
A happy event kicks off the day.  Pay attention to what is in your mind early in the day, it is pointing you in a direction that is fortunate.  If you act on your inner wisdom you won’t be mistaken. Domestic or emotional issues are paramount and you must deal with them.  You can handle a long standing issue or complete a project that is emotionally significant to you.  Pay special attention to men or important people.  Their pride and feeling of self worth needs your positive input.  If someone has behaved in a worthy manner, now is the time to tell them how much this means to you.  People need support now, not criticism.  Write respectful reviews, praise others.  Their future activitiy depends on what you say.  Chippewa wisdom says, “It is good to tell one’s heart.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Love is good today, and men are wonderful!  Authority figures are magnetic and extremely loving.  A component of charm and pizzaz lights up the day. Appearance is crucial today, so show others how much you value them by dressing up!  At the same time, a savvy business deal is in the works.  You can make a purchase that is excellent, and if you become emotional about something pay attention! The issue that has triggered your energy is significant, don’t sweep it under the rug.  You continue to deal with issues from the past.  You may be reviewing a decision from the past.  You’re lucky, you don’t often get a chance to re-do things and make them better.  Lakota wisdom says, “The Great Spirit is not perfect:  it has a good side and a bad side.   Sometimes the bad side gives us more knowledge than the good side.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

I Will Follow

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

How comes this one?
He speaks no truth to me.
Nor to the visions I do see, he has nothing.
And if only he could see it so-
Maybe time will let him go.

I do grieve, not for hurtful misdeeds,
But, for flowers and hours of beauty, relentless bliss at the fiery tent.
I can’t resent
I’ll always follow…


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


All systems go today!  Energy plus dignity equals success!  A forward action that you have planned previously is excellent!  You have the energy and the enthusiasm to make things happen.  Something you have always wanted to do is coming to fruition.  Be steady in your convictions and firm in your motivation.  Success is at hand.  Accept it gracefully, as part of the scene. Be grateful and be happy.  Give people a great big blimpey smile!  Anne Frank said “We all live with the objective of being happy. Our lives are all different and yet the same.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Harry’s Romp: The Power of Love

On July 17th Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo learned of a pekingese named “Gary” who had been dumped at a shelter. His hair was matted, his nails overgrown, his muscles atrophied from being kenneled without adequate exercise. He had scars from cigarette burns, and it was later discovered his jaw had been broken and never healed properly. Jetsunma immediately committed to adopting him.

With the help of Ani Kunzang from Tara’s Babies and Ani Pema arrangements were made for Harry to receive necessary veterinary care before joining Jetsunma’s “pack.” On July 31st, having recovered from a contagious respiratory infection, Harry arrived at Jetsunma’s home so weak he had difficulty walking.

Today, nourished by all the love and support…

May all beings be free of suffering!




Heads up!  Action happens today.  Beware of hotheads or those who urge unconsidered action.  The leader only wants peace, but others are agitated.  Look to the leader, don’t pay attention to agitators.  Why not? They won’t be successful!  Head toward a direction that supports kindness, thoughtfulness and dignity.  Why?  That’s where the success lies!  Deals are being negotiated and re-negotiated.  The spinning roulette wheel has not stopped, so don’t think things are settled just yet.  If you meet assertive people who are insistent on their views, treat them with kindness and respect (the keyword for this time) and do not commit.  On a different front, finances go swimmingly. It’s a good time for investments, but nothing brand new!  Manage money carefully, and those who have given in the past will give again.  A special energy is flowing that is very friendly to love.  Be there or be square!  John Wesley said “Beware you not be swallowed up in books!  An ounce of love is worth a pound of knowledge.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


The Mountain of Burnt Offerings

The following is from the Nam Cho Daily Practice Book from Palyul Ling

Seven-Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche

HUNG In the northwest country of Uddiyana,

Born in the pollen heart of a lotus,

Endowed with the most marvelous spiritual attainments,

You are renowned as the “Lotus Born.”

Surrounded by a retinue of many Dakinis

Following in your footsteps,

I pray to you, please come forth and grand your blessings!



The Mountain of Burnt Offerings is Herein Contained


“The Mountain of Burnt Offerings” is an instruction taken from Lhatsun’s “Vidyadhara-Achievers of Life Force.” To do this practice, prepare some auspicious things such as good quality wood, incense, medicine, and three white and three sweet substances, flour etc. Place them inside a clean container or hearth; light a fire and sprinkle them with clean water.

First Refuge


Of all the refuges in samsara and nirvana present throughout space, the quintessence

Is the power and wrathful vidyadhara, Pema To Treng Tsal.

The phenomenal world is totally perfected within his body as a Buddha mandala.

We take refuge so all beings may cross over unenlightened existence.

(Repeat three times)




We generate Bodhicitta on the ground (alaya) of the sphere (bindhu),

The supremely secret, clear light and ultimate wisdom.

So all beings may purify the three obscurations,

And attain the spontaneously self-perfected bindu of body, speech and mind, and through the four spontaneous visions, attain liberation in the youthful vase body.

(Repeat three times)


Seven Part Suppliation


I pay homage to the continuously present and unmodified nature of pure presence (rigpa.)

I offer the clear light, freedom from depths and limits.

I confess within the vast expanse, the equality of samsara and nirvana.

I rejoice in the great wearing out of reality, freedom from conception.

I ask you to always turn the wheel of dharma, the great perfection,

And to churn up the depths of samsara.

Free from the limiting three conceptions, I dedicate this to reaching the far limit.




From the dimension of primordial ultimate reality and the unceasing potency,

In Pema To Treng: white-reddish body, youthful and handsome.

The brightness of his noble symbols and marks are blazing, holding vajra and kapala,

Perfectly adorned with majestic ornaments and garments.

Imagined form and wisdom are not separate; the form embodies all enlightened beings,

The great splendor of everything within samsara and nirvana.



(Recite mantra many times)




Based on emptiness, the burnt substances are transformed into inexhaustible amrita

That emanates throughout space massive clouds of vast desirable qualities.

(Bless with the three syllables, the repeat the treasury mantra three times:)




Inside a vast container made from the essence of vajra jewels,

Objects pleasing to the senses of mundane existence, the samaya substances,

Blessed by the three syllables become wisdom amrita.

Offering clouds pleasing to the senses swirl throughout the phenomenal world.

These are offered to the lamas, yidams, dakinis and Dharma protectors;

To however many Buddha mandalas there are in the ten directions;

To our other guests, the Dzambuling lords of the land, the six kinds of beings and those to whom we owe karmic debts;

Particularly to those who steal life and life force,

Those who send illness, elemental spirits who stir up obstacles,

Those who send bad signs and indications in our dreams and send all kinds of bad omens,

The eight types of demons who are masters of malevolent magical projections,

Those to whom we owe karmic debts of food, housing and wealth,

Demons who are masters of obscurations, demons who cause insanity, male and female ghosts,

Demons who cause fatal accidents, demons who take the essence of health and wealth, other demons who live in cities, all male and female demons.

As the red flames burn, karmic debts are paid back.

Whatever is desired arises as desirable qualities.

As long as there is a sky,

We form the intention that these desirable qualities be inexhaustible!

The negativities and obscuration we have accumulated in the three times

And our incorrect use of offerings to the three jewels or for the benefit of the dead,

Are purified by the flames offered in this burnt generosity.

Each flame is an atom containing the entire phenomenal world.

Inexhaustible masses of Kuntuzangpo offering clouds.

Thoroughly permeate the pure realms of all Buddhas.

Flames radiate offering clouds of five-colored wisdom lights,

Pervading the six realms of existence, even the worst hell realm (Avici,)

The three planes of samsara are liberated in the luminous form of the rainbow body.

May all beings awaken to the very heart of enlightenment.



(Recite the three syllables 100 or 1000 times etc, and then:)


In an immeasurable container, the three dimensions of existence (kayas,)

The ultimate, blissful and manifest form aggregates of the phenomenal world

Melts into amrita, filling space with rainbow lights.

This inexhaustible, quintessential amrita of samsara and nirvana,

Since forever and until now,

Is totally dedicated to our guests in the phenomenal world.

Having perfected the levels, paths and fruition qualities,

And having completely dispelled the obstacles to view, meditation and action,

Within the dynamic space-like dimension of Kuntuzangpo’s realization,

May we attain the immortality of the youthful vase body.

When the great ocean of samsara is empty,

May we awaken in Akanishta, land of the lotus nets.

Aggregates and elements are burnt substances blazing radiantly and brilliantly.

White and red bodhicitta are burnt substances blazing blissfully yet non-substantially.

Emptiness and compassion are burnt substances pervading the dimension of real existence (dharmadhatu.)

Within the phenomenal world, in the ground of the five vajra lights of samsara and nirvana,

We offer the burnt substances of spontaneously self perfected and complete enlightenment.

May all previous karmic debts be purified.

May they not remain in our present stream of being; we openly admit our errors.

In the future, may we not experience cyclic obscurations.

As to the vows and trainings of the pratimoksha, bodhisattva and vidyadhara paths,

And the many kinds of secret mantra commitments (samayas,)

We openly admit all breeches committed consciously or unconsciously.

May all illness, demons, obscurations and impurities be purified.

May the times of plague, famines, and weapons be pacified.

May the times of foreigners invading the central land be averted.

May the obstacle of the guru being invited to manifest Dharma elsewhere be averted.

May inauspicious bad omens for the country of Tibet be averted.

May the planetary forces, nagas and king-like spirits who take away our life force be repelled.

May the eight great fears and sixteen lesser ones be averted.

Where ever we live, may all inauspiciousness be averted.

May the power, strength and energy of demonic forces be repelled.



When accumulating, start again from “Drung”


At the End:


May all the Buddhas be pleased with these offerings.

May the minds of the oath-bound ones be satisfied.

May the desires of the six kinds of beings be satisfied.

May our karmic debts and debts of the flesh be purified.

May the two accumulations be completed.

May the karmic traces of the two obscurations be purified.

May the two sacred dimensions be attained.

Through the power of this vast and great generosity,

May we become self arisen Buddhas for the benefit of beings.

May all beings who were not liberated by previous Buddhas,

Be liberated through this generosity.

May the elemental spirits who are living here or visiting,

Living on earth, under it, in the sky or wherever,

Always be loving towards beings,

And practice Dharma day and night.

Through this virtue may all beings

Perfectly accumulate merit and wisdom,

And from this merit and wisdom,

May they attain two sacred dimensions.

Not clothed with exertion and effort,

May it happen auspiciously that the wish fulfilling tree,

Fulfill the hopes of beings,

and accomplish their intention.

(Thus recite the words of auspiciousness and dedication.)


This practice is known as the diamond practice. It can prolong life and remove obstacles, particularly those with unpaid karmic debts. This was revealed in Sikkim, the secret hidden land, to Namkha Jigmed by the dakinis who revealed it to him as the practice which opens the gate to the secret land.

Blessings of the Tsawei Lama

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

An incense offering to be made first thing every morning with the purest intention and incense.

“This pure supreme incense, which bears the scent of pure moral self-discipline, by the blessings of mantra, mudra and samadhi.
Is offered to the realms of the buddhas. May this fragrant incense completely please and satisfy the ocean-like assembly of buddhas!


This is a sacred way to begin the practice or start one’s day. One can also offer morning tea or coffee with ring finger on right hand, flicking the substance with finger in all directions with mindfulness.

Sadly it is often the case that practitioners perform a session every day, then forget to carry it forward, to bear it always. One way to antidote that is making morning offerings, and placing the Tsawei Lama above the crown of one’s head. Carrying that samaya is beautiful. Every moment think the Lama lights your way, protective and enlightening all.

To ready for sleep , the Lama descends through the central channel into the heart chakra where the Lama is enthroned on the lotus throne in the heart. From there, Tsawei Lama radiates compassion and wisdom all through the night. Upon awakening move Lama up to above the head, and there Tsawei Lama remains and blesses us all.

One may recite mantra before placing Tsawei Lama above head and on heart. And signs may occur. Like: auspicious dreams or other miraculous visions!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


Two different modes prevail today.  A gentle sensitivity from a woman or child is inspiring, and a regal man or leader is impressively elegant. You don’t need to choose, but you’re dealing with a helping agenda and also a being impressed agenda.  Leaders have pulled out all the stops and they are giving it all they have.  If this describes you, go for it!  Do not fail to look your best as you go about your day.  Your appearance can radiate a confidence and kindness that inspires others.  You are in the spotlight!  If you must answer questions about the past, be dignified.  Past issues are still being resolved.  A decision to give for a worthy cause reaps incalculable benefits. Praise those who deserve praise.  Winston Churchill, that master wordsmith, said “Meeting Franklin Roosevelt was like opening your first bottle of champagne; knowing him was like drinking it.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

The Importance of a Qualified Teacher

The following is an excerpt from a teaching by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche on Meditation, reprinted here with permission from Palyul Ling International:

Emptiness is not something like just remaining there without having thoughts or anything at all. It has been said in the texts that if one does not know how to meditate properly on emptiness, then one can fall into the wrong pot. So one has to investigate the true nature of the mind in order to really establish its absolute nature as emptiness, and this must be maintained through the practice of meditation.

Emptiness which is merely emptiness, and the emptiness which is the nature of mind, are two different things. The one emptiness is kind of like nothingness. This kind of nothingness emptiness in the Dharma teachings is explained by the example of the rabbit’s horn – something which does not exist at all. But the emptiness of the mind, which does not have any form or colors or shape, is in certain ways non-existing, but at the same time this mind is everything. It is that which creates all these samsaric phenomena and all the nirvana phenomena.

When you do meditation practice, it is good to cut through all these conceptual thoughts. To be without any such thoughts and then to remain in meditation is very beneficial. This is what is known as samatha or tranquility meditation. If one carries through with such meditation practice for awhile, one begins to have some stability of the mind, and then it is easier to achieve the vipassana or insight meditation practices.

All Dharma teachings and practices have to follow through the proper lineage. That is to say, the lama, the master, must be really qualified to give these teachings. Then the disciple, the practitioner, if he or she has really strong devotion or faith, can understand through his or her actual practice. There is no other way to give and receive these teachings.

So the lama, the master, must have that quality by which he can “read” the disciple’s mind. When the lama has that quality – the knowledge by which he realizes the mind-stream of the practitioner – then according to that knowledge he can give the right introduction of the nature of the mind. For example, when the lama examines a practitioner, he can directly experience whether or not the practitioner has the actual recognition of the nature of the mind.³

Other than that kind of direct mind-to-mind interaction, there is no way to explain, “Oh, the nature of mind is something like this.” There are no words to handle it. If there was any kind of expressway diagram about the nature of the mind, then we could just draw it and then explain, “Here! This is the nature of mind!” So it is important to carry through all the practices, constantly watching through the samatha meditation practice, getting used to that kind of concentration of mind, so that there can be a way for one to have the true recognition of mind.

The Tibetan word, “lama,” means the Unsurpassable Teacher. The “la” is based on the quality of the realization and the “ma” symbolizes the mother, the loving-kindness and affection that one needs to have, just like a mother gives to her children. All the past, present and future Buddhas obtained Enlightenment by relying upon the lama². There is not any Buddha who just by him or herself attained Enlightenment.

The lama, the master, means someone that has complete knowledge about all these practices. So all who just have a red cloth are not lamas. Those also who wear yellow clothes, they are not necessarily lamas! Someone who has true purification and realization internally is who is known as the lama³. And the lama’s mind-stream must have the genuine Bodhicitta to benefit all sentient beings.

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