharma activities.  If one could really have some time to apply to practice, then this becomes a precious human birth.

First Noble Truth


by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

An excerpt from a Teaching called “How Buddhists Think”

The Buddha’s first teaching dealt with what is now called “The Four Noble Truths.”  This is the basis for everything he taught later.  If it is not understood, then Buddhism will not be understood.

The Buddha taught that cyclic existence, the entire cycle of death and rebirth with all its phenomena, is pervaded by suffering.  If you disagree with that, just look at a newspaper.  Most people’s lives are affected by war, by hunger, by old age; we will all experience sickness and death.  Other forms of sentient life have similar suffering, and it also pervades their lives.

The Buddha does not deny that some happiness exists.  Is there not joy in the drug-like process of falling in love, in loving relationships, in the birth of a child, in acquiring wealth, in seeing and having beautiful things, in enjoying nature and simply feeling good on a good day?

But there is a form of suffering that we all share: every joy has a point of termination.   The Buddha taught that all things are impermanent.  Short-term loves break our hearts when they fail to endure.  Then we revert to our habitual loneliness, anger, and unhappiness.  Even life-long loves and marriages end in separation.

The bottom-line cause of suffering, the Buddha taught, is desire.  And what causes desire to arise?  At a point so unimaginably long ago that it’s called “time out of mind,” there arose the idea of self-nature as inherently real and as separate from “other.”  This fixation on the duality of subject and object is the persistent skeletal structure for all experience.  Until you achieve realization, all the experiences you have derive from this misperception.

Copyright ©  Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


Emotional caution is appropriate today.  Behave in a dignified manner in public, others are watching you.  If you see someone in need, help out.  Albert Einstein said “The world is a dangerous place not because of people who do evil, but because of good people who look on and do nothing about it.” If you can change a situation by intervening, do so, even in small ways. Stop a bully, comfort a crying child. Today you can help.  A generous person is near you and notices  what you do.  Hold yourself to the highest standards. If you exchange information with someone, be sure that you understand what you’ve received.  Double check.  A kind man or authority figure is in the environment, and love is in the air!

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

#TroyParrot URGENT: Rescue Parrots in Troy

Links to story about birds:


Owner: Doug Ratcliff – who currently is refusing to allow volunteers to feed and water

10 birds have been rescued and are being cared for at Dayton South Veterinary Clinic but dozens more are remain in wretched conditions at the home, 30 birds have already died.

Initially Ratcliff allowed members of the Miami Valley Bird Club to rescue the 10 birds, and to begin offering food and water to those that remained. However, in an interview with a veterinarian in the article above:

““Now, he has put a stop on everything, and they are no longer allowed to go in and feed, clean or water,” Brauer said.”

Please help save the parrots! Here is contact information for government officials:


Senator Sherrod Brown  in Washington DC

Phone 202 224 2315

Send Senator Brown a letter via

Governor John Kasich

Phone 614 466 3555

Send a letter via

Humane Officer Sharon Karns
phone: (937)216-0070

Miami County Humane Society Director Terese Lynn
phone: (937) 698-7322
phone 2: (937) 335-9955
email: [email protected]

Prosecutor Lenee Brosh
phone: (937) 440-3928

phone: (740) 420-2984
email: [email protected]

Miami County Animal Shelter Director Marcia Doncaster
phone: (937) 332-6919

HSUS Ohio State Director
web form: http://www.humanesociety.o​rg/forms/states/contact_oh​io_director.html

Union Township
phone: (937) 698-4480
fax: (937) 698-6171
email: [email protected]

Prosecutor Gary Nasal
phone: (937) 440-5960
email: [email protected]

Miami County Health Department
phone: (937) 440-8105
email: [email protected]

Speaker of the House Congressman John Boehner
phone: (937) 339-1524

Mayor Michael L. Beamish
phone: (937) 339-1221
fax: (937) 339-8601
email: [email protected]

Congressman Michael Tuner
phone: (937) 225-2843
fax: (937) 225-2752

Senator Rob Portman
Phone: (202) 224-3353

Tri-State County Animal Response Team
phone: (513) 702-8373

Concord Township
phone: (937) 339-1492
fax: (937) 332-1828
email: [email protected]


Union Township Trustees

President – Jim Albaugh  ph – 937-698-6432


Vice President  – Bill O’Brien ph – 937-698-4216


Trustee at large – Phil Mote  ph – 937-947-1217


Fiscal Officer – Majorie Coate
















Strong emotions are present.  Be quite careful in how you approach authority figures.  They may see you as a hothead or worse.  Emotional volatility is high.  Do not face things head on.  Instead look for a partner or a wise person to be your sounding board.  Your thinking may have skipped a step or sound unreasonable to others.  You need feedback now. Someone can comment on your concerns and give you a different perspective. Love is still here, and a hunch or intuitive perception is right on the money.  Look to the big picture, remember your over arching goals, and you’ll know which direction to take.  General Omar Bradley said “We need to learn to set our course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

The Bodhisattva Vow

The following is the Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony as recited daily at Palyul Ling in New York, from the Nam Cho Daily Practice:

Gaining the Attention of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas Prior to Taking the Bodhisattva Vow

All buddhas who reside in the ten directions, transcendent accomplished conquerors,

All great bodhisattvas who dwell on the tenth bhumi, and

All gurus, great vajra holders–

Please turn your attention towards me!

Taking Refuge Prior to Taking the Bodhisattva Vow

Until the heart of enlightenment is realized,

I take refuge in all the buddhas.

In the dharma and the and the assembly

Of bodhisattvas, similarly I go for refuge!

Recite three times

Taking the Actual Bodhisattva Vow

Just as the sugatas of the past

Have aroused the awakened mind of bodhicitta,

And trained in the way of the bodhisattvas

To gradually accomplish the stages of development,

Similarly, for the benefit and purpose of beings,

By awakening the bodhicitta

And training in the conduct of the bodhisattvas,

I shall gradually practice the levels of training.

Rejoicing in Having Taken the Bodhisattva Vow for the Sake of All Sentient Beings

Today my life has become meaningful;

The meaning of this human existence is now realized.

Today I am reborn in the family of the buddhas

And have become an heir of the enlightened ones!

Now, no matter what occurs hereafter,

My activities will be in conscientious accordance with my family,

And I shall never engage in conduct that could

Possibly sully this faultless noble family!

Like a blind man finding a precious jewel

From amidst a heap of refuse,

Similarly, this occasion is such

That today I have given rise to the awakened mind.

Today, before all of my objects of refuge,

All beings and all those who have gone beyond,

I call to bear witness as guests of this occasion,

Where all devas, titans, and other join together to rejoice!

The precious, supreme bodhicitta:

If unborn, may it arise;

If generated, may it never diminish;

And may it remain ever-increasing!

Never without bodhicitta,

Absorbed in the conduct of the awakened ones,

And being held fast by all of the buddhas,

May all demonic activities be fully abandoned!

May all the bodhisattvas

Accomplish their altruistic intention to fulfill the needs of beings!

Whatever intention these protectors may have,

May it be realized for the purpose of those beings!

May all sentient beings be endowed with bliss!

May all the lower realms be permanently empty!

May all the bodhisattvas, on whatever stage they abide,

Fully accomplish all their aspirations!


Has the excitement hit yet?  Something’s coming your way, and if it already happened, no problem.  It’s unavoidable, and when it’s over something will be resolved. Issues from the past continue to pop up.  This is an excellent day to travel, assuming you made your plans in advance.  Someone can give you news that is really pleasing and fills a gap in your knowledge. “Big Picture” thinking is available and it’s as though you’re looking at life from a vast perspective.  You can see exactly where you’re going, similar to looking at a street map.  Two blocks,  turn left and there’s your destination.  Happiness is in the picture, and love is on the map. Take it, and forget the problems.  They’ll still be here tomorrow. C.W. Metcalf said, “Take your work seriously but yourself lightly.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Training the Mind

The following is from a twitter conversation between Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo and one of her followers:


Yet peace must begin with self: smrti, samadhi, prajna. Paradox or universal elegance?
I mean, am I missing something, or isn’t this dynamic at the very core of engaged Buddhism in the 21st century?


Yes, I do think you are missing something.  There are outer, inner, and secret views. Outer we must practice altruism. Inwardly one must practice Buddhism for the sake of Liberating all beings ultimately. Secretly, one must awaken Bodhicitta, and understand  that all appearances are fundamentally empty of self nature, there is no object or subject. Yet we are operating with relative view and there is suffering to be healed. Our very nature is Buddha, and that is the Bodhicitta. We must actively engage yet be fully aware of emptiness, and train the mind.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

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